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Everything posted by ertlflorian1

  1. Hi i hab a problem first time i drive into the marker i will work but the marker will be destroyed and another marker will be createt but when i drive in the second marker nothing happens. pos = { [1]="5247.93896,664.521,187.78101", [2]="5216.09521,610.77197,187.78101", [3]="5259.93506,674.84802,187.78101", [4]="5174.83203,610.63501,187.78101", [5]="5140.81885,606.42798,187.78101", [6]="5187.55518,534.37903,187.78101", [7]="5218.94824,530.72198,187.78101", [8]="5221.80615,484.772,187.78101", [9]="5234.22412,452.11401,187.78101", [10]="5265.18018,447.586,187.78101", [11]="5310.95996,448.216,187.78101", [12]="5334.08594,409.17999,187.78101", [13]="5353.43213,384.065,187.78101", [14]="5333.69824,488.246,187.78101", [15]="5352.70117,512.08899,187.78101", [16]="5323.17676,537.28198,187.78101", [17]="5263.91895,528.11902,187.78101", [18]="5286.38086,569.48901,187.78101", [19]="5299.03906,598.21198,187.78101", [20]="5254.46924,559.94,187.78101", [21]="5225.05322,584.86902,187.78101", [22]="5277.37305,495.98499,187.78101", [23]="5301.2168,478.81799,187.78101", } marker = createMarker (5263.91895,528.11902,187.78101, "checkpoint", 2.25, 255,0,0) function srandomveh (thePlayer) if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then pname = getPlayerName (thePlayer) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle (thePlayer) zahlm = math.random (1,23) x, y, z = getElementPosition (veh) local veh2 = getElementModel (veh) local portstring = pos[tonumber(zahlm)] local mX = gettok ( portstring, 1, string.byte(',') ) local mY = gettok ( portstring, 2, string.byte(',') ) local mZ = gettok ( portstring, 3, string.byte(',') ) setElementModel (veh, 411) setElementPosition (veh, x, y, z+0.5) destroyElement (marker) marker = createMarker (mX, mY, mZ, "checkpoint", 2.25, 255,0,0) fixVehicle (veh) end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", marker, srandomveh)
  2. Why it dont work? function check (thePlayer) pname = getPlayerName (thePlayer) name = getPlayerFromName (thePlayer) if (pname ~= "#00ff22Ertl") then kickPlayer (name, "ka!") end end addEventHandler("onPlayerConnect", getRootElement(), check) Error : [19:06:09] WARNING: sicher\server.lua:2: Bad argument @ 'getPlayerName' [Expected element at argument 1, got string 'Ertl'] Ressource is in the ACL Admin!
  3. Hi when i hit a marker i get this error = and whan a new car was created the rotation woldnt be the same! Race integrity test fail (client): Your vehicle has been destroyed. Please panic. Race integrity test fail: Invalid vehicle for player Ertl Race integrity test fail (client): Your vehicle has been destroyed. Please panic. Race integrity test fail: Invalid vehicle for player Ertl Race script integrity compromised - Restarting vehicleIDS = { [1]=602, [2]=411, [3]=597, [4]=599, [5]=541, [6]=429, [7]=434, [8]=451, [9]=425, [10]=447, [11]=468, [12]=522, [13]=541, [14]=573, [15]=604, [16]=557, [17]=528, [18]=502, [19]=428, [20]=427, [21]=409, [22]=428, [23]=433, [24]=444, [25]=486, [26]=486, [27]=515, [28]=544, [29]=401, [30]=524, [31]=490, [32]=489, [33]=477, [34]=478, [35]=483, [36]=470, [37]=456, } markerr = false marker = createMarker (6473.9, -540, 0.6, "checkpoint", 2.25, 255, 0, 0) function randomveh (thePlayer) if (markerr == true) then local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle (thePlayer) x, y, z = getElementPosition (veh) rx, ry, rz = getElementPosition (thePlayer) zahl = math.random (1,37) newveh = createVehicle (vehicleIDS[zahl], x, y, z, rx, ry, rx) warpPedIntoVehicle (thePlayer, newveh) destroyElement (veh) markerr = false outputChatBox ("Marker wird geladen!", getRootElement(), 255,0,0) setTimer (aus, 6000, 1) end end addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", marker, randomveh) function aus () markerr = true outputChatBox ("Marker ist bereit!", getRootElement(), 0,255,0) end function start () outputChatBox (" ", getRootElement()) outputChatBox (" ", getRootElement()) outputChatBox (" ", getRootElement()) outputChatBox ("Map: #0e00ffDamage See #FF0000 !", getRootElement(), 255,255,255, true) outputChatBox ("Map by #00f0ffF4il#FF0000 !", getRootElement(), 255,255,255, true) outputChatBox ("Script by #00ff22Ertl#FF0000 !", getRootElement(), 255,255,255, true) outputChatBox (" ", getRootElement()) outputChatBox ("Marker wird geladen!", getRootElement(), 255,0,0) setTimer (aus,6000, 1) end addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), start)
