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Everything posted by GhostXoP

  1. GhostXoP

    Objects samp

    That's not possible as far as i know, all the "spots" are taken. You must free an id to place an object and you can only do that by replacing the object that id represents.
  2. Man, it sure would be nice if there was an event similar to onClientRender that gave a list of objects collided with and what collided with them
  3. Ive managed to write a speedometer and gas on screen instrument panel in a matter of an hour but the problem is Where can i find some good speedometer disk skins? Without the needles. I have done some google searching and i have found barely any. Im aware this might not be in the right forum, tell me if it isn't
  4. GhostXoP


    Notice when you close with the x it states "Closing without save, try ctrl+c next time" ?
  5. Heh, not even, He just needs to give the wiki a good read
  6. Its fine that you don't, i've never actually needed the center points to a colshape unless its for my car locking resource or zombie ai spawn/process manager, even then i just use the positions of the ped the colshape is attached to. I wouldn't calculate it automatically and only use process time like that for more important things. As for the original problem, i set it to the first fx1 fy1 coord's
  7. If i wasn't drawing over GUI elements, do you think id of posted this?
  8. how can i get rid of having to use toColor as part of the arguments? I want to keep the regular colors of the image without tinting it In a nutshell, id like to not use the 9th argument, how can i get around that?
  9. Rather than entering a vehicle by entering it, will this event trigger if they spawn into a vehicle?
  10. It will help us when he asks in the future
  11. Id suggest wrapping up the problem to a title "Guns panel does not open" For example. It makes it easier on those who want to help, saves time as well.
  12. Reconsider posting in the scripting forum for any professional help if your going to copy code and have a terrible way of giving it a title. I don't know what help ... panel is. It sure isn't a help panel. Work on Indenting your code as well. Nobody wants to read a mess. You may even need to give Lua In General another shot at learning.
  13. Not exactly, that's engine RPM. I was going to use the wheel speeds to determine Engine RPM speed (when the wheels spin, you dont have to get the elements speed) But since its not possible, i have no other choice. The link also is just guessing from vehicle speed the engine rpm, which isn't recommended imo so im leaving it out
  14. Is there a way to detect Wheel RPM ? I havent tested to see if others rpm goes up as they burn the tires out, so i would assume no and is there a way to detect if someone is within the line of sight of a ped? (NPC)
  15. GhostXoP


    I was hoping it did, Perfect Thanks
  16. getPlayerName() getVehicleOccupant(VehicleThatHitYou) Make sure to check if the Element that hit you Is indeed a vehicle. As for everything else, i can help you learn how, not do it for you.
  17. Works if anything hits your car. So the element can be a ped, but dont get confused here If its a ped driving a car, and their car hits you, it will be their car. If its some angry ped with a golf club, its going to be the angry ped with a gold club
  18. I do not believe code examples will help you with future learning of the events and/or functions. Hows this: This event will trigger when any element hits my car By reading the event, i understand that the car that hit me (or the ped) is the First argument. The source, is a car. The source however could be ANY CAR. you can check if this is your car by doing if ( source == getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) ) Or when setting the event handler do addEventHandler("onClientVehicleCollision", MyCar, function(carThatHitMe, so on and so forth) Then you can find out who is in the car (If its a car that hit you) on the first argument sent to your handler function, by using https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetVehicleOccupant
  19. GhostXoP


    Does this animate the movement of objects? Does it include collision detection as well? (hitting a wall, and stopping not allowing moveObject to move the object any longer)
  20. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnC ... eCollision The First argument is the element that hit the vehicle, can be another vehicle, and from there you can find out who was driving the vehicle that hit your vehicle (source) causing damage. Otherwise that's it afaik
  21. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientPedDamage https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientPedWasted
  22. The parameters are ignored it seems. The ones that count are the ones after the first two
  23. The arguments are described as dummy points, what does that mean? fx, fy, are dummy points then fx1, fy1 arent
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