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Everything posted by boro

  1. client function eag () txd = engineLoadTXD ( "Teams/EAG/ac.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, skin[2] ) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "Teams/EAG/ac.dff", 0 ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, skin[2] ) end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), eag )
  2. try this server setTimer(function() triggerClientEvent (source, "onStart", root, "test" ) end,3000,1) client addEvent ( "onStart", true ) function startEventHandler () triggerLatentClientEvent(source,"onServers",100000,false,source,scriptstr) end addEventHandler ( "onStart", getLocalPlayer(), startEventHandler )
  3. boro

    Kill System!

    open admin panel go to resource list find admin resource and set it.
  4. boro

    Kill System!

    ok set admin security in admin panel to 0 and problem is solved
  5. boro

    Green zone

    Try this server greenzoneEnter = createColCuboid ( 1844.5594482422, 1375.3376464844, 0.0, 255, 255, 255 ) greenzonemaparea = createRadarArea ( 1844.5594482422, 1375.3376464844, 255, 255, 0, 255, 0, 150 ) -- 150 = alpha. addEventHandler( "onColShapeHit", greenzoneEnter, function(hitPlayer,thePlayer) if getElementType(hitPlayer)=="player" then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "zoneEnter", thePlayer) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "fire", false ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "next_weapon", false ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "previous_weapon", false ) setPedWeaponSlot ( thePlayer, 0 ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "aim_weapon", false ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "vehicle_fire", false ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "vehicle_secondary_fire", false ) end end) addEventHandler( "onColShapeLeave", greenzoneEnter,function(hitPlayer,thePlayer) if getElementType(hitPlayer)=="player"then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "zoneExit", thePlayer) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "fire", true ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "next_weapon", true ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "previous_weapon", true ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "aim_weapon", true ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "vehicle_fire", true ) toggleControl ( thePlayer, "vehicle_secondary_fire", true ) end end) client function buildNotice() purpleLabel = guiCreateLabel(0.65, 0, 1, 1, "You are in a Safe Zone.", true) guiSetFont(purpleLabel, "sa-header") guiLabelSetColor(purpleLabel,0,255,0) guiSetVisible(purpleLabel,false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ), buildNotice) addEvent("zoneEnter", true) addEventHandler("zoneEnter", getRootElement(), function() guiSetVisible(purpleLabel, true) end ) addEvent("zoneExit", true) addEventHandler("zoneExit", getRootElement(), function() guiSetVisible(purpleLabel, false) end )
  6. boro

    Kill System!

    show script code
  7. boro


    up any ideas?
  8. boro


    problem solved i use this if ( getElementType( attacker ) == "vehicle" ) then ty all for help
  9. boro


    Yes with onClientPlayerDamage it work nice ty tapl and please how to make godmode for source when is attacker in vehicle ?
  10. boro


    Hi all i have godmode script, this script work fine but how make godmode only for player vs player ? because when zombie attack me soo i have still 100% and this is bad i try this but it dont work function god ( attacker ) if ( getElementType ( attacker ) == "player" ) then if attacker == player then cancelEvent() end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), god)
  11. boro


    Hi all i have script from comunity cjpedcustomer and in log see this warning [2013-07-25 13:02:22] WARNING: cjcustomer/cjcustomer_s.lua:17: Bad argument @ 'addPedClothes' what is bad ? root = getRootElement () players = {} players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) function applyClothing ( incredibleTable ) if getElementModel ( source ) ~= 0 then setElementModel ( source, 0 ) end count = 0 while count ~= 9 do local c = count if(c > 3) then c = c+9 end if tostring(incredibleTable[count].storedValue) == "x" then removePedClothes ( source, c ) elseif tostring(incredibleTable[count].storedValue) ~= "" then --blank fields do nothing local texture, model = getClothesByTypeIndex ( c, tostring(incredibleTable[count].storedValue) ) addPedClothes ( source, texture, model, c ) --outputChatBox ( "texture: "..texture.." model: "..model.." count: "..count ) end count = count + 1 end if tostring(incredibleTable[9].storedValue) ~= "" then setPedStat ( source, 21, incredibleTable[9].storedValue ) --outputChatBox ( "Fat stuff triggered" ) end if tostring(incredibleTable[10].storedValue) ~= "" then setPedStat ( source, 23, incredibleTable[10].storedValue ) --outputChatBox ( "Strong stuff triggered" ) end end addEvent("applyClothes", true, "incredibleTable" ) addEventHandler("applyClothes", getRootElement(), applyClothing)
  12. please help i made resource for start and stop resource but log write this [2013-04-26 11:27:27] WARNING: newskin\server.lua:12: Bad argument @ 'startResource' [2013-04-26 11:27:27] WARNING: newskin\server.lua:13: Bad argument @ 'stopResource' Chatbox work fine server side function startingHandler ( ) outputChatBox ( "Test Start", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true ) startResource(skin2) stopResource(skin1) end addEvent( "onStarting", true ) addEventHandler( "onStarting", getRootElement(), startingHandler ) function stopingHandler ( ) outputChatBox ( "Test Stop", getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true ) startResource(skin1) stopResource(skin2) end addEvent( "onStoping", true ) addEventHandler( "onStoping", getRootElement(), stopingHandler )
  13. boro

    How To

    is it good ? i dont must test it because am in school root = getRootElement () function checkTime () setTimer ( UpgradeWeather, 1000, 0 ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, checkTime ) function UpgradeWeather ( ) local h, m = getTime() if h > 20 then setWeather ( 9 ) elseif h < 6 then setWeather ( 11 ) end end
  14. boro

    How To

    Please help how to setWeather ( 9 ) when is game time 20:00 ? Exist event for check game timer ?
  15. Ah yes it work but i have set in meta as client side lol but ty
  16. Hi all i make script for set account all 5 sec but this dont work why ? please help.. function updatePlayersKills ( ) for index, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType "player" ) do local account = getPlayerAccount (player) if not (isGuestAccount (account)) then setAccountData(account,"Zombie Kills",getElementData(player,"Zombie Kills")) end end end setTimer ( updatePlayersKills, 5000, 0 )
  17. boro

    unbindkey help

    Hi all please help i try make gui, it work fine but i dont know how to set unbindkey This work only for open bindKey('F4','down', function ( ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor_Window[1],true) showCursor (true) end ) And next time i try this and guy dont open why ? please help bindKey('F4','down', function ( ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor_Window[1],true) showCursor (true) end unbindKey('F4','down', function ( ) guiSetVisible (GUIEditor_Window[1],false) showCursor (false) end )
  18. boro


    for this
  19. boro


    thats right
  20. boro


    local IDs ??
  21. boro


    this is good for this but ty my old script work fine local IDs = { 579, 494, 424, 589, 469, 500, 504, 497, 434, 490, 489, 474, 461, 521, 470, 495, 601, 548, 487 } function quitPlayer ( ) for k, vehicle in pairs ( getElementsByType ( "vehicle" ) ) do if IDs [ getElementModel ( vehicle ) ] then if checkEmpty ( vehicle ) then destroyElement ( vehicle ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, quitPlayer ) checkEmpty = function ( vehicle ) if #getVehicleOccupants ( vehicle ) == 0 then return true else return false end end
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