hi guys i have problem when i do /radio the speaker attach to vehicle but only one player get the speaker when anther player do /radio the speaker change to his car and it removed from my vehicle this is my script
carRadio = createObject(2232, 1016.2437133789, -2473.1711425781, 7.6930656433105, 0, 2, 30)
function attachradio(thePlayer)
local car = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer)
if(car) then
local x, y, z = getElementRotation(car)
setObjectRotation(carRadio, x, y, z)
triggerClientEvent ( thePlayer, "playRadioCar", getRootElement(), car)
attachElements(carRadio, car, 0, -4, 0.45)
setObjectRotation(carRadio, x, y, z)
outputChatBox("Here is the radio!", thePlayer)
addCommandHandler("radio", attachradio)