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Everything posted by ProstheticWilly

  1. keep on rocking in the free world and doo da da doo doo ------------------
  2. if i were u, wait until 0.2 is out and test it out as a server. then ask questions
  3. wait until the next version (.2) and then ure problemo may be gone yo
  4. flash ur face at ur server thingy. then it might be scared into runnin it. sorry. im no help!
  5. good shit mta. cant wait to spend endless hrs on 0.2!
  6. maybe i lied. just maybe.............
  7. yeh thats annoying that there only like 12 secs long
  8. theres probably not much place left to scar him if hes being doing that shitty in school as well as in makin vice city vids
  9. the song is called 'theres a rat in mi kitchen' by ub40. i love saying that shit no forums cos its s random
  10. in word one word: shit. check out my video for the definition of a vice city vid
  11. theres a rat in my kitchen, wat am i gonna do?
  12. r u goin to have synced traffic lights? that would be sweet for racing
  13. ive gone off to school for the year so basically, thats my last movie guys . maybe ill provide sum more stunts l8r in tha year. btw, i used videostudio to edit the vid. I dont have any free time now, its all work work work!
  14. well for some other ppl it will take a long time. im not keeping it at 31mb especially for u
  15. guys, you should include more PCJ's around the city. theres way too few. put them like EVERYWHERE!!!
  16. lol i got mta the minute it came out and that lovefist building was like the first thing i saw. chumps!
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