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Everything posted by MR.S3D

  1. بجربه وارد لك خبر
  2. الله يعافيك بالخدمة دائما
  3. فيه مشكلة بأخر اكواد السيرفر تتلخبط مع اكواد المنتدى الحين احاول اعدلها لك تم التعديل
  4. الكلنت local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() rRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) Music = "Other/Intro.mp3" Anims = {"DAN_UP_A", "dnce_M_b", "DAN_Left_A", "DAN_Down_A", "DAN_Loop_A", "dance_loop"} num = 0 local TeamNameee = "" local Team = "" local findskin = nil local Text = "" local mn = nil Color = {255, 255, 255} local NewTeam = 0 local ID, skin = nil, nil, nil TeamName = {"Grove", "Aztecas", "Police", "Ballas", "No Team", "Medic"} local WaeponID = {5, 22, 3, 1, 32, 41, 43} allPlayer = 0 local Weapon = 0 local NameWeap = "Fist" GameType = {} ColorGame = {0, 255, 255} GameNameType = "" Info = {} SkinSelectMusic = nil local foundTeam = 0 local findskin = 0 typeGame = "gang" local foundInTeam = "" local foundInall = "" Ped = {} skin = { Grove = {105, 106, 107}, Aztecas = {115, 116, 117}, Police = {283, 284, 285}, Ballas = {102, 103, 104}, ["No Team"] = {28, 34, 123, 230, 7, 15, 16, 21, 19, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 37, 45, 46, 59, 72, 137, 189, 200, 217, 212, 240, 241, 247, 248, 261}, Medic = {274, 275, 276}, } AllTeamName = { Grove = {2494.96948, -1684.03101, 14.3313, 2494.98486, -1685.02856, 14.26363, 2495.38843, -1688.54297, 13.87171}, Aztecas = {1764.75586, -1928.03674, 15.2383, 1763.80432, -1928.0498, 14.93086, 1761.0708, -1928.08801, 13.57734}, Police = {1568.73779, -1695.54541, 7.0456, 1568.71582, -1694.55835, 6.8869, 1568.64075, -1691.68494, 5.89063}, Ballas = {2217.03027, -1167.91956, 27.0701, 2217.0166, -1168.89661, 26.85767, 2216.97534, -1171.77625, 25.72656}, ["No Team"] = {901.33551, -1208.65796, 18.4756, 901.27332, -1207.69299, 18.22063, 901.05676, -1204.8208, 16.98322}, Medic = {2022.72839, -1426.36877, 18.3914, 2023.34521, -1425.61548, 18.16297, 2025.20178, -1423.47644, 16.99219}, } Rot = {357.4391784668, 271.10339355469, 179.70733642578, 0, 179.01052856445, 132.08488464355} CamGameType = { {2454.49487, -1654.69812, 26.19402, 2541.42432, -1686.7251, -11.45641} } function dxDrawColorText(str, ax, ay, bx, by, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY) bx, by, color, scale, font = bx or ax, by or ay, color or tocolor(255,255,255,255), scale or 1, font or "default" if alignX then if alignX == "center" then ax = ax + (bx - ax - dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font))/2 elseif alignX == "right" then ax = bx - dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font) end end if alignY then if alignY == "center" then ay = ay + (by - ay - dxGetFontHeight(scale, font))/2 elseif alignY == "bottom" then ay = by - dxGetFontHeight(scale, font) end end local alpha = string.format("%08X", color):sub(1,2) local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" local s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, 1) local last = 1 while s do if cap == "" and col then color = tocolor(getColorFromString("#"..col..alpha)) end if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font,"left", "top", false, false, true, false, false) ax = ax + w color = tocolor(getColorFromString("#"..col..alpha)) end last = e + 1 s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, last) end if last <= #str then cap = str:sub(last) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font), by, color, scale, font,"left", "top", false, false, true, false, false) end end local function getTeam(team) return getTeamFromName(team) end local function count(team) return countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName(team)) end function onStop() resetSkyGradient() showChat(true) showPlayerHudComponent("all", true) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", resourceRoot, onStop) function foundPos(nummm) local foundPo = AllTeamName[TeamName[NewTeam]][tonumber(nummm)] return foundPo end function showforallteam() fadeCamera( true ) showChat(false) SpawnGameType() --[[ foundInTeam = "There are Players" foundInall = "all Players" GameType = {"Gang Wars"} Info = {"Wlecom To Gang Wars","To Spawn press [Enter]"} GameNameType = "Gang Wars" mn = nil bindKey("enter","down",SpawnGameType) l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6 = unpack(CamGameType[1]) info1 = Info[1] info2 = Info[2] ShowGameType() addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),DrawGameType) --]] end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), function(killer, weapon, bodypart) if