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Everything posted by justn

  1. .. So, can someone tell me, which is the best solution to this?
  2. The reason, I choose client side is because if you loop through all players every 2.5 seconds then you're server might lagg like hell but for client side I think it should be okay. Not sure but I think you need to replace this line with this: exports [ "scoreboard" ]:addScoreboardColumn ( "Occupation" ) Everytime i put your version (client-side) , the column doesnt show up, then when i put my version (server-side) and restart the scripts, it works, then when i reconnect , it doesn't work anymore
  3. I don't need to modify the meta.mxl, because im using this script in a gamemode, i just copied your version of it and put it in the client side.. and the column still doesn't show up, wouldn't it be best to make this a server-sided script.. ?
  4. ..Now the occupation column doesn't show.
  5. Oops, I had player for some jobs i made and just copied it in to this script and forgot to changed it, but anyways, its still not working.
  6. Hey guys, so the problem is, it doesn't set the occupation as 'Officer' or 'Staff' or 'Civillian' exports [ "scoreboard" ]:addScoreboardColumn ( "Occupation", 2 ) function thatit() if ( source ~= false) then local sourceTeam = getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam(source) ) if ( sourceTeam == "Police" ) then setElementData ( source, "Occupation", "Officer" ) elseif ( sourceTeam == "Staff" ) then setElementData ( source, "Occupation", "Staff" ) else setElementData ( source, "Occupation", "Civillian" ) end end end setTimer ( thatit, 2500, 0 )
  7. justn

    Small problem

    when the police shots the player, then the player gets 2 wanted level, how to change so if player shoot police, then he gets 2 wanted levels? function onPlayerDamage ( theCop ) if isPlayerInTeam( theCop, "Police" ) then if ( getElementType ( theCop ) == "player" and getElementModel ( theCop ) == 280 ) then setPlayerWantedLevel ( source, 2 ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), onPlayerDamage )
  8. justn

    Small problem

    Still have problems, i dont get any errors in debugscript though.
  9. Okay 1 more thing, if the player already has a job, and he goes in another job marker and click get job how to make it so a gui will pop-up and say 'Do you want to leave your current job first ?
  10. So i have made a job, how do i make it, so if the player has gotten the job, and if the player reconnects, then he will still have th job ? Example: When I click Get Job (A Quit job buttons appear) but if the player reconnects , then the quit button job will still be there.
  11. justn

    Small problem

    Yeah dont worry , it's beta. i know i need to use isPlayerInTeam
  12. justn

    Small problem

    Oops, typo error: Health changed to wanted
  13. justn

    Small problem

    How do i make, so if the player has 2 or more wanted level, then his wanted cant be set back to 1 ? function onPlayerTarget ( theCop ) local PoliceTeam = getTeamFromName ( "Police" ) if ( PoliceTeam ) then if getElementType ( theCop ) == "player" and getElementModel ( theCop ) == 280 then setPlayerWantedLevel ( source, 1 ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerTarget", getRootElement(), onPlayerTarget )
  14. Awesome map ! love the kart part.
  15. justn

    Help thanks.

    Can someone help me with one thing, so i already made a police job, but i need help with some things in it..so yeah, if a aims at another player (who is in police) the player will get 1 star, and if the player shoots the other player ( who is in police) then he'll get 2 stars.
  16. Thanks for the maps
  17. So hi, can someone help me with a script? if theres no player in a vehicle for 30 seconds, then the vehicle will destroy, and if the vehicle gets blown, then the blown car will be destroyed.. I really need this because it prevents lag.
  18. justn

    Problem with GUI

    Lol thanks, but i had already fixed the problem
  19. justn

    Problem with GUI

    If you read the script you'd understand, and the script was actually working at first, then when i restarted it again , it stopped. anyways the problem was only within the paths.
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