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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. Micro can you check my order? About the web hosting! Thanks the page said i don't pay but i pay using the CashU Service !
  2. iPrestege

    Team Help

    createTeam addCommandHandler player element setPlayerTeam
  3. والله اللي اعرفه انة ذي الداتا غيرهـ مآعندي .. !
  4. getIDFromName > getVehicleIDFromName
  5. المفروض يشتغل ذي الداتا .. ضايفة للادمنية؟
  6. @ Sasuke This is my code i give it to some one on the arabic section and the code should work fine!
  7. Post the whole script you're code make no sense at all.
  8. Wow looks nice on the video good luck man and keep it up the good job .
  9. This code make no sense at all post you're whole code and it's server or client side?
  10. vehicle = {} local marker = createMarker (246.7275390625,62.3232421875,1003.640625, "cylinder", 2,0, 0, 255,255) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",marker, function ( player ) if ( getElementType ( player ) == ( "player" ) ) then if ( vehicle[player] and isElement ( vehicle[player] ) ) then destroyElement ( vehicle[player] ) end vehicle[player] = createVehicle ( id , x , y , z ) end end ) لم يتم التجربة سيرفر ! بدل : id = موديل السيارهـ ! x,y,z = احداثيات الانشاء !
  11. createMarker "onMarkerHit" getElementType createVehicle
  12. iPrestege


    Sorry but this nothing make no sense where is the "Pastebing Url" ?
  13. Will i entered the marker and work's fine.
  14. Post the client and server side you are using now.
  15. There's no need read the wiki.
  16. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewforum.php?f=160
  17. local images = { "1.png","2.png","3.png" } local id = 1 addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",BOTONRIGHT, function ( ) if id then id = id + 1 else id = id - 1 end if id < 1 then id = #images end if id > #images then id = 1 end guiStaticImageLoadImage ( BOTONRIGHT , images [ id ] ) end,false ) Try it .
  18. Don't destroy the marker when you leave it.
  19. Of course because the marker has been destroyed .
  20. iPrestege

    What is bad ?

    You're welcome . @ Best there's no need for it.
  21. iPrestege

    What is bad ?

    Try it : --HEAVY SHOP marker1 = createMarker (213.39999,1878.90002,16.6,"cylinder",1.5,0,0,225,100) pedammusf = createPed (179,290.187,-111.514,1001.51) setElementInterior(pedammusf,6) setElementFrozen(pedammusf,true) function showGUI (jugador) if (source == marker1) then triggerClientEvent (jugador,"showGUI",getRootElement(),jugador) end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit",getRootElement(),showGUI) function giveminigun () giveWeapon (source,38,999,true) setTimer ( takeheavy, 10000, 1,source ) end addEvent("giveminigun",true) addEventHandler("giveminigun",getRootElement(),giveminigun) function giverocket () giveWeapon (source,35,999,true) setTimer ( takeheavy, 10000, 1,source ) end addEvent("giverocket",true) addEventHandler("giverocket",getRootElement(),giverocket) function takeheavy ( player ) takeWeapon(player,38) end --HEAVY SHOP
  22. iPrestege

    What is bad ?

    Post the whole code .
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