getElementData(localPlayer, "WasChangeTeam") == true then showforallteam() else return false end end) function ShowGameType() ColorGame = {255,255,0} l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6 = unpack(CamGameType[1]) setCameraMatrix(l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6) SelectGame = 1 GameNameType = GameType[1] count2 = count("Grove") count3 = count("Aztecas") count4 = count("Police") count5 = count("Ballas") count6 = count("No Team") mn = count2 + count3 + count4 + count5 + count6 typeGame = "gang" end function SpawnGameType() setTimer(MakeGangWars, 500, 1) TeamNameee = "Team Name" end function MakeGangWars() Color = {0, 255, 0} Team = " " .. TeamName[1] .. " " allPlayer = count(TeamName[1]) Weapon = WaeponID[1] NameWeap = getWeaponNameFromID(Weapon) NameWeap = getWeaponNameFromID(Weapon) NewTeam = 1 local x, y, z, lx, ly, lz = foundPos(1), foundPos(2), foundPos(3), foundPos(4), foundPos(5), foundPos(6) setCameraMatrix(x, y, z, lx, ly, lz) ---removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), DrawGameType) bindKey("arrow_r", "down", Next) bindKey("arrow_l", "down", Next) bindKey("enter", "down", SpawnPlayer) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), DrawTeam) SkinSelectMusic = playSound(Music, true) local pedx, pedy, pedz = foundPos(7), foundPos(8), foundPos(9) findskin = math.random(1, 3) ID = 105 Ped[1] = createPed(ID, pedx, pedy, pedz, Rot[1]) if not isElement(Ped[1]) then Ped[1] = createPed(ID, pedx, pedy, pedz, Rot[NewTeam]) end setElementFrozen(Ped[1], true) setPedAnimation(Ped[1], "DANCING", Anims[math.random(1, 6)]) foundTeam = 1 findskin = 1 end function Next(key) if key == "arrow_l" then num = num - 1 else num = num + 1 end if key == "arrow_l" then findskin = findskin - 1 else findskin = findskin + 1 end if findskin < 1 then findskin = 3 end if TeamName[number] and TeamName[number] == "No Team" then if findskin > #skin["No Team"] then findskin = 1 end else if findskin > 3 then findskin = 1 end end if num < 1 then num = 12+#skin["No Team"]+#skin['Medic'] foundTeam = 6 end if num == 1 or num == 3 then foundTeam = 1 end if num == 4 or num == 6 then foundTeam = 2 end if num == 7 or num == 9 then foundTeam = 3 end if num == 10 or num == 12 then foundTeam = 4 end if num == 13 or num == 12+#skin["No Team"] then foundTeam = 5 end if num == 12+#skin["No Team"]+1 or num == 12+#skin["No Team"] + #skin['Medic'] then foundTeam = 6 end if num > 12+#skin["No Team"] + #skin['Medic'] then foundTeam = 1 num = 1 end number = foundTeam ID = skin[TeamName[number]][findskin] Team = " " .. TeamName[number] .. " " NewTeam = foundTeam TextColor(number) setElementModel(Ped[1], ID) setPedAnimation(Ped[1], "DANCING", Anims[math.random(1, 5)]) if Ped[1] then destroyElement(Ped[1]) Ped[1] = nil end local x, y, z, lx, ly, lz = foundPos(1), foundPos(2), foundPos(3), foundPos(4), foundPos(5), foundPos(6) wasFoundCamAndPed = foundTeam
  5. فهمني وش تبي بالضبط عشان اعدله لك
  6. السبب اللي خلاني أتعلم برمجة هو كان بسبب مشاكل مع تابل وكنت أحب اقلده في أي شي يسويه واستانس لما يعصب ههههههههههههههه وأكيد تابل الى الأن يذكر وش كان يصير والأن أنا وتابل حبايب مافيه احسن مننا وصراحة في البداية كان متعبه وبديت بلوحات وحاجات بسيطة واخش الويكا وكنت اتعب كثير واعتمدت على نفسي والحمد لله على كل حال
  7. مايمديك يامزه
  8. لابد من تعديل ملف ال dxtext الأصلي
  9. local groupName = '[saW]' outTawa = { createMarker(966,1257,55,"cylinder",2,0,0,0,0), createMarker(861,1243,55,"cylinder",2,0,0,0,0), createMarker(841,1423,55,"cylinder",2,0,0,0,255), createMarker(946,1430,55,"cylinder",2,0,0,0,0), } addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",resourceRoot, function ( hPlayer ) if ( getElementType(hPlayer) == 'player' ) and not isPedInVehicle( hPlayer ) then local data = getElementData( hPlayer, 'Group' ) local team = getPlayerTeam( hPlayer ) if ( team and getTeamName(team) == 'No Team' and data and data == groupName ) then setElementPosition( hPlayer, 839,1313,37 ) end end end )
  10. إذا تبي أصمم لك أي مود بمقابل راسلني على الخاص
  11. MR.S3D


    سوي متغير جديد في اعلى سكربيتك وسميه اي اسم مثلا AllowUseFunction = true -- السماح باستخدام الوظيفه الان روح لوظيفة الماركر اللي تبي تستخدمها وحط داخلها if AllowUseFunction == true then -- اذا كان المتغير true -- هنا الكود اللي تبي تسويه AllowUseFunction = false -- تمنع المتغير -- الان نسوي تايمر يرجع المتغير مثل ماكان مثلا بعد دقيقة setTimer(function() AllowUseFunction = true end,60000,1) else -- اذا كان المتغير ممنوع --تخرج كلام في الشات او اي شيء انه بعد دقيقة مسموح استخدام الوظيفه end اعذرني اذا ماهو واضح لاني من جوال داخل