  4. Please help me sorry for double post
  5. If "Wert" == "1" triggerClientEvent conducted and it output Rows : 1 If no entery then it only output Rows : 0
  6. I have tried it the it works at triggerClientEvent but not on the outputChatBox and eschrankefunc?
  7. This line if ( result [ 1 ] [ "Wert" ] == "1" ) then
  8. Error: [21:00:24] ERROR: Parkhaus\scripts\server2.lua:46: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
  9. Hi the Script with the MYSQL part dont work please help me!! function oncolehit (thePlayer) pname = getPlayerName (thePlayer) if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle (thePlayer) seat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat (thePlayer) if veh and (seat == 0) then local qh = dbQuery( handler2, "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE Name = '"..pname.."'" ) local result, num_affected_rows, errmsg = dbPoll ( qh, -1 ) for result, row in pairs(result) do if row then if (row["Wert"] == "1") then outputChatBox ("Danke das du das Parkhaus besuchst!", thePlayer, 0,255,0) eschrankefunc () end else if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then if veh and (seat == 0) then triggerClientEvent (thePlayer, "openGUI", thePlayer, veh, pname) end end end end end end end addEventHandler ("onColShapeHit", cole, oncolehit)
  10. I have tried it now but it wont work can i send you the complete script to check it? Because i wouldn post it here?
  11. Here is the function: function eschrankefunc () if (eschrankeMovingState == false) then if (eschranke == false) then eschrankeMovingState = true setTimer(setefalse, 1500, 1) moveObject (schrankee, 1500, -1804.5000000,1293.0097700,15.8000000, 0, -90, 0) eschranke = true setTimer (eschrankefunc, 2000, 1) else eschrankeMovingState = true setTimer(setefalse, 1500, 1) moveObject (schrankee, 1500, -1804.5000000,1293.0097700,15.8000000, 0, 90, 0) eschranke = false end end end function setefalse () eschrankeMovingState = false end
  12. Hi i have a problem with this gui it will be shown on all players! Server: function oncolehit (player) pname = getPlayerName (player) if getElementType ( player ) == "player" then veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle (player) seat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat (player) if (veh) and (seat == 0) then local result = mysql_query( handler2, "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE Name = '"..pname.."'" ) local row = mysql_fetch_assoc(result) if row then if (row["Wert"] == "1") then outputChatBox ("Danke das du das Parkhaus besuchst!", player, 0,255,0) eschrankefunc () end mysql_free_result(result) else if getElementType ( player ) == "player" then veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle (player) seat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat (player) if (veh) and (seat == 0) then triggerClientEvent (player, "openGUI", player) end end end end end end addEventHandler ("onColShapeHit", cole, oncolehit) client: function showwindow () local isshowed = guiGetVisible (Grundflaeche) if (isshowed == true) then guiSetVisible (Grundflaeche, false) showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end if (isshowed == false) then guiSetVisible (Grundflaeche, true) showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) end end addEvent ("openGUI", true) addEventHandler ("openGUI", getRootElement(), showwindow) Sorry for my bad english! Please help me
  13. Editor link is down but i found the editor in google. My object that i will modify has the ID 3051 how i make that now?
  14. Thank you and how I can make a own col file?
  15. Hi I have a problem i have createt a Object in the Map Editor und changed the scale to 2, but now i can go thougt the Object I have tied to make it in Script with SetObjectCollison Enablet but it wont work? MFG Flo
  16. Hi it wouldnt work no error local keyped1 = createObject (2922, -1788.25, 1308.6500244141, 23.299999237061, 0, 0, 90) addEventHandler("onElementClicked",keyped1, function( but, stat, thePlayer) outputChatBox ("test", thePlayer, 0,255,0) end)
  17. function eject2(thePlayer,cmd,target) if getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(thePlayer) == 0 then local target = getPlayerFromName (target) if target then if getPedOccupiedVehicle(target) == getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) then isElementWithinColShape (target, Zelle) removePedFromVehicle (target) setElementPosition (target, 2281.462890625, 2428.2451171875, 3.2734375) setPedAnimation( target, "crack", "crckdeth2",-1,true,true,false) toggleAllControls(target,false,true,false) setTimer ( austazer, 15000, 1) end end end end addCommandHandler("out",eject2) function austazer(target) setPedAnimation( target ) toggleAllControls(target,true,true,false) end Hi can somebody help me the time wouldnt work
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