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Everything posted by ..:D&G:..

  1. The project is now dead for good! We have both (me and an4rei) quit MTA and I am willing to sell the gamemod as is, in its current state to anyone with a bit of scripting knowledge in hope for the gamemod to eventually become something and not just lay dead... Thank you
  2. Hi, so I've come across this nasty bug where onMarkerHit won't trigger on markers that have been attached to an object using 'attachElements'. I've tried googling around and it seems that this bug was posted on the Mantis but I couldn't find a fix for it. Does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks.
  3. Ar fi fost ceva interesant daca il faceai tu de la 0 sau sa fi inceput cu DayZ-ul normal
  4. You shouldn't tell people in your tutorial to set the account password to "mtaserver", as many people will just follow the tutorial step by step without bothering to change the password, and many crackers will add the combination "mtaserver:mtaserver" to their brute forcing passfile thus making people thinking that you intentionally hijack their servers...
  5. Am facut eu cu o echipa de oameni mai de mult un oras in map editor, o sa ai probleme cu randarea obiectelor (cred ca ii se spune streaming) de la o distanta si sa nu te miri daca o sa vezi jucatori sub mapa din cauza PC-urilor din carton.
  6. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=11265
  7. Lol, I forgot about setPedControlState Thanks
  8. Hi there ladies and gents, I want to script a cutscene where a vehicle drives from point A to point B, then stops for a few seconds, and then drives off to point C. I don't want to move the car using setElementPosition or any other way where the car doesn't spin it's wheels, I want the car to seem as if it was driven by someone, with the wheels spinning and engine sound. So how can I do this...? Thanks.
  9. Ba in plm esti plictisit...? Ce tot faci bump la topicuri vechi de luni de zile? -.-
  11. ..:D&G:..


    Try this, dunno if it will make a difference but it's worth a try... function liderShout(textox) if isTimer(TimerF) then killTimer(TimerF) end if texto then texto:destroy() end texto = Text.new(textox, screenWidth / 2, screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(3, "bankgothic") / 2 - screenHeight / 2 + 225, false, "bankgothic", 3, "left") texto:color(106, 90, 205, 255) texto:scale(2) texto:type("border", 2, 0, 0, 0, 255) TimerF = setTimer(function() texto:destroy() end,5000,1) end addEventHandler("liderShout", root, liderShout) addEvent("liderShout", true)
  12. If you don't show the code, how are we supposed to know what you've done??
  13. Hotii! Hotii! Hotii! Huooo!! Jos coruptia!
  14. That website seems legit to me, seen it about a few years ago, with some :~ty template/design, now they seem to have improved. I don't think someone would go through the effort of improving and also paying the host for their website for nothing, or maybe the guy(s) have too much money and free time But those are leaked scripts, if you buy from them you won't be able to get help from this form, you will have to rely on them for help, which I don't think they will give out
  15. Those commands should be in the freeroam resource, look for "addCommandHandler("cv", " and "addCommandHandler("ss", " and comment those lines or just delete them
  16. Roleplay pe vR = Daca copilul e donator si doneaza, poate incalca legile RP-ului
  17. Momentul ala cand te pupi singur in c*r ca nimeni alt cineva nu o face :))) vR-ul A FOST baza MTA-ului, cand fondatorul era inca cu capul pe umeri, acum nici stafful vechi nu il mai suporta si il lasa
  18. Xtreme Host? Proasta alegere... Eu iti recomand firme straine, de preferat reselleri OVH
  19. He wants to add 2 more stars to the current wanted level of the player... Your function won't do the trick if the player has 1 or 2 stars....
  20. setPlayerWantedLevel(thePlayer, (getPlayerWantedLevel(thePlayer) + 2))
  21. local vehicleTable = {} function SpawnRandomCopCar () local team = getPlayerTeam(source) if (team) then if (getTeamName(team) == "Police officer") then local CopCar = vehicleTable[source] if CopCar then if isElement( CopCar ) then destroyElement( CopCar ) end vehicleTable[source]= nil end x, y, z = SpawnCopCar () local CopCar = createVehicle ( 596, x, y, z, 0, 0, 180 ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, CopCar ) vehicleTable[source]= CopCar else outputChatBox ( "You must be a police officer to get a police car!", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end else outputChatBox ( "You must be a police officer to get a police car!", source, 255, 0, 0, true ) end end addEvent( "GiveCopCarFree", true ) addEventHandler( "GiveCopCarFree", root, SpawnRandomCopCar )
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