  12. الحين نفسي اعرف يابابا ليه تعدل محتوى الموضوع دامه تمت الافادة خل غيرك يستفيد
  13. استضافة أكثر من رائعة وبالنسبة لطرق الدفع كافيه ولو تم تفعيل الدفع بالهاتف يكون أغلى وبالنسبة للكاش يو متوفرة في كل مكان واللي مايقدر يجيب كاش يو أنا اوفرها له مقابل بطاقة شحن سوا واللي يبي يراسلني عالخاص أو على الأميل [email protected] تحياتي
  14. 100% خطا هذا يعطيك و يسحبه في نفس الوقت جربته قبل خطأ ذا يسحب اخر سيارة صارت استخدم جدول
  15. Results : [2013-06-05 21:16:33] QUIT: bader-ksa left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:33] bader-ksa bytesReceived = 1868074, bytesSent = 49721732, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:47] QUIT: DoOoM--D5D left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:47] DoOoM--D5D bytesReceived = 144853, bytesSent = 3069313, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:49] CONNECT: ^_^Yaze#ff0000do166v_v connected (IP: Serial: D6D20DCD7309FD24C91E5CDF4C92BBE4 Version: 1.3.2-9.05458.3) [2013-06-05 21:16:50] QUIT: YOSF left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:50] YOSF bytesReceived = 1991030, bytesSent = 33812016, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:50] WARNING: 1xXEvilShopsXx/s.lua:83: Bad argument @ 'destroyElement' [Expected element at argument 1] [2013-06-05 21:16:50] QUIT: [king]___[khaled] left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:50] [king]___[khaled] bytesReceived = 190986, bytesSent = 1401512, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:50] QUIT: Ibtissam-bety left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:50] Ibtissam-bety bytesReceived = 618361, bytesSent = 13470803, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:50] QUIT: {F.F}MR:MhGwL left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:50] {F.F}MR:MhGwL bytesReceived = 37463, bytesSent = 773517, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:50] QUIT: [email protected] left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:50] [email protected] bytesReceived = 1691404, bytesSent = 20675130, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:51] QUIT: IHKI left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:51] IHKI bytesReceived = 736255, bytesSent = 4648102, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:51] QUIT: (GF)alishirzad112(Q.5) left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:51] (GF)alishirzad112(Q.5) bytesReceived = 891370, bytesSent = 14923322, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:51] QUIT: fares left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:51] fares bytesReceived = 1987024, bytesSent = 26200573, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:51] WARNING: 1xXEvilAnti_Waeapon_CarXx/S3D_S.lua:112: Bad argument @ 'destroyElement' [Expected element at argument 1] [2013-06-05 21:16:51] QUIT: iicr4zy left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:51] iicr4zy bytesReceived = 2255189, bytesSent = 19981043, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:51] QUIT: A6arh-#000000Ronaldo left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:51] A6arh-#000000Ronaldo bytesReceived = 1731816, bytesSent = 20024669, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: [OMAN][HEMO]_107_>3 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] [OMAN][HEMO]_107_>3 bytesReceived = 688807, bytesSent = 6937145, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: iRAIDD left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] iRAIDD bytesReceived = 390326, bytesSent = 5460612, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: Q.5_GF#FFFF00SpeCiaL79 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] Q.5_GF#FFFF00SpeCiaL79 bytesReceived = 742701, bytesSent = 17637891, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: #330066,$~][MH[R]8L][~ left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] #330066,$~][MH[R]8L][~ bytesReceived = 4484816, bytesSent = 51739843, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: GaL#f00000axY left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] GaL#f00000axY bytesReceived = 321735, bytesSent = 4291777, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: KNiG>F-16< left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] KNiG>F-16< bytesReceived = 219684, bytesSent = 3269068, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: =[A.H]=#060908~~D7o0om left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] =[A.H]=#060908~~D7o0om