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Everything posted by 'LinKin

  1. Try this: It won't even work like that, I think this is a bug of MTA. addCommandHandler("ss", function() local sW, sH = guiGetScreenSize() local width, height = 455, 415 local left = sW - width - 1 local top = sH/2 - height/2 local w = guiCreateWindow(left, top, 10, height, "", false) --guiSetSize(w, 1, height, false) end) In my case it creates the window, but it's width can't be less than 96
  2. Hello, I have a window, 400x300 I found an issue, when I try to set its width to 0 using guiSetSize, it doesn't work. It reaches a point where its width doesn't decrease, why? I even tried using high negative values as the 2nd argument of guiSetSize (the width).
  3. How to test LUA code online? I can't test it in-game.
  4. Hello, getBoundKeys returns false if no keys are bound to some control name. So, when it returns false, can I make the following: table.insert(myTable, "Accelerate", getBoundKeys("accelerate") or "") so that it inserts in the second column of "myTable" the empty string ("") ?
  5. How about using a counter inside onDownloadFinish function? You check if file == a file you have in your table and then u add +1 to the counter, then, if counter == #yourTable then - activate the function you want
  6. Well, I tried this: addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() setCameraClip(false,false) end) And it worked normally... I didn't have troubles when new maps were starting.. What could it be? resourceRoot is a variable representing the current resource ONLY. Right? I didn't have to attach the event to root
  7. Yeah Overselling, but at least it's better than having nothing. I'd have bought a VPS from them weeks ago, but I can't pay without linking a credit card. I've been searching for someone to act like a exchanger, but I've found nothing so far.
  8. It's a leaked script. As I told you, nobody is going to help you with this. Unless you find some non-ethic person that wants to do it.
  9. 'LinKin

    HS Rockets

    So it will never be synchronized for all the players..
  10. 'LinKin

    HS Rockets

    But, why are the HS rockets launched by the HS Rocket Launcher weapon syncronized? Also, if I launch a normal rocket from the car, the rest of the players can see it normally.. The trouble is for HS rockets only
  11. 'LinKin

    HS Rockets

    Hello, When I press a certain key, a HS rocket is launched towards the player that I had locked as my target previously. It works fine, but, the misile isn't 'sync' with the target's (player) screen. If I shoot the misile, I see it going towards my target, normally. But the other player (my target) just sees the rocket going straight, he doesn't see it coming towards him. But still it hits him and he gets damaged, he can also see the explosion on his car when the misile hits. Can I make it so that in the other player's screen, the misile behaves like it should do? (going towards him). May be this a 'bug' from MTA? Thanks.
  12. addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () --[[Code... ... ...]] initComponents() end) local function initComponents() -- Code... end Error: Attempt to call 'initComponents' a nil value. And they're in the same file. EDIT: Uh, it just came to my mind, do I have to define the local functions BEFORE I call them within another function/event ? So like: local function initComponents() -- Code... end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () --[[Code... ... ...]] initComponents() end)
  13. But for instance, if I have a local function, and I try to call it from another function (in the same script fie) it won't work. Probably it will work if I call it from outside any function in the script file. In this case, how would you do it so that server-side functions (for example) can't be called from another server-side script file where they are not implemented?
  14. Hello, Have you seen some scripts using functions such as: local funcion name() --Code end Firstly I thought it was for not letting other server/client script files call the function, so that it must be called within the same file where it's defined. But I was wrong. As I define some functions that are called inside another functions, it outputs me an error saying that the function I am trying to call is 'nil'. So the question is, what is the usage of these local functions? Thanks.
  15. And what happens if a player is driving at 100 km/h and presses enter, and dies? Is it still showing? If so - Then make this event: onClientPlayerWasted and at the beginning of its implementation put: if source == localPlayer (This makes sure the player that died was the same client)
  16. You must use onSettingChange event so that you don't have to restart the script each time you change a setting (in this case a string representing a command)
  17. When working with tables like this way: tableName["someString"] = Something If you use #tableName, it would return 0. Always. Is there any other method to return the table's lengh than making a function for it? Just like: function tableLengh() local count = 0 for i, k in pairs(tableName) do count = count +1 end return count end
  18. Hello, I'm running 3 servers on Ubuntu, how can I upgrade them to MTA 1.4 ? Thanks.
  19. Is there an official version of DayZ gamemode? How come this is a pirated version? I don't get it
  20. OVH is good. But .................................... Even tho I did their whole verification process (Power bill, ID copy, and many other things) In my case I never got the VPS that I ordered..
  21. Use variables outside the onClientRender event For example; local r, g, b = 255, 255, 255 And in the function when you click 'set' you change those variables' values.
  22. Yes, Portuguese. I posted here because of obvious reasons (you guys from BR would be more likely to see this). And about H1P, yeah, I tried with them, But they're asking to Link a card to my paypal in order to complete the payment... I cannot / don't want to do such thing.
  23. Hello, I came to this section with the hope to find what I'm looking for. Since 6 Months ago, I host a VPS located in Brazil, Sao Pablo. But now, the company has stopped their services in such location. I'm now trying to find a company that offers either VPS or MTA servers in Brazil. My budget is max. $5 USD Thanks.
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