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Everything posted by abu5lf

  1. يرجآل تحسب الاخوان شغآلين عندك عطوك أمثلة تعلم
  2. جرب الكود ذاه PedTable = { [1] = {1477, 1559, 15}, -- اماكن الشخصيات [2] = {1477, 1560, 15}, [3] = {1477, 1561, 15}, [4] = {1477, 1562, 15}, } marker1 = createMarker ( 1477, 1573, 10 ) -- المنطقة الاولى marker2 = createMarker ( 1478, 1553, 10 ) -- المنطقة الثانية for i, p in ipairs ( PedTable ) do local ped = createPed ( 0, p[1], p[2], p[3] ) addCommandHandler ( "امش", function ( ) setPedAnimation ( ped, "ped", "WALK_armed" ) end ) addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", root, function () if ( source == marker1 ) then setPedRotation ( ped, 180 ) elseif ( source == marker2 ) then setPedRotation ( ped, 0 ) end end ) end
  3. addCommandHandler -- انشاء امر getElementPosition and setElementPosition -- الاحداثيات createPed -- انشاء شخص عضو ضض setPedAnimation -- تحريك الاعب
  4. Shields = {} addEvent("buyShield",true) addEventHandler("buyShield",root, function() if getPlayerMoney (source) >= 1000 then takePlayerMoney(source, 1000) outputChatBox ( "" .. name .. " #ffff00 Has Bought #00ffff[shield] ", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) -- if not Shields[source] then createShield(source) end -- bindKey(source,"x","down",ShieldKey) -- setTimer(unbindKey,1 * 60 * 1000,1,source,"x","down",ShieldKey) setTimer(removeShield,1 * 60 * 1000,1,source) else outputChatBox("#00cc00You don't have #ff0000$1000 #00cc00to buy #ffff00[shield]",source,255,0,0,true) end end ) function ShieldKey( Player ) if Shields[Player] then removeShield(Player)s -- الاز لها فائدة ؟ else createShield(Player) end end function createShield(Player) if Player then if not Shields[Player] then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(Player) local int,dim = getElementInterior(Player),getElementDimension(Player) Shields[Player] = createObject(1631,x,y,z) setElementInterior(Shields[Player],int); setElementDimension(Shields[Player],dim) attachElements(Shields[Player], Player, 0, 0.5) end end end function removeShield(Player) if Player then if Shields[Player] then destroyElement(Shields[Player]) Shields[Player] = nil end end end
  5. اخوي تابع الموضوع التالي http://www.salamatyaarab.net/vb/thread12845.html لعل وعسى تكتب عربي مفهوم
  6. حفظ الفلوس function onPlayerQuit ( ) -- when a player leaves, store his current money amount in his account data local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then -- if the player is logged in local playermoney = getPlayerMoney ( source ) -- get the player money setAccountData ( playeraccount, "piraterpg.money", playermoney ) -- save it in his account end end function onPlayerLogin (_, playeraccount ) -- when a player logins, retrieve his money amount from his account data and set it if ( playeraccount ) then local playermoney = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "piraterpg.money" ) -- make sure there was actually a value saved under this key (check if playermoney is not false). -- this will for example not be the case when a player plays the gametype for the first time if ( playermoney ) then setPlayerMoney ( source, playermoney ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerQuit ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerLogin) منع القتال addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), cancelEvent )
  7. function redirect( ) redirectPlayer ( source, "", tonumber(22017) ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), redirect ) <meta> <script src="PROF.lua" type="server"/> </meta> حط المود في قروب الادمن
  8. addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), cancelEvent )
  9. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnPlayerDamage https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CancelEvent , وحفظ الفلوس / لوبحثت في الويكي لقيت مثال function onPlayerQuit ( ) -- when a player leaves, store his current money amount in his account data local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if ( playeraccount ) and not isGuestAccount ( playeraccount ) then -- if the player is logged in local playermoney = getPlayerMoney ( source ) -- get the player money setAccountData ( playeraccount, "piraterpg.money", playermoney ) -- save it in his account end end function onPlayerLogin (_, playeraccount ) -- when a player logins, retrieve his money amount from his account data and set it if ( playeraccount ) then local playermoney = getAccountData ( playeraccount, "piraterpg.money" ) -- make sure there was actually a value saved under this key (check if playermoney is not false). -- this will for example not be the case when a player plays the gametype for the first time if ( playermoney ) then setPlayerMoney ( source, playermoney ) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerQuit ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerLogin", getRootElement ( ), onPlayerLogin)
  10. يعني مقد سويت كودات بس تبحث ؟
  11. حمل اخر نسخة http://multitheftauto.googlecode.com/fi ... sa-1.3.exe
  12. triggerServerEvent('onStupid', localPlayer, guiGetText( amount ) ) :\
  13. خطا ي اخوي نرسل لمن ؟ لازم تجيب اسم الاعب وترسله للسيرفر
  14. abu5lf


    as TAPL say we will not help you. If you want a programme of Decompressing you can use Winrar/WinZip. نحن نأسف لعدم مساعدتك. إذا كنت تريد فك الضغط من الملفات. يمكنك استخدام ينرر / برنامج لضغط الملفات انا ابفهم وش دخل ملفات المضغوطة في السالفة
  15. abu5lf


    يعني لو معك فك تشفير محد يقدر يفك تشفير موداتك وش دخل الهرجة بذي ؟
  16. انا شاطح بس ودي اعرف اعراب الجملة ذي " انا ما راح ابقى "
  17. --Client guiGetText -- event triggerServerEvent onClientGUIClick -- Server getPlayerMoney getPlayerFromName givePlayerMoney takePlayerMoney -- event addEvent addEventHandler
  18. لا تسب الدهر فأن الدهر هو الله
  19. local gPT = getPlayerTeam ( player ) local gTN = getTeamName ( gPT ) if ( gTN == teammechanic ) then
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