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Everything posted by justn
This should be changed to addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",source,spawnSumoPlayer) -- Line 9 addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn",source,spawnSumoPlayer) -- Line 35 this addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),spawnSumoPlayer) -- Line 9 addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn",getRootElement(),spawnSumoPlayer) -- Line 35
He means that in debugscript3 he's seeing "Client triggered server-side event "onBuy" but event is not added server-side.
@SolidSnake14 Nope @WhoAmI Yes I am logged in
Doesn't work, I think the problem may be in the other spawn ?
..Ah, so can you help please ?
Use this when the player quit the game setAccountData Use this when the player joins the game getAccountData Use this when the player dies ( You might wanna include the variable you used for the player skin for getAccountData ) spawnPlayer
local skinmarker = createMarker(846.75,-2056,12.5) setElementInterior(skinmarker,15)
You can enter map editor and remove the objects '-' after you can save the map, add it to the gamemode's XML and to the gamemode itself and there GL
The problem here is, when the player spawns, he doesn't get back the weapons he had before he died. can someone fix ? I already have another code kinda like this, but it works for players who's not in a group. local playerWeapons = { } function spawn () if ( getElementData(source, "Group" ) ~= "TMZ" ) then else if not( isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount(source)) ) then if ( not playerWeapons [ source ] ) and ( getElementData(source, "Group" ) == "TMZ" ) then playerWeapons [ source ] = { } end for slot = 0, 12 do local weapon = getPedWeapon ( source, slot ) if ( weapon > 0 ) then local ammo = getPedTotalAmmo ( source, slot ) if ( ammo > 0 ) then playerWeapons [ source ] [ weapon ] = ammo setTimer (spawnPlayer,5600,1,source,2296.646484375, 556.4404296875, 11.618446350098) giveWeapon ( source, tonumber ( weapon ), tonumber ( ammo ) ) end end end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement( ), spawn) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerSpawn", root, function ( ) if ( playerWeapons [ source ] ) and ( getElementData(source, "Group" ) == "TMZ" ) then for weapon, ammo in pairs ( playerWeapons [ source ] ) do giveWeapon ( source, tonumber ( weapon ), tonumber ( ammo ) ) end end playerWeapons [ source ] = nil end )
It's still not working. Update: Nevermind, Fixed it myself !
So i have made a group base for my group and there's a problem. when the player spawns maverick ( 487 ) it doesnt spawn in the location below, can anyone help me? No errors in debugscript 3 Client-Side addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", TMZGroup_Spawn, function (button, state, absoluteX, absoluteYe) trigger(getLocalPlayer()) local name = guiGridListGetItemText( TMZGroup_Gridlist, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( TMZGroup_Gridlist ), 1 ) triggerServerEvent('TMZ', getLocalPlayer(), name) end) Server-Side AircraftIdSpawn = { { 2254.8168945313, 547.88562011719, 25.22902}, { 2334.2194824219, 544.73132324219, 25.261749267578}, } TableCars = {} addEvent('TMZ', true) addEventHandler('TMZ', root, function( nameCar ) if isElement( TableCars[source] ) then destroyElement( TableCars[source] ) end local id = getVehicleModelFromName( nameCar ) if id == 487 then local x, y, z = unpack( AircraftIdSpawn[math.random(#AircraftIdSpawn)] ) TableCars[source] = createVehicle( id, x, y, z ) if not TableCars[source] then return end warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, TableCars[source] ) setVehicleColor(veh[source], 0, 0, 150) return end local x,y,z = getElementPosition( source ) TableCars[source] = createVehicle( id, x,y,z ) if not TableCars[source] then return end warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, TableCars[source] ) addVehicleUpgrade(TableCars[source], 1147) addVehicleUpgrade(TableCars[source], 1041) addVehicleUpgrade(TableCars[source], 1035) addVehicleUpgrade(TableCars[source], 1010) addVehicleUpgrade(TableCars[source], 1171) addVehicleUpgrade(TableCars[source], 1149) end )