bytesReceived = 1709497, bytesSent = 25037449, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: iAd3s3leeek left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] iAd3s3leeek bytesReceived = 539127, bytesSent = 6701751, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: 3KASHA left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] 3KASHA bytesReceived = 1634030, bytesSent = 20950998, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: ahmed87658 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] ahmed87658 bytesReceived = 2046768, bytesSent = 17432505, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: king left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] king bytesReceived = 276921, bytesSent = 5927545, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: Q.5_SCAR_FACE_BR left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] Q.5_SCAR_FACE_BR bytesReceived = 1078598, bytesSent = 17719550, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: MHGOL-KSA left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] MHGOL-KSA bytesReceived = 78211, bytesSent = 1523618, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: ^_^Yaze#ff0000do166v_v left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] QUIT: meedo0o left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:52] meedo0o bytesReceived = 5199579, bytesSent = 223717707, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: #ff0000BOBO<H(F-15) left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] #ff0000BOBO<H(F-15) bytesReceived = 1572786, bytesSent = 19702179, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: [Q.5][N]~>F~>[s]e[H] left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] [Q.5][N]~>F~>[s]e[H] bytesReceived = 671726, bytesSent = 14561740, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: shr6h-m5nwfh left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] shr6h-m5nwfh bytesReceived = 265505, bytesSent = 3770055, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: ALMAIDANI-OPS left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] ALMAIDANI-OPS bytesReceived = 873102, bytesSent = 16850552, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: @UAE123456789 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] @UAE123456789 bytesReceived = 441447, bytesSent = 6963784, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: #000000MR~BA left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] #000000MR~BA bytesReceived = 1979415, bytesSent = 62993844, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: {KenG}>>AL6arat<<{707} left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] {KenG}>>AL6arat<<{707} bytesReceived = 202319, bytesSent = 3187473, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: =(Q.5)=d3abh left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] =(Q.5)=d3abh bytesReceived = 14910711, bytesSent = 248871974, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: SAKHER.ALADWAN left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] SAKHER.ALADWAN bytesReceived = 12693035, bytesSent = 183062476, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] WARNING: 1xXEvilShopsXx/s.lua:83: Bad argument @ 'destroyElement' [Expected element at argument 1] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: {{{al-salmi}}} left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] {{{al-salmi}}} bytesReceived = 3307683, bytesSent = 48748980, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: (Q.5)MR.(Z7F) left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] (Q.5)MR.(Z7F) bytesReceived = 910486, bytesSent = 13280406, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: hamwdk left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] hamwdk bytesReceived = 851133, bytesSent = 7801890, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: 7manny left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] 7manny bytesReceived = 2448315, bytesSent = 32414773, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: TARH left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] TARH bytesReceived = 2170656, bytesSent = 20472053, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: #0006FFABOO___TMEM_506 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] #0006FFABOO___TMEM_506 bytesReceived = 596569, bytesSent = 10238143, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: xXF16_UAEXX left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] xXF16_UAEXX bytesReceived = 1017884, bytesSent = 