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Everything posted by Thelastride
He is allowed since this topic is still active, when it gets inactive it will get low auto
You are right because owner is Matthew Ello, he should be banned from mtasa
Ha - Ha - Ha your english made my day I give a suggestion to you, If you are not good at something don't use it. Delux-host.com was stupid host, same goes for yours.They had no support and buggy control panel if i remember.Learn english
I agree , Solidsnake is too strict on us and never misses a time to use power He also deletes our post for very small reasons like saying, "this server is bad"
I was thinking for how long you think MTA:SA is going to stay with players playing it.As you know gta sa was released in 2006 and its been 6 years now and still people enjoying it.Server player counts increased more these years so what you think how long MTA is going to stay, whats your opinion? I think more 4 years because there are no other good freeroam games even comparable to gtasa and MTA makes it perfect. I started this topic because i am away from mta (only on forums) and would like to see it just like this when i come back later after 1-2 years.
and? what you wanna prove? that you know better than me?. Listen people don't come on internet to know how much you know , they come to get help. Yes mysql root doesn't have a password and it needs to be added by user and if user doesn't add then he can get hacked by someone so its a security issue.Its written on their website so stop making useless post. User should remember to change/set a password and he should also change username from "root" to something else as its not recommended.
Stop spreading BS information to people, XAMPP is nothing but php,mysql,phpmyadmin ,apache and all the things in 1.Its same and can be used for servers.It can be installed easily You are saying this because you read this on their website : http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html and talking nonsense. Those security issues can be fixed, its not big thing Here a list of missing security in XAMPP: The MySQL administrator (root) has no password. The MySQL daemon is accessible via network. ProFTPD uses the password "lampp" for user "nobody". PhpMyAdmin is accessible via network. Examples are accessible via network. MySQL and Apache running under the same user (nobody). All can be fixed easily so stop acting like a teabag without knowledge and spreading wrong information to others.You can use it for professional things, atleast for a mta server or a website but if you have a huge company than its other thing and you may consider different options.Internet is full of people like you who spread wrong information without knowledge.IF you dont know "shutup"!
why not release MTA:IV? any reasons?
just add in client side anywhere, first line will be cool
it has pile of shit coding, not recommended if u want your server popular, it will make ur server lag lots of timers
It was never Galaxy host in their TOS, maybe you just mixed 2 websites after visiting there and ashpire servers.I had read their TOS at first day so maybe you need a doctor for brain checkup
Good host
REPORT: This server is spamming and faking server.
Thelastride replied to Peace:D's topic in Servers
lol what an idiot! they should wipe his server -
mysql is database where everything will be stored like forum accounts,posts,topics. There are many tutorials http://tutorials.securesignup.net/vps-h ... admin.html Its easier to upload files from filezilla ftp client . Enter your vps username and password. IP will be vps ip and port: 22
Yes everyone's id will change haha maybe add a if that if player has element data false then only it assigns id.
local root = getRootElement() localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() local counter = 0 local starttick local currenttick function addColumns() exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn("FPS") setElementData(localPlayer,"FPS",0) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), addColumns) addEventHandler("onClientRender",root, function() if not starttick then starttick = getTickCount() end counter = counter + 1 currenttick = getTickCount() if currenttick - starttick >= 1000 then setElementData(localPlayer, "fps", counter) counter = 0 starttick = false end end ) fpstable = {} function averageFPS() avgseconds = 10 for i = 0, avgseconds do if i+1 <= avgseconds then fpstable[i+1] = fpstable[i] end fpstable[0] = getElementData(localPlayer, "fps") end totalframes = 0 for k, v in pairs(fpstable) do if v ~= false then totalframes = totalframes + v end end avgfps = math.round(totalframes / avgseconds, 0) setElementData(localPlayer, "avgfps", avgfps) end setTimer(averageFPS, 1000, 0) function math.round(number, decimals, method) decimals = decimals or 0 local factor = 10 ^ decimals if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") then return math[method](number * factor) / factor else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number)) end end player was nothing.
VPS doesn't need port forwarding i think so any port.
Yes good try function joinTime () setElementData ( source, "joinTime", getTickCount() ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, joinTime ) function checkonline (player) local timeon =( getTickCount() - getElementData ( player, "joinTime")) /60000 outputChatBox("Time spent in server: "..timeon.. " minutes.",player,255,255,255) end addCommandHandler ( "timeinserver",checkonline) Now you can use a for loop to check who is online for most time.
If you have linux knowledge everyone has it. Go for linux vps.Its easy to use, you just need to use some commands.Many tutorials on net , its not that hard.
nice bump
Yes it is .You can use getTickCount function https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetTickCount Read example. Take getTickCount when player joins server and subtract it from current tick count.
There is no doubt of Matthew doing bad things.I have been told by old Vedic gaming owners that they trusted him and his host and now he is selling their script for 5-50$.Thats why they changed their host and running with new name Arsenic
There are many......... Many mta servers hosted there maybe DDOS your website.
Maybe you don't know how to use their control panel.Its bug free and user friendly and support is nice and quick.