Hey, so for the first code, the problem is, the player ( who's in group RIOT ) when he dies, he does not spawn in the location specified below. addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), function (player) if (getElementType(player) == ("player")) then if ( getElementData ( player, "Group" ) ~= "RIOT" ) then setTimer (spawnPlayer, 1500, 1, player, 846.85522460938, -2106.7973632813, 13.618446350098, 0, getPedSkin (player), 0, 0, getPlayerTeam(player)) end end end) and for this code below, the players in group "RIOT" cant kill each other, but it does not work, Idk why I also don't get errors in debugscript but here you go. addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement (), function (attacker) if ( getElementData(attacker, "Group" ) ~= "RIOT" ) and ( getElementData(source, "Group" ) ~= "RIOT" ) then cancelEvent() end end)
The problem is, when the player goes into the marker, all the other players within the group gets the health and armor also, can someone fix this ? local freeHealth = createMarker( 827.14190673828, -2108.591796875, 12.618446350098, "cylinder", 2, 105, 0, 255, 85) addEventHandler ("onClientMarkerHit", freeHealth, function (hitPlayer, matchingDimension ) if not isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) and getElementData ( localPlayer , "Group" ) == groupName then setElementHealth(localPlayer,100) triggerServerEvent("onAim",localPlayer) end end) function riot () setPedArmor(source,100) end addEvent ("onAim",true) addEventHandler("onAim", getRootElement(), riot)
Doesn't work still, I figured out the problem now. The problem happened when i added the markers to the function on top. I removed the markers and it started to work .. So can someone help me create the markers outside of the function ? and after some seconds the gangsterMarker and policeMarker will show ?
So Hi, this problem is when the player hits the marker.. so, when the player its gangsterMarker, nothing happens, can fix please ? This is when created the marker function onStart () noobMark1 = createMarker ( 725.35363769531, -1276.3233642578, 14.1884375, "arrow", 1, 0, 255, 0, 85) noobmark2 = createMarker ( 691.57635498047, -1275.9288330078, 14.1884375, "arrow", 1, 0, 255, 0, 85) exports [ "TopBarChat" ] : sendClientMessage ( "the mission will start in 90 seconds !", root, 0, 0, 255, true ) setTimer(function() destroyElement(noobMark1) destroyElement(noobMark2) exports [ "TopBarChat" ] : sendClientMessage ( "the mission will be started soon !", root, 0, 0, 255, true ) local gangsterMarker = createMarker ( 725.35363769531, -1276.3233642578, 14.1884375, "arrow", 1, 255, 0, 0, 85) local policeMarker = createMarker ( 691.57635498047, -1275.9288330078, 14.1884375, "arrow", 1, 0, 0, 255, 85 ) end, 5000, 1 ) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,onStart) -- this is on marker hit addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", gangsterMarker, function (player,interior,dimension) if not isPlayerInTeam(player,"Police" ) and ( not isPlayerInTeam ( player, "Medic" ) ) then exports [ "TopBarChat" ] : sendClientMessage ( the mission Coming Soon", player, 255, 0, 0, true ) setElementInterior ( player, 5, 1300.1059570313, -792.5771484375, 1085.00778125 ) setElementDimension ( player, 5 ) setElementFrozen ( player, true ) setTimer ( function() exports [ "TopBarChat" ] : sendClientMessage ( "the mission Started !!!", player, 255, 0, 0, true ) setElementFrozen( player,false) end, 5000, 1 ) elseif isPlayerInTeam(player,"Police") then exports [ "TopBarChat" ] : sendClientMessage ( "You are a Police, you can't enter here", player, 0, 0, 255, true ) elseif isPlayerInTeam(player,"Medic") then exports [ "TopBarChat" ] : sendClientMessage ( "the mission Coming Soon", player, 0, 155, 255, true ) setElementInterior ( player, 5, 1300.1059570313, -792.5771484375, 1085.00778125 ) setElementDimension ( player, 5 ) setElementFrozen ( player, true ) setTimer ( function() setElementFrozen( player,false) end, 5000, 1 ) end end)
As you can see for "onPlayerWasted", it takes all of the player's weapon, so that explains your problem. So replace this addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, function() local weapons = convertWeaponsToJSON(source) setElementData(source,"tempWeapons",weapons) takeAllWeapons ( source ) end ) With this local playerWeapons = { } addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", root, function ( ) if not( isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount(source)) ) then if ( not playerWeapons [ source ] ) then playerWeapons [ source ] = { } end for slot = 0, 12 do local weapon = getPedWeapon ( source, slot ) if ( weapon > 0 ) then local ammo = getPedTotalAmmo ( source, slot ) if ( ammo > 0 ) then playerWeapons [ source ] [ weapon ] = ammo end end end end end )
Instead of seconds, how do i make a time like HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND.. I've created a command, to tell how much longer a mission will start, but i just need the time.
