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Tete omar

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Everything posted by Tete omar

  1. -- Server Side x, y, z = 0, 0, 0 thePed = createPed ( 285, x, y, z ) theMarker = createMarker ( 0, 0, 0, "cylinder", 15, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElements ( theMarker, thePed, 0, 0, -1 ) setTimer ( giveWeapon, 500, 1, thePed, 30, 999, true ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", theMarker, function ( thePlayer ) if getElementType(thePlayer) == 'player' then triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "setPedAttacking", thePlayer, thePed ) outputChatBox ( "* Start Shooting !!!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 0, true ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerLeave", theMarker, function ( thePlayer ) if getElementType(thePlayer) == 'player' then triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "setPedStanding", thePlayer, thePed ) outputChatBox ( "* Stop Shooting !!!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 0, true ) end end ) addEvent ( "setPedWeaponAmmo", true ) addEventHandler ( "setPedWeaponAmmo", root, function ( ) setWeaponAmmo ( thePed, 30, 999 ) end ) -- Client Side addEvent ( "setPedAttacking", true ) addEventHandler ( "setPedAttacking", root, function ( thePed ) setTimer ( function ( ) x, y, z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) setPedAimTarget ( thePed, x, y, z ) end , 100, 0 ) setPedControlState ( thePed, "fire", true ) end ) addEvent ( "setPedStanding", true ) addEventHandler ( "setPedStanding", root, function ( thePed ) setPedControlState ( thePed, "fire", false ) for _, x3NAD in ipairs ( getTimers ( 100 ) ) do killTimer ( x3NAD ) end triggerServerEvent ( "setPedWeaponAmmo", localPlayer ) end )
  2. id, ammo ? وين تعريف الاي دي والاموو ذولي هنا giveWeapon ( thePlayer, id, ammo )
  3. MTA team can easily get any user from serial , and yet again , the serial cannot be changed.
  4. آجل وش الي تفهمه ؟
  5. Hello all , I'm here to suggest an mta ban system , which means banning an mta user for being a thieve or a servers stealer , my point here is banning the persons whom keep stealing server names to get more players to their server, and people like MOJRM-511 ( the community virus ) , those all should be banned , and for a good banning reason , you shall make a "Rules" button above "About" button , and who breaks the rules , he'll be banned from whole mta for a while you determine. Thank you.
  6. Are you sure of that object model ? P.S. use tag
  7. استخدم setCameraMatrix عشان تخلي الكام , بآتجاه ثاني
  8. استخدم onResourcePreStart
  9. Well , this code made no sense too.
  10. Did you think that making some sense ?
  11. We cannot help you if you don't know what you want.
  12. What do you want with 'setCameraMatrex' , it moves the game's cam to some position you define ..
  13. Here you can find client events https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Cli ... ing_Events and server events https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ser ... ing_Events
  14. Change line 25 to for blipKey, blipValue in ipairs(blips) do
  15. This is the official topic of the people's dreams , My self I dreamed i'm falling from a building , and i can't control my self , and while i'm approaching to the ground , i suddenly woke up , and my heart was pulsing quickly , and i told my self , what if that was true!.
  16. Tete omar


    did you set the development ' true ' ?
  17. Well , we don't help adjusting community scripts , you try issue this with your own.
  18. ur father promised you to buy one , but you have to be a good person ahahaha.
  19. خلاص بكيفه , اذا ما يبي يقول اسم السارق معناها انه هو المتهم ... منتقياً
  20. PM ارسسله رسالة خاصصة فيها اسم السارق
  21. انا مازعلت لما انسرقت موداتي الي كانت بطاره , بالعكس , فرحت انهم يستخدمو سكربتاتي عششان بس هم عارفين نفسهم انهم ما يمديهم يسوو شي ثانياً هالموضوع احتمال كان له 4 اشهر كنت لسة مبتدئ بالبرمجة
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