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Everything posted by sckatchof
thank guys for help , but i try many times and still don't work .
i work for turf system but i have some problem when i enter to turf zone output don't work ! part of server side : ... .. .. function OnresourceOpen (player) local ColSize = 10.0 for ID in pairs(Turfids) do local fX, fY, fZ = Turfids[ID][1], Turfids[ID][2], Turfids[ID][3] local CreateColid = createColCuboid ( fX, fY, fZ, ColSize, ColSize, ColSize ) if CreateColid then addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", CreateColid, OnPlayerOnColHit) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, OnresourceOpen) function OnPlayerOnColHit (player) local money = math.random(2580, 4950) if( source == CreateColid ) then if getElementData( player, "YouAreTurfing") then outputChatBox("You already Turfing.",player,255,0,0) return end outputChatBox("balblabla", player, 0,255,255) setElementData(player,"YouAreTurfing",true) triggerClientEvent (player,"tn:Turfing",getRootElement()) setRadarAreaFlashing ( pArea, true ) TurfTimers[ player ] = setTimer( function() ..... .. .. end, 300000, 1 ) end end
thnx for help but sell don't work .
hello guys , why this script don't work ? local xmlFile = nil local xmlNode = nil local yearday, hour function openFile( ) local time = getRealTime( ) yearday = time.yearday hour = time.hour local fileName = ( "TNSlogs/%04d-%02d-%02d/%02d.html" ):format( time.year + 1900, time.month + 1, time.monthday, time.hour ) xmlFile = xmlLoadFile( fileName ) if not xmlFile then xmlFile = xmlCreateFile( fileName, "html" ) local head = xmlCreateChild( xmlFile, "head" ) local title = xmlCreateChild( head, "title" ) xmlNodeSetValue( title, ( "TNS MTA :: Client Logs :: %04d-%02d-%02d" ):format( time.year + 1900, time.month + 1, time.monthday ) ) local style = xmlCreateChild( head, "style" ) xmlNodeSetAttribute( style, "type", "text/css" ) xmlNodeSetValue( style, "body { font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 0.8em; background: #000000; } p { padding: 0; margin: 0; } .v1 { color: #AAAAAA; } .v2 { color: #DDDDDD; } .v3 { white-space:pre; }" ) xmlNode = xmlCreateChild( xmlFile, "body" ) xmlSaveFile( xmlFile ) else xmlNode = xmlFindChild( xmlFile, "body", 0 ) end end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( ), function( ) openFile( ) end )
hello my friends i have a problem in some panels i have make police computer and medic ... New admin panel they work just when their is in-pair player in my server like 1 player or 3 or 5 it work but when there is pair player my panels don't work i don't understand the problem where ?!
thnx for help and this when any player die dxD show to all players : addEventHandler( 'onClientPlayerWasted', root, function( ) dxshow = true if isTimer( DxTime ) then killTimer( DxTime ) end DxTime = setTimer( function( ) dxshow = false end, 1000, 1 ) end )
hi guys i have problem when any Player joi server my intro script show for all players ! this is part of script : server : function OnPlayerjoinserver() showPlayerHudComponent ( source, "clock", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( source, "radar", false ) showChat ( source, false ) triggerClientEvent("StartIntro", source) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), OnPlayerjoinserver)
thank you kenix gg
show your code to help you we can't help you without code .
Omg thnx kenix i forget something it's not "housenumer" it's" "LabelHouseNumber" and now when i buy the house it work but pickup don't change and owner on gui don't change .
don't work i have bad argument line 6 7 8 in server side and when i click buy house it outputChatBox ("This house is already Bought!",source, ...
client : elseif (source == ButtonBuyHouse) then local housenumber = guiGetText (tonumber(housenumber)) triggerServerEvent ("HouseSystemBuyHouse",localPlayer,housenumber) server side : addEvent("HouseSystemBuyHouse",true) addEventHandler ("HouseSystemBuyHouse", getRootElement(), function(housenumber) local root = xmlLoadFile ("homes.xml") local houseHeadRootNode = xmlFindChild (root,"houses",0) local houseRootNode = xmlFindChild (houseHeadRootNode,"house",tonumber(housenumber)) local price = xmlNodeGetAttribute (houseRootNode,"cost") local owner = xmlNodeGetAttribute (houseRootNode,"owner") if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount(source))) then if (owner == "") and (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(price)) then takePlayerMoney (source,tonumber(price)) xmlNodeSetAttribute (houseRootNode,"owner",getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))) outputChatBox ("Congratulations, you are the new owner!",source,255,0,0,false) outputChatBox ("Price: ".. tostring(price) .. "$!",source,255,0,0,false) for i,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType("pickup")) do local number = getElementData ( v, "housenumber" ) if ( number == housenumber ) then setPickupType ( v, 3, 1272 ) end end xmlSaveFile (root) elseif not (owner == "") then outputChatBox ("This house is already Bought!",source,255,0,0,false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(price)) then outputChatBox ("Sorry, you are too poor!",source,255,0,0,false) end end xmlUnloadFile (root) end )
i add tonumber(housenumber) and still don't work and nothing it show in debugscript 3
you mean that if (source == ButtonBuyHouse) then local housenumber = guiGetText (LabelHouseNumber) triggerServerEvent ("HouseSystemBuyHouse",localPlayer,housenumber) end
hello my friends i have post this problem again cause nobody can help me , my problem when i buy a house it output outputChatBox ("You have buy this house ...) and Nothing it change in xml file and owner stay blank and pick up don't change to 1273 . Server side : addEvent("HouseSystemBuyHouse",true) addEventHandler ("HouseSystemBuyHouse", getRootElement(), function(housenumber) local root = xmlLoadFile ("homes.xml") local houseHeadRootNode = xmlFindChild (root,"houses",0) local houseRootNode = xmlFindChild (houseHeadRootNode,"house",tonumber(housenumber)) local price = xmlNodeGetAttribute (houseRootNode,"cost") local owner = xmlNodeGetAttribute (houseRootNode,"owner") if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount(source))) then if (owner == "") and (getPlayerMoney (source) >= tonumber(price)) then takePlayerMoney (source,tonumber(price)) xmlNodeSetAttribute (houseRootNode,"owner",getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))) outputChatBox ("You have buy this house for : ".. tostring(price) .. "$",source,255,255,255,false) for i,v in ipairs ( getElementsByType("pickup")) do local number = getElementData ( v, "housenumber" ) if ( number == housenumber ) then setPickupType ( v, 3, 1273 ) end end xmlSaveFile (root) elseif not (owner == "") then outputChatBox ("This house is already Bought!",source,255,0,0,false) elseif (getPlayerMoney (source) < tonumber(price)) then outputChatBox ("You don't have enough money.",source,255,0,0,false) end end triggerClientEvent (source,"hideHouseGuiWindow",source) xmlUnloadFile (root) end)
Error in this line elseif ( fOwner ~= '' and getPlayerMoney ( source ) >= tonumber ( fPrice ) ) then and wornig in this lines local fPrice = xmlNodeGetValue ( fHouse, 'cost' ); local fOwner = xmlNodeGetValue ( fHouse, 'owner' );
DraKen i realy don't understand i want when i click buy house it save my account name in xml file and pick up change that what i want and thnx for help again