14590450, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: NABILIB left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] NABILIB bytesReceived = 76357500, bytesSent = 1987174090, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:53] QUIT: TemporaryTrooper52 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:53] TemporaryTrooper52 bytesReceived = 1371421, bytesSent = 22782410, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:54] QUIT: #FAF8CC[MONE]~> left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:54] #FAF8CC[MONE]~> bytesReceived = 4880759, bytesSent = 48403229, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:54] WARNING: 1xXEvilAnti_Waeapon_CarXx/S3D_S.lua:112: Bad argument @ 'destroyElement' [Expected element at argument 1] [2013-06-05 21:16:54] QUIT: x-khalid-ksa-x left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:54] x-khalid-ksa-x bytesReceived = 1917261, bytesSent = 29710833, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:54] QUIT: ^_^hesham1999^_^ left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:54] ^_^hesham1999^_^ bytesReceived = 122223, bytesSent = 2627720, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:54] QUIT: aLKiNG_7MADH left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:54] aLKiNG_7MADH bytesReceived = 1290483, bytesSent = 19195725, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:54] QUIT: ^dhoom^ left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:54] ^dhoom^ bytesReceived = 251143, bytesSent = 7149871, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:54] QUIT: MR..HM left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:54] MR..HM bytesReceived = 1851834, bytesSent = 21934119, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:54] QUIT: TenRat29 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:54] TenRat29 bytesReceived = 448788, bytesSent = 6830637, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:54] QUIT: ALGENERALxXGOOKRXx left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:54] ALGENERALxXGOOKRXx bytesReceived = 6328024, bytesSent = 86418312, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:54] QUIT: RoughExpert48 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:54] RoughExpert48 bytesReceived = 1691900, bytesSent = 21107563, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:54] QUIT: XL...511...VP left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:54] XL...511...VP bytesReceived = 150204, bytesSent = 2203228, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:54] QUIT: #0d18c2{Q.5}MR_Snkerz left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:54] #0d18c2{Q.5}MR_Snkerz bytesReceived = 149617, bytesSent = 2018646, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:54] QUIT: karam77 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:54] karam77 bytesReceived = 607885, bytesSent = 6544227, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:54] QUIT: KSR-Team1.0.7 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:54] KSR-Team1.0.7 bytesReceived = 797255, bytesSent = 13604479, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:55] QUIT: layth.aladwan left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:55] layth.aladwan bytesReceived = 98160, bytesSent = 1445224, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:55] QUIT: RitzySwordsman88 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:55] RitzySwordsman88 bytesReceived = 926515, bytesSent = 18567754, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:55] QUIT: AZOOOOOOOOZ left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:55] AZOOOOOOOOZ bytesReceived = 322583, bytesSent = 9011364, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:55] QUIT: lolo25 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:55] lolo25 bytesReceived = 625539, bytesSent = 9251977, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:55] QUIT: [6arh]-_-kloode left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:55] [6arh]-_-kloode bytesReceived = 329817, bytesSent = 4690743, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:55] QUIT: D7ooM left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:55] D7ooM bytesReceived = 1477981, bytesSent = 22771775, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:55] QUIT: MaterialMaiden34 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:55] MaterialMaiden34 bytesReceived = 1113026, bytesSent = 16194599, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:55] QUIT: JALOOL left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:55] JALOOL