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Everything posted by 3NAD

  1. -- تم تقديم طلب إستقالة لأسباب خاصة END # 2012 - 2016 @ Delux-host.
  2. getElementPosition ( source ) لأنه كلنت getLocalPlayer ( ) المفروض
  3. addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWasted", localPlayer, function ( ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) createExplosion ( x, y, z, 0 ) end )
  4. لأن كود الطلق اصله كلنت = لـ العنصر نفسه setPedControlState setPedAimTarget
  5. سطر 8 setTimer ( giveWeapon, 5000, 0, thePed, 30, 99999, true ) تقدر تقلل وقت إعطاء السلاح الـ 5 ثواني = 5000 لو تبي حطه كل 3 ثواني
  6. هذا مآيقتل إلا اللي بالتيم تأكد انك يوم تموت تبقى في التيم . . راقب حركته إذا تشوفه يحاول يطلق + يعني يحرك السلاح بدون طلق يعني العلة بالرصاص
  7. -- Server Side thePed = createPed ( 282, 1513.3770751953, -1677.8481445313, 14.046875 ) theMarker = createMarker ( 0, 0, 0, "cylinder", 15, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) setPedStat ( thePed, 77, 999 ) setPedWeaponSlot ( thePed, 3 ) attachElements ( theMarker, thePed, 0, 0, -1 ) setTimer ( giveWeapon, 5000, 0, thePed, 30, 99999, true ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource ( ) ), function ( thePlayer ) if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then if getPlayerTeam ( thePlayer ) == getTeamFromName ( "Skulls" ) then triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "setPedAttacking", thePlayer, thePed ) if isPedInVehicle ( thePlayer ) then destroyElement ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( thePlayer ) ) end end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerLeave", getResourceRootElement ( getThisResource ( ) ), function ( thePlayer ) if getElementType ( thePlayer ) == "player" then triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "setPedStanding", thePlayer, thePed ) setTimer ( giveWeapon, 500, 1, thePed, 30, 99999, true ) end end ) -- Client Side addEvent ( "setPedAttacking", true ) addEventHandler ( "setPedAttacking", root, function ( thePed ) setTimer ( function ( ) x, y, z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) setPedAimTarget ( thePed, x, y, z ) end , 100, 0 ) setPedControlState ( thePed, "fire", true ) outputChatBox ( "* Start Shooting !!!", 255, 255, 0, true ) end ) addEvent ( "setPedStanding", true ) addEventHandler ( "setPedStanding", root, function ( thePed ) setPedControlState ( thePed, "fire", false ) outputChatBox ( "* Stop Shooting !!!", 255, 255, 0, true ) for _, x3NAD in ipairs ( getTimers ( 100 ) ) do killTimer ( x3NAD ) end end )
  8. إحتمآل يكون الرصاص يفضى سو تايمر إعطاء سلاح بـ شكل متكرر كل 5 ثواني
  9. هههه انا اسويه وانت اللي تعرف النتائج ؟ طيب حط اخر كود
  10. تم إصلاح مشكلة الدفع عبر الهآتف + تطوير الموقع , بقي الآن إضافة خيار الدعم العربي , و سنعلن الإفتـتآح , ================== + التعويض مغلق #
  11. هو اصلاً يقتل أي احد يدخل الماركر . . /
  12. addCommandHandler ( "buy", function ( player, cmd, what ) if what == "nitro" then if getPlayerMoney ( player ) >= 3000 then if isPedInVehicle ( player ) then takePlayerMoney ( player, 3000 ) addVehicleUpgrade ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ), 1010 ) outputChatBox ( "* [ #0000ff" .. getPlayerName ( player ) .. " #ffffff] #007fffhas bought [ #ffff00Nitro #007fff]", root, 255, 255, 255, true ) else outputChatBox ( "* You aren't in vehicle!", player, 255, 0, 0, true ) end else outputChatBox ( "* You Dont Have [#999999 3,000 #007fff]", player, 0, 127, 255, true ) end end end )
  13. setTimer ( playSound, 20000, 1, "mohamad.mp3" )
  14. على شأن احطه في setSoundVolume ولو بسويه بالطريقة المختصرة مآراح يفهمه اللي طلبه =/ setSoundVolume ( playSound ( "mohamad.mp3" ), 1 )
  15. function hill_Enter ( thePlayer ) if thePlayer == localPlayer then theSound = playSound ( "mohamad.mp3" ) setSoundVolume ( theSound, 1 ) outputChatBox ( "you are left bank zone!!", 255, 255, 0, true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientColShapeLeave", col, hill_Enter )
  16. -- Server Side x, y, z = 0, 0, 0 thePed = createPed ( 285, x, y, z ) theMarker = createMarker ( 0, 0, 0, "cylinder", 15, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) attachElements ( theMarker, thePed, 0, 0, -1 ) setTimer ( giveWeapon, 500, 1, thePed, 30, 999, true ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", theMarker, function ( thePlayer ) if thePlayer == thePlayer then triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "setPedAttacking", thePlayer, thePed ) outputChatBox ( "* Start Shooting !!!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 0, true ) end end ) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerLeave", theMarker, function ( thePlayer ) if thePlayer == thePlayer then triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "setPedStanding", thePlayer, thePed ) outputChatBox ( "* Stop Shooting !!!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 0, true ) end end ) addEvent ( "setPedWeaponAmmo", true ) addEventHandler ( "setPedWeaponAmmo", root, function ( ) setWeaponAmmo ( thePed, 30, 999 ) end ) -- Client Side addEvent ( "setPedAttacking", true ) addEventHandler ( "setPedAttacking", root, function ( thePed ) setTimer ( function ( ) x, y, z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) setPedAimTarget ( thePed, x, y, z ) end , 100, 0 ) setPedControlState ( thePed, "fire", true ) end ) addEvent ( "setPedStanding", true ) addEventHandler ( "setPedStanding", root, function ( thePed ) setPedControlState ( thePed, "fire", false ) for _, x3NAD in ipairs ( getTimers ( 100 ) ) do killTimer ( x3NAD ) end triggerServerEvent ( "setPedWeaponAmmo", localPlayer ) end )
  17. استخدم debugscript 3 و جرب الكول شيب ادخل واطلع شوف وش النتائج
  18. اولاً انت فاهم ذا الإيفنت إيش يسوي ؟؟ "onClientColShapeLeave" ???
  19. col = createColCuboid ( -2171.0678710938, 678.17950439453, 100, 100, 100, 100 ) addEventHandler ( "onClientColShapeLeave", col, function ( thePlayer ) if thePlayer == localPlayer then playSound ( "mohamad.mp3" ) end end )
  20. يجب مراعاة الإيفنت والأكواد { Server Or Client }
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