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Everything posted by Nitride

  1. Nitride

    Network speed

    @Mickoi Have you found a solution yet? I made something in my spare time. Not bad for my first script ? Screenshot of POC. I still want to make the UI look interesting and add configuration options. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Bw_qJJwRBiQ7Vla15uQJTk1Fh5P6qX0d/view?usp=share_link
  2. Nitride

    Network speed

    I'd say use a timer to check the change in bytesReceived (From GetNetworkStats) since the previous frame and then divide by the sample time to calculate the Megabits (or Megabytes) per second. Perhaps have a look at the example for average packet loss in https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetNetworkStats which may point you in the right direction.
  3. Well, after thinking about it further, it wouldn't make it any simpler to create new game modes since it would just be making the development process easier to setup and work with. We'd need some sort of visual editor to make it more accessible.
  4. I think this would be great. Anybody else have interest in this?
  5. Nitride

    Please help me

    Thanks, now it's working
  6. Nitride

    Please help me

    Please help me. Whenever I join a server the "Map Download Progress" stops at about 25-30kb and then it stays there for a few seconds and then says "connection lost". I even uninstalled mta and all the resources etc.Thanks
  7. Can you please help me? How would I run this as a screen and then how would I access it as a screen to stop the server? Thanks
  8. Nitride


    Hey guys, I want to learn to script. Would you recommend learning lua first and then how to script with mta or should I just go straight into mta? Which tutorials would you recommend? How long will it take to learn and become fluent? A month, 6 months, a year? Thanks guys
  9. I am helping somebody set up a server and we need a scripter for an rpg server. Add me on Skype if you're interested.
  10. Lloyd, I've set up a popular sever before. I'm not doing the scripting, we're getting a scripter for that. I'm going to set the server up and help him manage it. I have a lot of experience with Linux and Web designing in PHP as well.
  11. I've been with them for over a year and they are excellent. 10/10
  12. Hi, I sent you an email. add me on Skype: charl.van.staden
  13. Stay away from them. I was a customer for about 7 months so I'm suprised you don't remember me. And when I contacted support you treated me like a friend not a customer. So unprofessional! The thing that really annoyed me was the fact that you didn't even bother to turn the servers back on and the servers were offline so often. My server has been offline once with my new host and they told me a week in advance.
  14. [19:07:28] WARNING: neon\neon.lua:43: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
  15. Tried to do it but it doesn't work.
  16. Please can you guys help me, since MTA 1.1 this script doesn't want to work anymore. This script is meant to create a neon light under your car. Server --determine whether color change can be made with a command cmd = true --the command to use thecmd = "neon" function neon(plr,cmd,r,g,b,a) if not r then openGui(plr) return true end if tonumber(tostring(r)) == nil then r,g,b,a = getColorFromString(r) end if not a then a = 200 end veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(plr) if veh and r and g and b then model = getElementModel(veh) if canHaveNeon(veh) then if haveNeon(veh) then setNeonColor(veh,tonumber(r),tonumber(g),tonumber(b)) end end end end if cmd then addCommandHandler(thecmd,neon) end function setNeonColor(vehicle,r,g,b) setElementData(vehicle,"neonlight",tostring(r)..","..tostring(g)..","..tostring(b)..","..tostring(a)) for i,mark in ipairs(getElementsByType("marker")) do local type = getMarkerType(mark) if type == "corona" then local data1 = getElementData(vehicle,"neonMarker1") local data2 = getElementData(vehicle,"neonMarker2") if data1 == mark or data2 == mark then setMarkerColor(mark,r,g,b,80) end end end return true end function haveNeon(vehicle) local data = getElementData(vehicle,"haveneon") if data then return true else return false end end function addNeon(vehicle,state) if getElementType(vehicle) == "vehicle" then if state then setElementData(vehicle,"haveneon",true) x,y,z = getElementPosition(vehicle) -- local exist = nil for i,mark in ipairs(getElementsByType("marker")) do data = getElementData(vehicle,"neonMarker1") if data == mark then local exist = mark end end if not exist then local marker1 = createMarker(x,y,z,"corona",2,0,0,0,0) attachElements(marker1,vehicle,0,-1,-1.2) setElementData(vehicle,"neonMarker1",marker1) local marker2 = createMarker(x,y,z,"corona",2,0,0,0,0) attachElements(marker2,vehicle,0,1,-1.2) setElementData(vehicle,"neonMarker2",marker2) end -- return true else setElementData(vehicle,"haveneon",false) setElementData(veh,"neonlight","off!!!") -- for i,mark in ipairs(getElementsByType("marker")) do local type = getMarkerType(mark) if type == "corona" then local data1 = getElementData(vehicle,"neonMarker1") local data2 = getElementData(vehicle,"neonMarker2") if data1 == mark or data2 == mark then setMarkerColor(mark,0,0,0,0) end end end -- return true end else return false end end function canHaveNeon(veh) model = getElementModel(veh) if veh and getElementType(veh) == "vehicle" then x = mayHaveNeon(model) return x else return false end end function mayHaveNeon(model) if model ~= 592 and model ~= 511 and model ~= 584 and model ~= 512 and model ~= 593 and model ~= 417 and model ~= 487 and model ~= 553 and model ~= 488 and model ~= 563 and model ~= 476 and model ~= 519 and model ~= 460 and model ~= 469 and model ~= 513 and model ~= 472 and model ~= 473 and model ~= 493 and model ~= 595 and model ~= 484 and model ~= 430 and model ~= 453 and model ~= 452 and model ~= 446 and model ~= 454 and model ~= 403 and model ~= 514 and model ~= 443 and model ~= 515 and model ~= 455 and model ~= 406 and model ~= 486 and model ~= 578 and model ~= 532 and model ~= 524 and model ~= 498 and model ~= 609 and model ~= 568 and model ~= 457 and model ~= 508 and model ~= 571 and model ~= 539 and model ~= 606 and model ~= 607 and model ~= 485 and model and model ~= 581 and model ~= 509 and model ~= 481 and model ~= 462 and model ~= 521 and model ~= 463 and model ~= 510 and model ~= 522 and model ~= 461 and model ~= 448 and model ~= 468 and model ~= 586 and model ~= 485 and model ~= 552 and model ~= 431 and model ~= 438 and model ~= 437 and model ~= 574 and model ~= 525 and model ~= 408 and model ~= 416 and model ~= 433 and model ~= 427 and model ~= 490 and model ~= 528 and model ~= 407 and model ~= 544 and model ~= 523 and model ~= 470 and model ~= 596 and model ~= 597 and model ~= 598 and model ~= 599 and model ~= 432 and model ~= 601 and model ~= 428 and model ~= 499 and model ~= 449 and model ~= 537 and model ~= 538 and model ~= 570 and model ~= 569 and model ~= 590 and model ~= 441 and model ~= 464 and model ~= 501 and model ~= 465 and model ~= 564 and model ~= 594 then return true else return false end end function deactivateNeon(vehicle) if getElementType(vehicle) == "vehicle" then setElementData(vehicle,"neonlight","off!!!") for i,mark in ipairs(getElementsByType("marker")) do local type = getMarkerType(mark) if type == "corona" then local data1 = getElementData(vehicle,"neonMarker1") local data2 = getElementData(vehicle,"neonMarker2") if data1 == mark or data2 == mark then setMarkerColor(mark,0,0,0,0) end end end return true else return false end end function openGui(plr) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(plr) if haveNeon(veh) then triggerClientEvent(plr,"openNeonGui",root) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,function() for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do data = getElementData(veh,"neonlight") setElementData(veh,"neonlight",data) end end) for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do deactivateNeon(veh) end addEvent("closeNeonGui",true) addEventHandler("closeNeonGui",root,function(r,g,b) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) setNeonColor(veh,r,g,b) end) Client sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() function wantNeon(state) if state == true then addEventHandler("onClientPreRender",root,loop) else removeEventHandler("onClientPreRender",root,loop) end end function loop() for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do x,y,z = getElementPosition(veh) a,b,c = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) dis = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,a,b,c) vis = isElementOnScreen(veh) if vis and dis < 50 then x,y,rot = getElementRotation(veh) if x < 50 or x > 310 then if y < 50 or y > 310 then if getElementData(veh,"neonlight") ~= "off!!!" then drawIt(veh,rot) end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPreRender",root,loop) function drawIt(veh,rot) x,y,z = getElementPosition(veh) az = getGroundPosition(x,y,z) dis = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,x,y,az) if dis < 2 then a = 100 model = getElementModel(veh) data = getElementData(veh,"neonlight") if data then r = tonumber(gettok(data,1,string.byte(","))) g = tonumber(gettok(data,2,string.byte(","))) b = tonumber(gettok(data,3,string.byte(","))) ck = tonumber(gettok(data,4,string.byte(","))) --if ck and ck <= 255 and ck >= 0 then a = ck end rot = rot if --rot < 1 or rot > 359 1 == 1 then rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(veh) x,y,z = getElementPosition(veh) r3 = rz-30 r4 = rz-150 r3 = math.abs(r3-360) r4 = math.abs(r4-360) r1 = r3-60 r2 = r4-300 r1 = math.rad(r1) r2 = math.rad(r2) r3 = math.rad(r3) r4 = math.rad(r4) cr1 = math.cos(r1) sr1 = math.sin(r1) cr2 = math.cos(r2) sr2 = math.sin(r2) cr3 = math.cos(r3) sr3 = math.sin(r3) cr4 = math.cos(r4) sr4 = math.sin(r4) x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.03*cr1 sr1 = 1.03*sr1 cr2 = 1.03*cr2 sr2 = 1.03*sr2 cr3 = 1.03*cr3 sr3 = 1.03*sr3 cr4 = 1.03*cr4 sr4 = 1.03*sr4 x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.02*cr1 sr1 = 1.02*sr1 cr2 = 1.02*cr2 sr2 = 1.02*sr2 cr3 = 1.02*cr3 sr3 = 1.02*sr3 cr4 = 1.02*cr4 sr4 = 1.02*sr4 x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.02*cr1 sr1 = 1.02*sr1 cr2 = 1.02*cr2 sr2 = 1.02*sr2 cr3 = 1.02*cr3 sr3 = 1.02*sr3 cr4 = 1.02*cr4 sr4 = 1.02*sr4 x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.02*cr1 sr1 = 1.02*sr1 cr2 = 1.02*cr2 sr2 = 1.02*sr2 cr3 = 1.02*cr3 sr3 = 1.02*sr3 cr4 = 1.02*cr4 sr4 = 1.02*sr4 x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.02*cr1 sr1 = 1.02*sr1 cr2 = 1.02*cr2 sr2 = 1.02*sr2 cr3 = 1.02*cr3 sr3 = 1.02*sr3 cr4 = 1.02*cr4 sr4 = 1.02*sr4 x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.02*cr1 sr1 = 1.02*sr1 cr2 = 1.02*cr2 sr2 = 1.02*sr2 cr3 = 1.02*cr3 sr3 = 1.02*sr3 cr4 = 1.02*cr4 sr4 = 1.02*sr4 x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.02*cr1 sr1 = 1.02*sr1 cr2 = 1.02*cr2 sr2 = 1.02*sr2 cr3 = 1.02*cr3 sr3 = 1.02*sr3 cr4 = 1.02*cr4 sr4 = 1.02*sr4 x1 = sr1+x y1 = cr1+y x2 = sr2+x y2 = cr2+y x3 = sr3+x y3 = cr3+y x4 = sr4+x y4 = cr4+y az1 = getGroundPosition(x1,y1,z+2) az2 = getGroundPosition(x2,y2,z+2) az3 = getGroundPosition(x3,y3,z+2) az4 = getGroundPosition(x4,y4,z+2) dxDrawLine3D(x1,y1,az1,x2,y2,az2,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) dxDrawLine3D(x3,y3,az3,x4,y4,az4,tocolor(r,g,b,a),3) cr1 = 1.02*cr1 sr1 = 1.02*sr1 cr2 = 1.02*cr2 sr2 = 1.02*sr2 cr3 = 1.02*cr3 sr3 = 1.02*sr3 cr4 = 1.02*cr4 sr4 = 1.02*sr4 x1 = sr1+x
  17. I'm sorry guys, I was lying. They are so bad it is not even funny. The servers were down so often and after the downtime they didn't even bother to turn it on again. I recommend domVPS. I have been with them for about 5 months and my server hasn't EVER gone down and they notify you if the servers will be down for maintaince and they sent me a message yesterday saying that my server would be down for 30mins at 00:30 PM so that they can improve the server nodes. DONT GO FOR HOSTINGTIME.DE
  18. Btw, thx for replying to my message. #sarcasm
  19. Sorry, i forgot to let you guys know that i fixed the problem. They didn't install my server properly so they had to re-install it.
  20. Can i be moved to a European server as soon as there is space available?
  21. =========================================================== = Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.3 =========================================================== = Server name : Test 101 = Server IP address: = Server port : 22003 = = Log file : /home/mta/mods/deathmatch/logs/server.log = Maximum players : 100 = HTTP port : 22003 = Voice Chat : Disabled =========================================================== [2012-02-04 20:58:56] Resources: 254 loaded, 0 failed [2012-02-04 20:58:56] Querying game-monitor.com master server... success! [2012-02-04 20:58:56] Querying backup master server... success! [2012-02-04 20:58:57] Starting resources.................. [2012-02-04 20:58:57] Server started and is ready to accept connections! [2012-02-04 20:58:57] Type 'help' for a list of commands. I have uninstalled ALL my scripts and the server still crashes when anyone joins. Please check my mtaserver.conf to make sure that the network settings are correct for your network. I'm sure its not my scripts that's making the server crash. Please help me with my server, my current server host will expire in a few days
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