bytesReceived = 406645, bytesSent = 5916905, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:55] QUIT: FallaciousRose73 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:55] FallaciousRose73 bytesReceived = 1321967, bytesSent = 8445034, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:55] QUIT: AttractiveCheetah87 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:55] AttractiveCheetah87 bytesReceived = 46767, bytesSent = 736738, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: [Q.9]KNKALNDEM left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] [Q.9]KNKALNDEM bytesReceived = 126715, bytesSent = 1754229, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: CriMiNaL_506 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] CriMiNaL_506 bytesReceived = 45758, bytesSent = 718060, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: II-Hajwala205-IIq8(6a) left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] II-Hajwala205-IIq8(6a) bytesReceived = 512793, bytesSent = 6790016, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: broken left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] broken bytesReceived = 134163, bytesSent = 1391968, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: #_T{h}e,#000000GFabodi left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] #_T{h}e,#000000GFabodi bytesReceived = 2784421, bytesSent = 41665838, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: [Q.5](GF)=HETLAR=07 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] [Q.5](GF)=HETLAR=07 bytesReceived = 12735230, bytesSent = 203701711, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: soso left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] soso bytesReceived = 761295, bytesSent = 10368792, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: mjnoonk left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] mjnoonk bytesReceived = 774627, bytesSent = 15833436, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: #TOMPSAHLE+968(*_^)# left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] #TOMPSAHLE+968(*_^)# bytesReceived = 752046, bytesSent = 6369935, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: Q#ffffffMAJ#ff40ffED12 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] Q#ffffffMAJ#ff40ffED12 bytesReceived = 3832336, bytesSent = 41689531, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: --{ARMY-OMAR}-- left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] --{ARMY-OMAR}-- bytesReceived = 825327, bytesSent = 9584154, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: the8ah left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] the8ah bytesReceived = 1512402, bytesSent = 33386844, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: [Q.5]#40FFFF*~SHANAB~* left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] [Q.5]#40FFFF*~SHANAB~* bytesReceived = 579850, bytesSent = 8345281, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: ahmed.alnhdi left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] ahmed.alnhdi bytesReceived = 1383352, bytesSent = 26824271, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: MoOody1949 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] MoOody1949 bytesReceived = 1316846, bytesSent = 22811701, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: Tarik.iko left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] Tarik.iko bytesReceived = 186184, bytesSent = 1792139, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: SA07 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] SA07 bytesReceived = 1134492, bytesSent = 21065498, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: sultan left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] sultan bytesReceived = 1988919, bytesSent = 43871655, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: SMARAT left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] SMARAT bytesReceived = 32386, bytesSent = 647802, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: mohnd2012 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:56] mohnd2012 bytesReceived = 420167, bytesSent = 4068720, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:56] QUIT: #,[Q,5]#ffffffB[R]HOM_ left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:57] #,[Q,5]#ffffffB[R]HOM_ bytesReceived = 1328318, bytesSent = 21913197, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:57] QUIT: #330000Xx>>R(A)B7<<xX left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:57] #330000Xx>>R(A)B7<<xX