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Everything posted by Tails
Try this function: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/playSound3D The following example will stream a radio station near CJ's house: local radio = playSound3D("http://tuner.country108.com:80/",2491.1355, -1681.2032, 13.3368,true) setSoundMaxDistance(radio,100)
You forgot this one https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... s&id=10386 DONE ( I didn't, you just put the same resource twice instead of this one ) Here are few old ones of my own that need to be deleted: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=8795 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=8958 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=8959 DONE
https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... s&id=10387 https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... s&id=10385 Downloads contain URL's with pay per click / survey download sites. This junk shouldn't be on there. DONE
Here's a Dutch translation for you [ [ { "languageCode": "nl", "friendlyName": "Dutch (Nederlands)", "helpButton": "Help", "l10nButton": "Taal", "loadButton": "Toevoegen", "removeSong": "Verwijderen", "clearList": "Lijst Leegmaken", "gridlistURL": "URL", "gridlistNP": "Speelt Nu Af", "prevSong": "Vorige", "nextSong": "Volgende", "pauseSong": "Pauzeren/Afspelen", "vehiRadio": "Voertuig", "walkRadio": "Walkman", "boomRadio": "Boombox", "artistLabel": "Artiest", "albumeLabel": "Album", "songLabel": "Nummer", "tooltips": { "helpButton": "Deze tooltips in-/uitschakelen", "l10nButton": "Weergavetaal wijzigen", "inputField": "Tekstveld voor het invoeren van de URL", "loadButton": "De ingevoerde URL toevoegen aan afspeellijst", "removeSong": "Selectie verwijderen uit afspeellijst", "clearList": "Afspeellijst leegmaken", "playlist": "Afspeellijst\nLijst met alle nummers om afgespeeld te worden", "prevSong": "Vorige nummer afspelen, herhaalt het huidige nummer als 5 seconden nog niet zijn verstreken", "nextSong": "Volgende nummer afspelen", "pauseSong": "Nummer pauzeren of afspelen, stoppen als het een radiostation is", "vehiRadio": "Radio afspelen via de speakers van de auto", "walkRadio": "Radio afspelen via een hoofdtelefoon tijdens het lopen of rijden", "boomRadio": "Radio afspelen via een boombox tijdens het lopen" } } ] ] Edit: Fixed a typo Edit: Fixed another typo should be good now
You can only create water within the world boundaries, not out on the ocean.
I tried that before. Must have been doing something wrong because it's working now. Thanks
Hello, Quick question, Is it possible to place a DX element above a static GUI image? I've tried several things but the DX image would not go on top of the static image.
My bad, I didn't look long enough. Found this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Gu ... llPosition
That's it. I just need to get the scrollbar for it, the rest I can figure out. Since the scrollbar is there by default I have no idea how to get it.
What kind of color code is this anyway?
Hello, I'm trying to make my grid list's scrollbar to move along with my selection (I'm using the up and down arrow keys). Now I was wondering, is there a way to make the scrollbar move along with my selection? How do I get the scrollbar? It came with the gridlist, so there's no element for that in my script.
Use: guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(ad, "left", true) This should add a break whenever your text hits the end of the label.
Try restarting the admin panel /restart admin
guiSetProperty(GUIEditor.staticimage[1], "ImageColours", "tl:FF07E4F7 tr:FF07E4F7 bl:FF07E4F7 br:FF07E4F7") These color codes just make no sense to me. Is there any easier way to change them using rgb or hex or something? Thanks
Square images become rectangles with that and others become square when they should be rectangular. I managed to fix it with some help of Google and you too of course. So still many thanks for your help! -- Grid function function click() if source == grid then local imagepath = guiGridListGetItemText(grid,guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grid),1) guiSetText(header_info,"images/"..imagepath) if imagedisplay then guiStaticImageLoadImage(imagedisplay, "images/"..imagepath) else imagedisplay = guiCreateStaticImage(0.36, 0.12, 0.55, 0.86, "images/"..imagepath, true, window) maxWidth, maxHeight = guiGetSize(imagedisplay, false) end width,height = guiStaticImageGetNativeSize(imagedisplay) ratio = math.min(maxHeight/height,maxWidth/width) newHeight = math.ceil(height*ratio) newWidth = math.ceil(width*ratio) guiSetSize(imagedisplay,newWidth,newHeight,false) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", grid, click, false) Now I got to study this piece of code a bit more and find out what and why it's actually doing it. Never really paid attention at school when it came down to ceil and all the other stuff... hehe Thanks again
Add this line to your script addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleExit", root, function() setCameraTarget(localPlayer) end )
Now they are all the same size and square.
It's the area in my window where the picture can fit. 300 wide and 445 tall but might change in the future. Actually it's the relative sizes 0.47, 0.86 like it says in the guiCreateStaticImage line. Those should be the boundaries. I got those 2 numbers after screenshotting the window and dragging a rectangle in photoshop so it's not very accurate... haha It's still happening however, they all fit now, but a square image of 640x640 becomes a rectangle of 300x445. And some rectangle images, for example a 500x750 becomes 200x300. Shouldn't the width of the image always be 300 no matter what? Then the height of the image should be adjusted relative to the image's dimensions and the maxHeight somehow.
Some images still don't fit and some lose their aspect ratio still
Absolutely amazing! I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more attention. Are you still working on it? Also, you got to make some video or tutorial on how you did those effects.. you must have spent forever doing those.
Thanks, I will How do I use these functions exactly? function click() if source == grid then local image = guiGridListGetItemText(grid,guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grid),1) if imagedisplay then destroyElement(imagedisplay) end imagedisplay = guiCreateStaticImage(0.36, 0.12, 0.47, 0.86, "images/"..image,true,window) local x,y = guiStaticImageGetNativeSize(imagedisplay) outputChatBox(x..", "..y) w,h = 300,445 function getAspectRatio(width, height) return (width / height) end function getHeightAfterResize(new_width, original_width, original_height) local ratio = getAspectRatio(original_width, original_height) return new_width, new_width / ratio end w,h = getAspectRatio(w,h) x,y = getHeightAfterResize(w) guiSetSize(imagedisplay,x,y,false) outputChatBox(w..", "..h) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",grid,click) 300,445 is max width and height in pixels, or one of these are: 0.36, 0.12, 0.47, 0.86, I think. The images should fit within that Kinda lost here...
Hi kewiinn, it is possible but not exactly how you want it. You can press F6 and it will spawn your ped into the world, go to the admin panel and give yourself a vehicle. You are now driving a vehicle in your map while your friends are still mapping.
Hello, I just started working on little GUI window that displays all kinds of images with different sizes. I'm trying to make each one of them fit inside the window. How can I do this while keeping their aspect ratio? Thanks in advance