SQL يسوي سيارهـ جديدهـ بـ نفس الاحداثيات والايدي ذذ
# لم يتم التجربة :
--[[********************************** * * Multi Theft Auto - Admin Panel * * admin_server.lua * * Original File by lil_Toady * Edited By Mr.Pres[T]ege * **************************************]] _root = getRootElement() _types = { "player", "team", "vehicle", "resource", "bans", "server", "admin" } _settings = nil aPlayerVehicle = { } aPlayers = {} aLogMessages = {} aInteriors = {} aStats = {} aReports = {} aWeathers = {} aNickChangeTime = {} function notifyPlayerLoggedIn(player) outputChatBox ( "Press 'p' to open your admin panel", player ) local unread = 0 for _, msg in ipairs ( aReports ) do unread = unread + ( msg.read and 0 or 1 ) end if unread > 0 then outputChatBox( unread .. " unread Admin message" .. ( unread==1 and "" or "s" ), player, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", _root, function ( resource ) if ( resource ~= getThisResource() ) then for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.tab_resources" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientResourceStart", _root, getResourceName ( resource ) ) end end return end _settings = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\settings.xml" ) if ( not _settings ) then _settings = xmlCreateFile ( "conf\\settings.xml", "main" ) xmlSaveFile ( _settings ) end aSetupACL() aSetupCommands() for id, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do aPlayerInitialize ( player ) if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) ) then notifyPlayerLoggedIn(player) end end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\interiors.xml" ) if ( node ) then local interiors = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "interior", interiors ) ) do local interior = xmlFindChild ( node, "interior", interiors ) interiors = interiors + 1 aInteriors[interiors] = {} aInteriors[interiors]["world"] = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "world" ) ) aInteriors[interiors]["id"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "id" ) aInteriors[interiors]["x"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posX" ) aInteriors[interiors]["y"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posY" ) aInteriors[interiors]["z"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "posZ" ) aInteriors[interiors]["r"] = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( interior, "rot" ) end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\stats.xml" ) if ( node ) then local stats = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "stat", stats ) ) do local stat = xmlFindChild ( node, "stat", stats ) local id = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( stat, "id" ) ) local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( stat, "name" ) aStats[id] = name stats = stats + 1 end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\weathers.xml" ) if ( node ) then local weathers = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "weather", weathers ) ~= false ) do local weather = xmlFindChild ( node, "weather", weathers ) local id = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( weather, "id" ) ) local name = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( weather, "name" ) aWeathers[id] = name weathers = weathers + 1 end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\reports.xml" ) if ( node ) then local messages = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "message", messages ) ) do subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, "message", messages ) local author = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "author", 0 ) local subject = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "subject", 0 ) local category = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "category", 0 ) local text = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "text", 0 ) local time = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "time", 0 ) local read = ( xmlFindChild ( subnode, "read", 0 ) ~= false ) local id = #aReports + 1 aReports[id] = {} if ( author ) then aReports[id].author = xmlNodeGetValue ( author ) else aReports[id].author = "" end if ( category ) then aReports[id].category = xmlNodeGetValue ( category ) else aReports[id].category = "" end if ( subject ) then aReports[id].subject = xmlNodeGetValue ( subject ) else aReports[id].subject = "" end if ( text ) then aReports[id].text = xmlNodeGetValue ( text ) else aReports[id].text = "" end if ( time ) then aReports[id].time = xmlNodeGetValue ( time ) else aReports[id].time = "" end aReports[id].read = read messages = messages + 1 end -- Remove duplicates local a = 1 while a <= #aReports do local b = a + 1 while b <= #aReports do if table.cmp( aReports[a], aReports[b] ) then table.remove( aReports, b ) b = b - 1 end b = b + 1 end a = a + 1 end -- Upgrade time from '4/9 5:9' to '2009-09-04 05:09' for id, rep in ipairs ( aReports ) do if string.find( rep.time, "/" ) then local monthday, month, hour, minute = string.match( rep.time, "^(.-)/(.-) (.-).-)$" ) rep.time = string.format( '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d', 2009, month + 1, monthday, hour, minute ) end end -- Sort messages by time table.sort(aReports, function(a,b) return(a.time < b.time) end) -- Limit number of messages while #aReports > g_Prefs.maxmsgs do table.remove( aReports, 1 ) end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\messages.xml" ) if ( node ) then for id, type in ipairs ( _types ) do local subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, type, 0 ) if ( subnode ) then aLogMessages[type] = {} local groups = 0 while ( xmlFindChild ( subnode, "group", groups ) ) do local group = xmlFindChild ( subnode, "group", groups ) local action = xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "action" ) local r = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "r" ) ) local g = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "g" ) ) local b = tonumber ( xmlNodeGetAttribute ( group, "b" ) ) aLogMessages[type][action] = {} aLogMessages[type][action]["r"] = r or 0 aLogMessages[type][action]["g"] = g or 255 aLogMessages[type][action]["b"] = b or 0 if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "all", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["all"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "all", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "admin", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["admin"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "admin", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "player", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["player"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "player", 0 ) ) end if ( xmlFindChild ( group, "log", 0 ) ) then aLogMessages[type][action]["log"] = xmlNodeGetValue ( xmlFindChild ( group, "log", 0 ) ) end groups = groups + 1 end end end xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", _root, function ( resource ) -- Incase the resource being stopped has been deleted local stillExists = false for i, res in ipairs(getResources()) do if res == resource then stillExists = true break end end if not stillExists then return end if ( resource ~= getThisResource() ) then for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.tab_resources" ) ) then triggerClientEvent ( player, "aClientResourceStop", _root, getResourceName ( resource ) ) end end else local node = xmlLoadFile ( "conf\\reports.xml" ) if ( node ) then while ( xmlFindChild ( node, "message", 0 ) ~= false ) do local subnode = xmlFindChild ( node, "message", 0 ) xmlDestroyNode ( subnode ) end else node = xmlCreateFile ( "conf\\reports.xml", "messages" ) end for id, message in ipairs ( aReports ) do local subnode = xmlCreateChild ( node, "message" ) for key, value in pairs ( message ) do if ( value ) then xmlNodeSetValue ( xmlCreateChild ( subnode, key ), tostring ( value ) ) end end end xmlSaveFile ( node ) xmlUnloadFile ( node ) end aclSave () end ) function aGetSetting ( setting ) local result = xmlFindChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ), 0 ) if ( result ) then result = xmlNodeGetValue ( result ) if ( result == "true" ) then return true elseif ( result == "false" ) then return false else return result end end return false end function aSetSetting ( setting, value ) local node = xmlFindChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ), 0 ) if ( not node ) then node = xmlCreateChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ) ) end xmlNodeSetValue ( node, tostring ( value ) ) xmlSaveFile ( _settings ) end function aRemoveSetting ( setting ) local node = xmlFindChild ( _settings, tostring ( setting ), 0 ) if ( node ) then xmlDestroyNode ( node ) end xmlSaveFile ( _settings ) end function iif ( cond, arg1, arg2 ) if ( cond ) then