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Everything posted by Nitride

  1. i uploaded it, can you come to my server and try?
  2. is this right? --events addEvent("onServerCreateRoundArea",true) addEvent("onServerChangeRoundAreaDimensions",true) addEvent("onServerChangeRoundAreaFlashing",true) addEvent("onServerChangeRoundAreaColor",true) addEventHandler("onServerCreateRoundArea",root,createRoundRadarArea) addEventHandler("onServerChangeRoundAreaDimensions",root,roundRadarAreaDimensions) addEventHandler("onServerChangeRoundAreaFlashing",root,roundRadarAreaFlashing) addEventHandler("onServerChangeRoundAreaColor",root,roundRadarAreaColor) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire",root,weaponFire) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch",root,weaponSwitch) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resRoot,onStart) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop",resRoot,onStop) local race=getResourceFromName("race") if race then addEvent("onClientMapStarting",true) addEventHandler("onClientMapStarting",getResourceRootElement(race),onRaceStart) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop",getResourceRootElement(race),onRaceStop) end addEventHandler("onClientMapStarting",root,reDelDefaultHUD) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage",localP,ultilizeDamageScreen) addEventHandler("onClientElementDataChange",root,refreshElementData) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter",root,vehEnter) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleStartExit",root,vehExit) addCommandHandler("getInfo",function() local info=dxGetStatus() for k,v in pairs(info) do outputConsole(k.." : "..tostring(v)) end end)
  3. i typed getinfo into the console and nothing happens. I restarted my server and the resource but nothing happens
  4. i have 4 gigs of ram and intel duo core but a conpany does the hosting for me.
  5. I just downloaded it again and put it in resources and it still won't work.
  6. in my admin panel it says its running but nothing happens. i will try re-install it
  7. i am interested my server cost is 10 euros a month for 35 slots and my uptim is 99.4%
  8. i was wondering if there are any resources that make a bus follow a path and players cannot hijack the bus. are there any automatic train drivers
  9. Nitride

    Text box

    are there any resources online like this.
  10. Nitride

    Text box

    i don't know the name of the resource that i want. it is a text box in the top right corner and i saw it on a server. the server that i saw it on was BADWOLF server
  11. function onEnter (vehicle, seat, jacker) if ( getElementModel(vehicle) == 432 ) then if ( hasObjectPermissionTo(source, "function.kickPlayer")) then else killPed(source) outputChatBox("You are a cheater", source, 255, 0, 0 ) destroyElement(vehicle) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), onEnter ) function onSwitchToMinigun (previous, current) if ( current == 38 ) then if ( hasObjectPermissionTo(source, "function.kickPlayer")) then else killPed(source) outputChatBox("You are a cheater", source, 255, 0, 0 ) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWeaponSwitch", getRootElement(), onSwitchToMinigun ) some how the people on my server get miniguns and they don't use any hacks
  12. thank you for coming to my server to help
  13. it doesn't say how to set the rights
  14. i want to add a few admins but i only want them to have access to the admin chat and the players tab
  15. [2011-08-22 17:06:18] ERROR: Couldn't parse config bank.locations.xml in resource bank [2011-08-22 17:06:18] Failed to start resource item bank.locations.xml in bank have i done something wrong.
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