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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. -- Client Side ! local marker = createMarker ( 0, 0, 2, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) function MarkerHit( hitElement, matchingDimension ) if ( hitElement == getLocalPlayer() ) then outputChatBox( "warned train station" ) end end addEventHandler( "onClientMarkerHit",marker,MarkerHit,false ) function playHBFMusic() local uSound = playSound3D( 'sound/sirene.mp3', -1901.9541015625, 341.8291015625, 43.750392913818 ) setSoundMaxDistance( uSound, 3000 ) setSoundMinDistance( uSound, 1000 ) end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, playHBFMusic ) Use it client side make sure the sound is added to meta .
  2. OutputchatBox function there's no player text visible argument. Also read Pain's code again.
  3. وش نسويلك؟ لازم تعرف بـ الخوادم و تضبط الخادم ذذ
  4. ماعتقد تقدر للسيرفر لازم تعدل اعدادات الخادم او شيء كذآ ~
  5. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=7343 Stolen . DONE
  6. You can add it by yourself .
  7. No it's not it's just output this 100 time .
  8. You have learn scripting : Introduction to Scripting .
  9. As i said above use waba's code but you ignored my post.
  10. Waba's code should work without a handler it works when the resource start. try the resource yourself with the script, so you know how the resource works. because this stuff doesn't work i appreciate your help guys Work's fine : src="0.jpg"/>src="1.jpg"/>src="2.jpg"/>src="3.jpg"/>src="4.jpg"/>src="5.jpg"/>src="6.jpg"/>src="7.jpg"/>src="8.jpg"/>src="9.jpg"/>src="10.jpg"/>src="11.jpg"/>src="12.jpg"/>src="13.jpg"/>src="14.jpg"/>src="15.jpg"/>src="16.jpg"/>src="17.jpg"/>src="18.jpg"/>src="19.jpg"/>src="20.jpg"/>src="21.jpg"/>src="22.jpg"/>src="23.jpg"/>src="24.jpg"/>src="25.jpg"/>src="26.jpg"/>src="27.jpg"/>src="28.jpg"/>src="29.jpg"/>src="30.jpg"/>src="31.jpg"/>src="32.jpg"/>src="33.jpg"/>src="34.jpg"/>src="35.jpg"/>src="36.jpg"/>src="37.jpg"/>src="38.jpg"/>src="39.jpg"/>src="40.jpg"/>src="41.jpg"/>src="42.jpg"/>src="43.jpg"/>src="44.jpg"/>src="45.jpg"/>src="46.jpg"/>src="47.jpg"/>src="48.jpg"/>src="49.jpg"/>src="50.jpg"/>src="51.jpg"/>src="52.jpg"/>src="53.jpg"/>src="54.jpg"/>src="55.jpg"/>src="56.jpg"/>src="57.jpg"/>src="58.jpg"/>src="59.jpg"/>src="60.jpg"/>src="61.jpg"/>src="62.jpg"/>src="63.jpg"/>src="64.jpg"/>src="65.jpg"/>src="66.jpg"/>src="67.jpg"/>src="68.jpg"/>src="69.jpg"/>src="70.jpg"/>src="71.jpg"/>src="72.jpg"/>src="73.jpg"/>src="74.jpg"/>src="75.jpg"/>src="76.jpg"/>src="77.jpg"/>src="78.jpg"/>src="79.jpg"/>src="80.jpg"/>src="81.jpg"/>src="82.jpg"/>src="83.jpg"/>src="84.jpg"/>src="85.jpg"/>src="86.jpg"/>src="87.jpg"/>src="88.jpg"/>src="89.jpg"/>src="90.jpg"/>src="91.jpg"/>src="92.jpg"/>src="93.jpg"/>src="94.jpg"/>src="95.jpg"/>src="96.jpg"/>src="97.jpg"/>src="98.jpg"/>src="99.jpg"/>src="100.jpg"/> You're welcome.
  11. addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function ( ) if isPedInVehicle ( source ) and getElementModel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)) == rmodel then for i, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementHealth(v, 0) end outputChatBox("Cops win!", root, 255, 0, 0, true) end end ) Try this if there's a error post it.
  12. It's a client side? And 'engineImportDFF' Function doesn't exists .
  13. Waba's code should work without a handler it works when the resource start.
  14. Stop the other script then use it.
  15. addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart',resourceRoot, function ( ) local aImage = guiCreateStaticImage( 20, 200, 100, 100, "img.png", false ) setTimer( function ( ) if isElement ( aImage ) and guiGetVisible ( aImage ) then destroyElement ( aImage ) aImage = nil end end,5000,1 ) end )
  16. addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart',resoueceRoot, function ( ) -- CreateImage -- setTimer -- isElement -- destroyElement end ) Complete it.
  17. الحين كودكـ اذا كانت النافذه مفتوح وش يسوي؟ هو يسويها اذا تسكرت لانك مسوي كذآ if guiGetVisible ( .. ) then -- Nothing else guiSetText ( .. )
  18. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=164&t=51228
  19. What about : guiCreateStaticImage setTimer destroyElement
  20. ماتحققت لالمنت اللي لمس الماركر وش هو
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