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Everything posted by IIYAMA


    Skin bug


    Skin bug

    "When I change my skin, my health returns to 100 or 200. Can somebody help me with this?" Is that what you want to say? local health = getElementHealth(player) setElementModel(player,61) setElementHealth(player,health)
  3. There is a table in the serverside file which is generated next to your .map file. It contains the required lowLOD data you requested.
  4. Then you got the wrong line. Something wrong with your text editor?
  5. F11 map probably can only be changed by the user itself. (replacing files in his own mta folder) For the radar > You could try to find the texture name/names: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Sha ... ture_names and apply this simple shader: //-- Declare the texture. These are set using dxSetShaderValue( shader, "Tex0", texture ) texture Tex0; technique simple { pass P0 { //-- Set up texture stage 0 Texture[0] = Tex0; //-- Leave the rest of the states to the default settings } } https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/En ... rldTexture
  6. Don't ask me why it gives that error, since it should not give you that one on that line... Yet, this is/was your problem: setVehicleColor(kar, tonumber(a) or 0,tonumber(b) or 0,tonumber(c) or 0)
  7. local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize ( ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- function -- for i=1,5 do local imageWidth = screenWidth*(1366/1366) dxDrawImage (screenWidth*(20/1366)+((i-1)*imageWidth) ,screenHeight*(195/768),imageWidth,screenHeight*(768/768), 'x' .. i .. '.png',0,0,0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false) end You image width and height is too BIG/LARGE/Or what ever. You have to fill that in correctly! But this is how you create images next to each other in a line.
  8. I am not sure what you want. If you want just move a single map to another dimension. Open your .map file in your notepad++ and replace all dimension lines (ctrl+f). Or: You want to move all objects to your dimension? Try this: Client local lastDimension = getElementDimension(localPlayer) local thisResource = getThisResource ( ) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",root, function (res) local objects = thisResource == res and getElementsByType("object") or getElementsByType("object",source) -- source = resourceRoot of that resource. if objects and #objects > 0 then local dimension = getElementDimension(localPlayer) for i=1,#objects do setElementDimension(objects,dimension) end end end) setTimer (function () local dimension = getElementDimension(localPlayer) if dimension ~= lastDimension then lastDimension = dimension local objects = getElementsByType("object") for i=1,#objects do setElementDimension(objects,dimension) end end end,100,1)
  9. -- for lua demo -- local outputChatBox = outputChatBox or print -- url: [url=http://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo]www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo[/url] --------------------- local namePart1 = "Someone ft. someone" local namePart2 = "The someone song" local songName = namePart1 .. " - " .. namePart2 outputChatBox(songName)
  10. Try another name, it is the only possible/visible "thing" that might stop this script from starting.
  11. Or when you are a starter in lua, convert them to textures and delete them. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxCreateTexture Like this: local image = dxCreateTexture ( "filepath.png" ) fileDelete ("filepath.png") addEventHandler("onClientRender",root, function() dxDrawImage(0,0,1000,1000,image) end)
  12. Is that file name valid? Afaik this should be visible in your console.
  13. They disabled the weapon damage somehow. Use: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientWeaponFire To overwrite the damage.
  14. @Carlos23 +1 Colshapes hardly detect the element type "object".
  15. IIYAMA


    It is probably sending double messages because you are using the freeroam resource, which is also using this event. Or some other resource.
  16. Just force them out: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Re ... romVehicle
  17. I don't think the fire creation can be removed from an explosion. But you could try to use another type of explosion. event > cancelEvent() > createExplosion https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientExplosion https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CancelEvent https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreateExplosion
  18. I don't think bad ping has anything to do with active mods. It is more the download you have to worry about.
  19. IIYAMA

    LUAC Help

    Well, you could ask your friend to create global variables in a not compiled file. So you don't have to edit the luac file.
  20. If the event never gets called, you don't know when you have to warp him in to it. (and yes I tested it) So no way around it, lets sit back and relax.
  21. I don't think so, it probably would be interrupting the system.
  22. Then you have to edit the slothbot and base teams on elementdata instead of teams.
  23. Why don't you set him in your team?
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