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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.3.2 released!
  2. Good work MTA i hope the SD Problem has been resolved .
  3. Stolen : https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=7042 DONE
  4. -- Server Side!! Tested And Works Great : addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit" , getRootElement(), function ( ) if ( isPlayerMuted ( source ) ) then setElementData ( resourceRoot , getPlayerSerial(source), true ) else setElementData ( resourceRoot , getPlayerSerial(source), false ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin" , getRootElement(), function ( ) if ( getElementData ( resourceRoot , getPlayerSerial(source) ) == true ) then setPlayerMuted ( source , true ) end end ) بس ماينفكـ الميوت ماله وقت ذذذذذذذذذ
  5. تم تغيير الباسس امزحح الله يبارك فيكم ذذ
  6. "Console"> "Moderator"> "SuperModerator"> "Admin"> "RPC"> "user.Me"> "resource.MyAdmin"> "user.Console"> "Admin"> "general.ModifyOtherObjects" access="true"> "general.http" access="true"> "command.shutdown" access="true"> "command.install" access="true"> "command.aexec" access="true"> "command.debugscript" access="true"> "command.upgrade" access="true"> "command.crun" access="true"> "command.srun" access="true"> "command.run" access="true"> "function.addBan" access="true"> "function.removeBan" access="true"> "function.reloadBans" access="true"> "function.executeCommandHandler" access="true"> "function.setServerPassword" access="true"> "function.getServerPassword" access="true"> "function.createResource" access="true"> "function.copyResource" access="true"> "function.addResourceMap" access="true"> "function.addResourceConfig" access="true"> "function.removeResourceFile" access="true"> "function.setResourceDefaultSetting" access="true"> "function.removeResourceDefaultSetting" access="true"> "function.aclReload" access="true"> "function.aclSave" access="true"> "function.aclCreate" access="true"> "function.aclDestroy" access="true"> "function.aclSetRight" access="true"> "function.aclRemoveRight" access="true"> "function.aclCreateGroup" access="true"> "function.aclDestroyGroup" access="true"> "function.aclGroupAddACL" access="true"> "function.aclGroupRemoveACL" access="true"> "function.aclGroupAddObject" access="true"> "function.aclGroupRemoveObject" access="true"> "function.refreshResources" access="true"> "function.setServerConfigSetting" access="true"> "function.updateResourceACLRequest" access="true"> "command.aclrequest" access="true"> "general.adminpanel" access="true"> "general.tab_players" access="true"> "general.tab_resources" access="true"> "general.tab_server" access="true"> "general.tab_maps" access="true"> "general.tab_bans" access="true"> "general.tab_adminchat" access="true"> "command.kick" access="true"> "command.freeze" access="true"> "command.mute" access="true"> "command.setnick" access="true"> "command.shout" access="true"> "command.spectate" access="true"> "command.slap" access="true"> "command.setgroup" access="true"> "command.sethealth" access="true"> "command.setarmour" access="true"> "command.setmoney" access="true"> "command.setskin" access="true"> "command.setteam" access="true"> "command.giveweapon" access="true"> "command.setstat" access="true"> "command.jetpack" access="true"> "command.warp" access="true"> "command.setdimension" access="true"> "command.setinterior" access="true"> "command.createteam" access="true"> "command.destroyteam" access="true"> "command.givevehicle" access="true"> "command.repair" access="true"> "command.blowvehicle" access="true"> "command.destroyvehicle" access="true"> "command.customize" access="true"> "command.setcolor" access="true"> "command.setpaintjob" access="true"> "command.listmessages" access="true"> "command.readmessage" access="true"> "command.listresources" access="true"> "command.start" access="true"> "command.stop" access="true"> "command.stopall" access="false"> "command.delete" access="true"> "command.restart" access="true"> "command.execute" access="true"> "command.setpassword" access="true"> "command.setwelcome" access="true"> "command.setgame" access="true"> "command.setmap" access="true"> "command.setweather" access="true"> "command.blendweather" access="true"> "command.setblurlevel" access="true"> "command.setwaveheight" access="true"> "command.setskygradient" access="true"> "command.setgamespeed" access="true"> "command.setgravity" access="true"> "command.settime" access="true"> "command.setfpslimit" access="true"> "function.shutdown" access="true"> "command.ban" access="true"> "command.unban" access="true"> "command.banip" access="true"> "command.unbanip" access="true"> "command.banserial" access="true"> "command.unbanserial" access="true"> "command.listbans" access="true"> والادمنية جديدهـ آخر شيء ~ ذذ
  7. عآرف سويتها ماتضبط ذذ والادمنية جديدهـ والاسل مفتوح فية كل الخصائصص ~ Moderator بسيرفر محترفين جراند شلته من الكونسل واعطيته قروب %100 و طلعت ودخلت؟ بدون ماتسجل دخولك؟
  8. عآرف سويتها ماتضبط ذذ والادمنية جديدهـ والاسل مفتوح فية كل الخصائصص ~
  9. ممكن لوحة الأدمنية حقتكـ من سنة 1901 :\ جرب آخر نسخة ورد خبر .. وتوي جربتها بدون تسجيل دخول .. وانحفظ الميوت -_-" https://mtasa-resources.googlecode.com/files/mtasa-resources-r918.zip اخر نسخة مع الحذفة و ايقاف الكل ~
  10. لازم يكون مسجل مثل ماقلت ~
  11. مجربة انت اللي جربة .. ذذ
  12. getPedOccupiedVehicle Try to use it.
  13. ???? WTF????? ------ Console رح إلى قروب user.Console وضيف فيه كابيتال C ملاحظة : لازم يكون حرف لازم عشان اذا مآكآن مسجل مآيصلح حتى لو مضآف < >
  14. setElementData getElementData getPlayerSerial Event : "onPlayerJoin" setPlayerMuted
  15. setAccountData getAccountData isGuestAccount givePlayerMoney onPlayerLogin To save the money to the player account.
  16. نظم اكوادكـ بـ نفسكـ ذذ
  17. يلغي التايمر ينهيه <>
  18. Use this because the way you are trying to check is wrong : function pay( player ) if ( getPlayerMoney ( player ) == ( 200 ) ) then outputChatBox ( "Hai dato dei soldi",player, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addCommandHandler ( "gmoney", pay )
  19. amount = ?? function pay(player) if( givePlayerMoney ( player, 200 ) then outputChatBox ("Hai dato dei soldi", source, 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addCommandHandler ( "gmoney", pay ) Make no sense .
  20. ولية مآتسوية كلة بـ ترايقر واحد وتنظم الاكواد
  21. لا ركز رسله من الكلنت مع الترايقر اسمه غير و استقبله بالسيرفر بأسم ثاني
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