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Everything posted by sckatchof

  1. use this local name = getPlayerName(player) if name == "YourName" then
  2. you mean only you account name can enter to the marker ?
  3. try this local x = 685.62610 local y = -2692.39307 local z = 7.5 local market = createMarker ( x, y, z, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 0, 255, 170 ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientMarkerHit', root, function ( player ) if ( player == localPlayer and source == market ) then setTimer(setElementPosition, 1000, 1, player, 0, 0, 0 ); --- After 1 second end end )
  4. ahmedfef , If you don't post your code nobody can help you .
  5. ahmedfef post your code us Draken say !
  6. i know cause he don't post full code idk what he use , that's why
  7. try this : local accountname = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount (thePlayer)) aclGroupRemoveObject(aclGetGroup("Admin"), "user."..accountname)
  8. Maybe i have problem but thaaank you for help i will try to fix it or change it
  9. still don't work delete my resource and i add your resource and still work the sound . just when i reconnect or quit it stop
  10. and i add this i still work the music
  11. @X-SHADOW : don't copy the code without check if he work
  12. Link : http://www.mediafire.com/?uxr856xtiiy6co3
  13. i copy your last code again, still dont stop
  14. Yes im sure if u want i will upload my resource
  15. thanks all for help but i will try to fix it idk why it dont work for me
  16. you mean if he is VIP can get color what he want ?
  17. it still work the sound idk why dont work for me i tested it i do /radio and the sound start and when i do /stopradio the music still work just speaker destroy
  18. but he dont want lights for vehicles.
  19. thannnnnnnnk you snake but sound dont stop when i do /stopradio just speacker destory but music dont stop
  20. Use this functions : createVehicle setVehicleColor
  21. thank you again snake work and who can i make a command to destroy attachElement from vehicle and destroy sound like /destoryradio ? and sorry for inconvenience again
  22. thank you snake for help work i have anther question how can i make if player do /radio and get to anther car and do /radio it radio remouve with music and create to his car or he have already the radio it show outputChatBox ( "tthe radio is already exists", thePlayer ) .
  23. i add that look to server side it work sound when i do /radio but just on player can lesten to music i want just players near to the car can listen to music
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