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Everything posted by IIYAMA

  1. Pls only reply if you know what a shader is. If I replace the world-texture and I convert the texture(element) format to dxt5, will it still use 4 times less memory? local texture = dxCreateTexture ( "text.png","dxt5") if texture then dxSetShaderValue(texShader,"gTexture",texture) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(texShader,indexName) end
  2. So index: __newindex will be called when inserting new data? and index: __index will be called when requesting a key in the table?

    Some problems

    Discussing illegal software on a public forum. That is what you did, like many others still do. I don't blame you for that , but in my opinion it is disrespectful towards to creators. Also I just told you what you should do to solve your problems, so I am not that bad am I?

    Some problems

    No you have to buy that. Show some more respect to the creators.
  5. 245 isn't a vehicle. Valid id's: vehicleIDS = { 602, 545, 496, 517, 401, 410, 518, 600, 527, 436, 589, 580, 419, 439, 533, 549, 526, 491, 474, 445, 467, 604, 426, 507, 547, 585, 405, 587, 409, 466, 550, 492, 566, 546, 540, 551, 421, 516, 529, 592, 553, 577, 488, 511, 497, 548, 563, 512, 476, 593, 447, 425, 519, 520, 460, 417, 469, 487, 513, 581, 510, 509, 522, 481, 461, 462, 448, 521, 468, 463, 586, 472, 473, 493, 595, 484, 430, 453, 452, 446, 454, 485, 552, 431, 438, 437, 574, 420, 525, 408, 416, 596, 433, 597, 427, 599, 490, 432, 528, 601, 407, 428, 544, 523, 470, 598, 499, 588, 609, 403, 498, 514, 524, 423, 532, 414, 578, 443, 486, 515, 406, 531, 573, 456, 455, 459, 543, 422, 583, 482, 478, 605, 554, 530, 418, 572, 582, 413, 440, 536, 575, 534, 567, 535, 576, 412, 402, 542, 603, 475, 449, 537, 538, 441, 464, 501, 465, 564, 568, 557, 424, 471, 504, 495, 457, 539, 483, 508, 571, 500, 444, 556, 429, 411, 541, 559, 415, 561, 480, 560, 562, 506, 565, 451, 434, 558, 494, 555, 502, 477, 503, 579, 400, 404, 489, 505, 479, 442, 458, 606, 607, 610, 590, 569, 611, 584, 608, 435, 450, 591, 594 }
  6. and what are the values?
  7. if so, why doesn't your code check the nill's? Seriously that is the first thing you do as scripter, before posting your code. outputDebugString(tostring(vehi).. " " .. tostring(x) .. " " .. tostring(y) .. " " tostring(z) ) local vehicle= createVehicle(vehi, x, y, z ) if vehicle then vehicless[source] = vehicle warpPedIntoVehicle(source, vehicle) outputDebugString("Vehicle successfully created.") else outputDebugString("Warning: no vehicle created, it was a silly mistake.") end
  8. Everything can be solved, but I don't think it is it worth. Resync the animation based on time: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Se ... onProgress timeNow = getTickCount() That is math you learn at school, so you can ask that to your teacher. (colshape?)
  9. @Et-win Doesn't matter, if the values are something else then numbers/strings, it should not render in the first place. (checked with tonumber) If the argument is a number it will automatic be transferred to a string, while using ".." @LabiVila Server-side arguments are useless to client-side.
  10. Gif should be splits up in frames. If you can do that, then you have to change the image every time so you get a smooth animation.
  11. Putin learned you that? Brainwashed.... Well I didn't expect less. Can this topic be locked! You moderators should give section bans for requesting.
  12. yes, His question was if there was another way then the pairs loop. Afaik there is one other way using meta tables. (which I do not understand and not sure if this is possible)
  13. It is a way of saying, learn English for god shake.
  14. @MrBrutus He doesn't use the array so # becomes useless. His table is something like this: local myTable = { ["cow_I_love"]=1, ["cow_I_ hate"]=2, ["cow_I_kiss(so sexy)" ]=3 }
  15. Yes to help anyone, that is the main purpose. Not use people to do your dirty job. and no that is not my opinion, that is how it works Nerses. If you don't know how it works then we say how it works and if you don't understand how it works we will say it again and again etc. Till pathetic tramps like you will mind the FORUM rules or just leave this section.
  16. Stop with lying about: "I have not so much time", that's all bullshit. Stop begging, that is for poor guys who do not own a device to play mta. So it is miracle that you can. Keep our lovely section clean, go request the right way at the request page. Leave the hard working scripters alone, you are making me sick.
  17. You are at the wrong section, read the rules/information about the scripting section: HERE. You can solve your problem/problems: HERE. Good luck and bye bye.
  18. + Objects can't create projectiles. Only (synced)vehicles/players can.
  19. addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage",localPlayer, function(attacker,weapon,bodyPart,loss) local health = getElementHealth (source) cancelEvent() end) You try finish it. If somebody else gives you the awnser, then that person is pathetic and the poster stays a noob. So pls give him a chance.
  20. ok thanks, and when for exemple a type in console : start the event onResourceStart always is triggered before the client side event onClientResourceStart?? Good question. To be honest, I do not know if the server is starting sending files before the serverside scripts has been loaded.(but I think it will start sending after.) But one thing you should know is that there is always the slow internet + the client script load time. Which is always slower.
  21. Afaik: onPlayerJoin < event serverside download the script(if he doesn't have it) load the script and as last start the script> onClientResourceStart < event clientside
  22. Must be a bug, clientside should be must better in detecting colshapes then serverside. Serverside must live from streamed data from the clients.
  23. setElementHealth or setElementModel < Works only at client elements which are NOT streamed. Streamed elements have synchronisations(serverside created: players, peds, vehicles). SetPlayerMoney doesn't gets streamed from client > server, (only server > client). so don't worry about that. @ arezu was first
  24. @ bandi94 his code + suivant = v[i+1] and v[i+1][2] or v[1] and v[1][2] -- next row data 2 previous = v[i-1] and v[i-1][2] or v[#v] and v[#v][2] -- prev row data 2
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