@IIYAMA Loool, I'll try @WhoAmI Bug, the police doesn't get the money and for 'sendClientMessage' nothing appears for the cop, only for the criminal, everything works fine.
Okay i have defined source in both functions ( if i didnt in the first function then the sendClientMessage wouldnt work ) but now. i defined it, and still not working. (no errors in debugscript )
My bad, and i already made a new code but it's not working, IDK why function onPlayerTargetA ( theCop ) if isPlayerInTeam( theCop, "Police" ) then if not isPlayerInTeam(source, "Police" ) then if ( getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) == 1 ) then if ( getElementType ( theCop ) == "player" ) then bindKey ( theCop, "N", "down", function() exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage("You have given "..getPlayerName(source).." a ticket , Wait for him to pay it",theCop,255, 0, 0, true) exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage("You have gotten a ticket ! Press 'H' to pay it!",source,255, 0, 0, true) bindKey ( source, "H", "down", payTheTicket ) end) end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerTarget", getRootElement(), onPlayerTargetA ) function payTheTicket (theCop) if isPlayerInTeam( theCop, "Police" ) then if not isPlayerInTeam(source, "Police" ) then if ( getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) == 1 ) then if ( getElementType ( theCop ) == "player" ) then givePlayerMoney(theCop,200) takePlayerMoney(source,200) exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage("The ticket has been paid by "..getPlayerName(source),theCop,255, 0, 0, true) exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage("You have paid the ticket to "..getPlayerName(theCop),source,255, 0, 0, true) end end end end end
Source is the player who is getting the ticket... but the errors: ERROR:Police\server.lua:26:attempt to concatenate a boolean value
So yeah, i have made this , and the problem is, when the cop aims at the player and presses N , nothing happens, can you help please? function onPlayerTargetA ( theCop ) if isPlayerInTeam( theCop, "Police" ) then if not isPlayerInTeam(source, "Police" ) then if ( getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) == 1 ) then if ( getElementType ( theCop ) == "player" ) then bindKey ( theCop, "N", "down", function() exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage("You have given "..getPlayerName(source).." a ticket , Wait for him to pay it",theCop,255, 0, 0, true) exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage("You have gotten a ticket ! Press 'H' to pay it!",source,255, 0, 0, true) bindKey ( source, "H", "down", payTheTicket ) end) end end end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerTarget", getRootElement(), onPlayerTargetA ) function payTheTicket (theCop) if isPlayerInTeam( theCop, "Police" ) then if not isPlayerInTeam(source, "Police" ) then if ( getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ) == 1 ) then if ( getElementType ( theCop ) == "player" ) then givePlayerMoney(theCop,200) takePlayerMoney(source,200) exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage("The ticket has been paid by "..getPlayerName(source),theCop,255, 0, 0, true) exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage("You have paid the ticket to "..getPlayerName(theCop),source,255, 0, 0, true) end end end end end