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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. Yep Sorry Am Just Like To Help People With Out Tell Them What's The Problem Just If He / She Ask .
  2. ما انتبهت له , + true في الكانسل مآ تأثر ؟ لا .
  3. جرب كذآ : Vehicle = {} addEvent("nothing", true) addEventHandler("nothing",root, function ( ) Vehicle[source] = createVehicle ( 473,-1457.09363,1022.52289,0.67758,0.89540588855743,2.3755996153341-005,269.57095336914 ) warpPedIntoVehicle(source,Vehicle[source]) createBlipAttachedTo(Vehicle[source],9) setElementModel (source,45) end ) addEventHandler("onVehicleStartExit",root, function () if ( source == ( Vehicle[source] ) ) then cancelEvent( true ) end end )
  4. The best وين الفنكشن؟
  5. حياكـ الله ..
  6. showCursor ( true ) if isCursorShowing() This is you're problem replace it with you're .
  7. createMarker ( -1520.64453, 1014.02814, 7.18750 - 1, "cylinder",2,255,0,0.5,255)
  8. createMarker ( -1520.64453, 1014.02814, 7.18750 - 0.5, "cylinder",2,255,0,0.5,255)
  9. ورني وش سويت ؟
  10. سوي في الاحداثي z - 0.5 وجرب !
  11. اي كود مسحتة شفت رد سعد ذذ لا صح حقي ذذ ورني كودكـ اللي تسوي بة السيارهـ
  12. !ما فهمتك ؟ شوف المتغيرات وتفهم .. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=160&t=58417
  13. -- وين حط فواصل ذذ
  14. ! هذا منتدى لتعلم البرمجة لو مو حاب تتعلم أو تبي شي جاهز, كلم واحد من المبرمجين ويسويه لك بلفوس, أو دور على نفس طلبك بالمنتدى ماتحسة ذا ياخذ اكوادك ؟ الجداول و الاكواد ؟
  15. جايب 2.24081158638-0.00031513909925707270.13363647461 رقم بدون فواصل ؟
  16. كودكـ صحيح مآفية آي شيء !
  17. addCommandHandler("xDD", function () local x,y,z = getElementRotation (localPlayer) setClipboard(""..x..""..y..""..z.."") end )
  18. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=160&t=58398
  19. iPrestege

    Team Help

    meta.xml only read here : meta.xml
  20. iPrestege

    Team Help

    See this code it's server side script learn from it : local Criminal = createTeam ( "Criminal" , 155 , 0 ,0 ) -- Create a New Team With 'Criminal' Name addCommandHandler ( "Criminal" , -- Add 'Criminal' Command Handler function ( player ) -- Create a New Function . if ( isElement ( player ) ) then -- Check The Player Element. if ( getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(player)) == ( "Criminal" ) ) then -- Check If The Player Already On The 'Criminal' Team . outputChatBox("* You Are Already On The 'Criminal' Team!",player,255,0,0) -- Output On The Chat For The Player . return end -- Return and Stop The Function . setPlayerTeam ( player , Criminal ) -- Here If The Player Wasn't In The 'Team' Then Set It Into The Team! outputChatBox("* You Have Been Joined Into The 'Criminal' Team! ",player,155,0,0) -- Output On The Chat For The Player . end -- Close end -- Close )-- Close
  21. -- Server Side And I Add The Tag With It To Appear for all players! -- addEvent("Setting",true) addEventHandler("Setting",root, function( ) setPlayerNametagText ( source, '[COP]' .. getPlayerName ( source ) ) giveWeapon ( source , 3 , 1 ) setPlayerTeam ( source , Police ) setElementModel( source,280 ) end ) -- Client Side -- local playerWhoUses = getLocalPlayer() addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick', GUIEditor.button[1], function( ) if ( getPlayerWantedLevel ( ) == 0 ) then setElementData ( playerWhoUses, 'job', 'police' ) triggerServerEvent("Setting",getLocalPlayer()) outputChatBox ( '', 0, 0, 255, false ) outputChatBox ( '', 0, 0, 255, false ) outputChatBox ( '', 0, 0, 255, false ) else outputChatBox ( '', 0, 0, 255, false ) end end,false )
  22. Are you : https://forum.multitheftauto.com/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=67799 ?? because he send a msg to me with the same source code !
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