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Everything posted by sckatchof

  1. sorry i edit my post it work thank yooou but i have anther problem when i do /radio start music attach to my car it work but me can listen but anther players can't listen this is my script .. sounds = "http://www.181.fm/winamp.pls?station=181-power&style=mp3" function playRadioCar ( car ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition( car ) sound = playSound3D( sounds, x, y, z, true) attachElements ( sound, car) end addEvent( "playRadioCar", true ) addEventHandler("playRadioCar", getRootElement(), playRadioCar)
  2. Edit : work thank you sanke for help and darken....
  3. ty for help but still some probelm
  4. but how to create it ?
  5. sckatchof

    Help again

    hi guys i have problem when i do /radio the speaker attach to vehicle but only one player get the speaker when anther player do /radio the speaker change to his car and it removed from my vehicle this is my script carRadio = createObject(2232, 1016.2437133789, -2473.1711425781, 7.6930656433105, 0, 2, 30) function attachradio(thePlayer) local car = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) if(car) then local x, y, z = getElementRotation(car) setObjectRotation(carRadio, x, y, z) triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "playRadioCar", getRootElement(), car) attachElements(carRadio, car, 0, -4, 0.45) setObjectRotation(carRadio, x, y, z) outputChatBox("Here is the radio!", thePlayer) end end addCommandHandler("radio", attachradio)
  6. idk i want to add setElementData to vehicle but i dont work ! Edit : ty for help i fixed it
  7. but i when vehicle enter on marker dos not destroy
  8. hi guys i have problem lien 3 @SetElementData server side : function criminalcar () carcriminal = createVehicle ( 429, 1202.455078125, -1331.25390625, 13.3984375, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementData ( source, "crimCar", carcriminal, true ) carBliphijicar = createBlipAttachedTo ( carcriminal, 53, 1 ) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", carcriminal, getdriverhijicar ) end
  9. Open resources ==> [gameplay]/scoreboard.zip and you can change everything
  10. i think this can help u : https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=3940
  11. sckatchof

    Skin take

    @DNL291 : why u put this ? .. destroyElement( player )
  12. sckatchof

    Skin take

    @DNL291 but i ask him what he want he said : " I wanted to create a weapon in a certain place, I would like what only a skins can get the gun."
  13. sckatchof

    Skin take

    try this and change x y z with your coordinate yourgun = createPickup ( x, y, z, 2, 31, 4000, 0) ---change x, y, z and change gun id function onPickupuse ( uPlayer ) local skin = getElementModel( uPlayer ) if ( skin == 287 ) or ( skin == 121 ) and ( seat == 0 ) then giveWeapon ( uPlayer, 31, 500, true ) ----give m4 change with your guns end end addEventHandler ( "onPickupUse", yourgun, onPickupuse ) Meta.xml "Ninguem" name="test" version="1.0.0" type="script"/>
  14. sckatchof

    Skin take

    Omg what's thiiis use this createPickup Learn this please : https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Scripting_Introduction
  15. sckatchof

    Skin take

    You want a pickup like guns just one skin can take it ?
  16. Really nice skin aibo, good job.
  17. sckatchof


    Press F12 to get screenshots and to find it go to file ===> C:/Programmes/MTA San Andreas 1.3/screenshots/ as snake say .
  18. i make a different script for gates
  19. Yes i create a RPG server and thank you
  20. thanks all for help thaaaannnk yooooooooooooooooooooou keniiix its work
  21. i have make a panel with gridlist players and i want when i click from grid list to any player it show his informations like his name : his Ip : accountName: his serial .... like admin panel
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