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Tete omar

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Everything posted by Tete omar

  1. اخي مستر اكس , لا هو متعلق بالاف 8 ولا هو متعلق بشيء آخر مماثل هذا كود تسويه انت بنفسك , اذا ما تعرف تسويه , تعلم , اذا منت فاهم , الافضل تترك البرمجة
  2. ~= لا يساوي == مقارنة > أكبر من < أصغر من - ناقص + زائد = هذي لا تسميها مقارنة بشيء , هذي مهمة مو مقارنة فهمت ؟ >= أكبر من أو يساوي <= أصغر من او يساوي
  3. ياولدي ابحث عليه بعدين حط هالوظيفة في السطر الي تحته طوالي guiSetProperty(aTab2.ManageACL,"Disabled","True"))
  4. أعيد وأكرر guiSetProperty(button,string property(true or false))
  5. Tete omar


    That didn't fix anything & thx.
  6. Tete omar


    Hi everybody , i've got a prob with the numbers of ' health functions ' , here's my code , client timers = {} function settingProgress() theProgress = guiProgressBarGetProgress(Water_progress) if(theProgress==0)then killTimer(timers.timer) timers.timer1=setTimer( function() triggerServerEvent("SettingHealth",localPlayer) end,10000,0 ) end guiProgressBarSetProgress(Water_progress,theProgress-math.floor(5)) guiSetText(Level_label,"Water [" .. math.floor(theProgress) .. "%]") end timers.timer=setTimer(settingProgress,50,0) -- This is a test labell = guiCreateLabel(536, 212, 254, 76, "", false) function add() guiSetText(labell,math.ceil(getElementHealth(localPlayer))) end setTimer(add,50,0) server addEvent("SettingHealth",true) addEventHandler("SettingHealth",root, function() health = getElementHealth(client) if( health==0 or health==5 )then killPed(client) triggerClientEvent(client,"Rehealthing",client) end -- Also this one , will show the health before taking and after. outputDebugString("Health before:"..health) setElementHealth(client,math.ceil(health)-5) outputDebugString("Health after:"..health) fadeCamera(client,false,2.0,255,0,0) setTimer(fadeCamera,500,1,client,true,0.5) end ) This code will take 5 HP of the player health every 10 seconds , but it may looks complicated for the compiler , cuz of setting timer into a timer above , or something else .. dunno , sometimes it takes 4 , and sometimes it takes 3 , and sometimes it takes 5 , but i believe that i did a mistake above. and here's the results
  7. You're really funny , the guy doesn't have a trust in you , and i think none of the rest will have a trust in you , so why don't you just stop posting a fake words , and saying ' I AM THE BEST FRIEND OF THE DELUX HOST OWNER! ' , wanna steal people scripts huh.
  8. Glad you knew your self ah , the same , accidentally copied.
  9. Tete omar


    [lua] [lua]marker = createMarker( 1355.4749755859, 251.35711669922, 19.5546875, "corona",2,0,255,0) The wrong is the bad explanation , what are you trying to do ?
  10. S.K i was exactly look like you, but i've depended on my self and kept reading it over and over again , you should read the Scripting Introduction https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scr ... troduction] as first , then make some tests by guessing codes and reading , and testing the examples, and asking people.
  11. بس كلمة غبي ماهي لايقة عليك ... انت اذكى شخص عرفته بالعالم
  12. عندي خادمين مو محتاج سيرفر
  13. طيب سؤال الحين كودك ذا أنت أيش كنت تفكر فيه لما سويته function ( ) createTeam ( 'Gang', 255, 250, 0 ) if newTeam then setPlayerTeam ( source, player ) end end addCommandHandler ( "gimmeateam", assignNewTeam ) أنت تبي لما لاعب يخش السيرفر !!!!!!!!!!!!!طيب أيش دخل أم الكومند بالسالفه شوي شوي عليه ابو سرحا , طالع فوق , جبنالك الكود ... بدون ما تتعب ولا تسوي شي
  14. استخدم كودي او كود تابل createTeam("Team 1", 255,255,255) createTeam("Team 2", 255,255,255) Teams = { "Team 1","Team 2" } addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root, function() local team=getTeamFromName(Teams[math.random(#Teams)]) setPlayerTeam(source,team) end ) او Team1 = createTeam("Team 1", 255,255,255) Team2 = createTeam("Team 2", 255,255,255) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function() if math.random(1,2) == 1 then setPlayerTeam(source, Team1) else setPlayerTeam(source, Team2) end end)
  15. Team1 = createTeam("Team 1", 255,255,255) Team2 = createTeam("Team 2", 255,255,255) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function() if math.random(1,2) == 1 then setPlayerTeam(source, Team1) else setPlayerTeam(source, Team2) end end) أو بطريقة ثانية بس أصعب شوي Teams = { "Team 1","Team 2" } addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root, function() local team=getTeamFromName(Teams[math.random(#Teams)]) setPlayerTeam(source,team) end )
  16. سوي جدول لاسماء التيمات , بعدين استخدم createTeam setPlayerTeam getTeamFromName
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