bytesReceived = 1777256, bytesSent = 27756865, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:57] QUIT: [GF~Q.5]#000000_FoFo left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:57] [GF~Q.5]#000000_FoFo bytesReceived = 743658, bytesSent = 5944343, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:57] QUIT: AALM left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:57] AALM bytesReceived = 683174, bytesSent = 14990385, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:57] QUIT: Q5T[h]e,iMr,#00ffff777 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:57] Q5T[h]e,iMr,#00ffff777 bytesReceived = 12047782, bytesSent = 176065697, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:57] QUIT: Q.5#0000CCkingEMAD2012 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:57] Q.5#0000CCkingEMAD2012 bytesReceived = 3131931, bytesSent = 38211054, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:58] QUIT: MR.HamaAaDoooo left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:58] MR.HamaAaDoooo bytesReceived = 592842, bytesSent = 15709328, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:58] QUIT: #ffffff[Q.5]|Bad|~Boy left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:59] #ffffff[Q.5]|Bad|~Boy bytesReceived = 3056438, bytesSent = 45590754, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:16:59] QUIT: {mafia}-_-zZOROo_KSA= left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:16:59] {mafia}-_-zZOROo_KSA= bytesReceived = 1480486, bytesSent = 21795972, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:17:00] QUIT: .=[Q.5]=.aSJooJl.KSA. left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:17:00] .=[Q.5]=.aSJooJl.KSA. bytesReceived = 837216, bytesSent = 16422617, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:17:03] QUIT: #ff0000Bandar left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:17:03] #ff0000Bandar bytesReceived = 12798652, bytesSent = 305681154, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:17:03] WARNING: 1xXEvilShopsXx/s.lua:83: Bad argument @ 'destroyElement' [Expected element at argument 1] [2013-06-05 21:17:05] QUIT: {Q.5}T[h]e,{GF}MA7MOD left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:17:05] {Q.5}T[h]e,{GF}MA7MOD bytesReceived = 1075603, bytesSent = 15488030, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:17:05] QUIT: [Q.5] left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:17:05] [Q.5] bytesReceived = 875380, bytesSent = 18566725, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:17:05] QUIT: mishari left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:17:05] mishari bytesReceived = 7496281, bytesSent = 96545509, packetlossLastSecond = 0 [2013-06-05 21:17:06] QUIT: #ccccccQ.5[MR.SSOSS.55 left the game [Timed out] [2013-06-05 21:17:06] #ccccccQ.5[MR.SSOSS.55 bytesReceived = 1412967, bytesSent = 21172039, packetlossLastSecond = 0
  16. -- Server Side addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root, function () setTimer(fadeCamera,500,1,source,false) end )
  17. لما يتسوى ريستارت راح يمر على حدث onResourceStart
  18. Veh = {} addEvent("Faisal",true) addEventHandler("Faisal", root,function() if Veh[source] and isElement( Veh[source] ) then destroyElement(Veh[source]) Veh[source] = nil end local x, y, z = getElementPosition (source) Veh[source] = createVehicle (402, x, y, z) if Veh[source] then warpPedIntoVehicle(source,Veh[source]) end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root,function() if Veh[source] and isElement( Veh[source] ) then destroyElement(Veh[source]) Veh[source] = nil end end) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartExit", getRootElement(),function(player) if Veh[player] then cancelEvent() end end )
  19. مشكور والله ذيب بس فيه أشياء ناقصه اللي هي مايقدر يخرج من السياره والسياره يركبها على طول موب تجي جمبه ولآهنت .. لو تقدر تعدل عليه لك مني خالص الشكر . يعني ماتبيه يركبها بس تنزل جنبه؟
  20. وش ؟؟؟؟ اذا قصدك اسم فانكشن مايحتاج هنا يامخ يحتاج لما يكون الأفنت تحت الوظيفه
  21. Veh = {} addEvent("Faisal",true) addEventHandler("Faisal", root,function() if Veh[source] and isElement( Veh[source] ) then destroyElement(Veh[source]) Veh[source] = nil end local x, y, z = getElementPosition (source) Veh[source] = createVehicle (402, x, y + 3, z) if Veh[source] then warpPedIntoVehicle(source,Veh) end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root,function() if Veh[source] and isElement( Veh[source] ) then destroyElement(Veh[source]) Veh[source] = nil end end)
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