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Everything posted by Axel

  1. Axel

    Clicking on Ped

    I used setElementData(tped,"name","John") and getElementData(tped,"name","John") at a if and it works. Thanks for the suggestion Jesse.
  2. Axel

    Clicking on Ped

    I made 2 of those for 2 peds and now it shows the both gui's when i click on one of them..
  3. Axel

    Romanian Server

    Eu as zice tot de un RPG sau RolePlay. Sunt interesat de oferta ta TheRuNix, iar despre experienta ma consider destul de experimentat in scripting in MTA, pot face de la sistem de salvare pana la sistem de ganguri sau multiple gamemoduri cu dimensiuni.
  4. u can use x,y,z = getScreenSize(thePlayer)
  5. Axel

    If admin join

    You should use [lua ] [/lua] for the code..
  6. Axel


    I tryed to make a television system but failed, sad that you can't import videos..
  7. Axel

    Clicking on Ped

    How can i make.. when i click with the mouse on a ped a gui appears?
  8. You have to change here repeat until spawnPlayer ( player, x+math.random(1,5), y+math.random(5,9), z, 90, math.random(312), 0, 0) x,y,z / coordonates
  9. Axel

    Giving Money

    Thank you very much, i apreciate your help.
  10. Axel

    Giving Money

    Still does not work..
  11. Axel

    Giving Money

    I tested and there is a error line 13 unexpected symbol near '['
  12. Axel

    Giving Money

    Im trying to create a pickup near the player when he types /givemoney {ammount} , i made the script but it does not work, i can t find bugs .. function givemoney(thePlayer, command, amount) local givingplayer = getPlayerFromName ( thePlayer ) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local x = x + 5 local gpickup = createPickup(x,y,z,1212) takePlayerMoney (thePlayer, math.abs(tonumber(amount))) end addCommandHandler ("givemoney", givemoney) function takemoney ( thePlayer ) givePlayerMoney(thePlayer, math.abs(tonumber(amount))) destroyElement(gpickup) end addEventHandler ( "onPickupUse", gpickup, takemoney )
  13. I cannot see the image, make sure you upload it with imageshack.us it will work.. And your sure you registered?
  14. Axel

    [ Help ] Panel

    Just change the coordonates of the gui window..
  15. Axel

    Need help with the game

    You should not double post just becouse none answered. Play MTA 1.1 and wait for new versions..
  16. If you want to show the wanted score in the scoreboard you should use call(getResourceFromName("dxscoreboard"),"addScoreboardColumn","Wanted Level",root,70) function check() for w in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do local wanted = getPlayerWantedLevel(w) setElementData(w,"Wanted Level",wanted ) end setTimer(check, 10000, 0) This will check every player wanted level and show it in that colum.
  17. Axel

    Pickups ID s

    Is there a list with all the pickups ID s? Here https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreatePickup are some of them, but the rest?
  18. Axel

    Need help with the game

    I had that error alot of times too. Looks like its a MTA error. In MTA 1.1 it is fixed ..
  19. Comunitatea romanilor in MTA este in crestere, de aceea m-am gandit sa avem un loc in care romani sa poate intreba/cere ajutor in privinta scripturilor. Deci, romanii doritori de a invata lua sa intrebe. ->D
  20. Is there another way to do it? A ped walking with a marker infront of him looks strange..
  21. If you want to make jobs you should use> setElementData(thePlayer,"Job","Job Name") And for the scoreboard call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"),"addScoreboardColumn","Job",root,70) function refresh() for a in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do local Job = getElementData(a,"Job") setElementData(a,"Job",Job ) end setTimer(refresh, 10000, 0)
  22. So i want to attach a pickup to a Ped and using a walk animation, the pickup to move with the ped. taxiped = createPed(187,1220,-1812,16,0) setPedRotation(taxiped,180) setPedAnimation( taxiped, "ped", "WOMAN_walknorm") tpickup = createPickup (-2026.5, -101, 35.5, 3, 1239, 1 ) attachElements(taxiped,tpickup)
  23. U can use attachElements. # attachElements ( object, car,0,0,3.9 )
  24. If i will solve the BSOD of my Windows 7 or i will install MTA on Linux i will 100% be there! If not at least i will be on the forum
  25. Axel


    Yes, i have wine 2..
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