431 -
Everything posted by Al3grab
-_-" , did you read the post ?
hi , i made something like Mega Punch cheat 'IAVENJQ' in normal mode .. so i want the ped that i hit fly away with the direction of the hit. i just made this to make him fly away .. for k=0,20 do --source : the ped , attacker : the player that attacked him x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) setElementPosition(source,x,y+0.1,z+0.1) end but he wont fly with the hit direction , i know that could be done with maths that i am not good at any help
it looks that you are a thief and why i am a noob
nah al3grab,you are still a noob then what are you ?
its funny how someone who is a complete n00b has a signature proving another person to be a noob. What you just gave him was a waste of processing AND a waste of perfectly good utility code. Edit: Or: setMinuteDuration(133333333333333333333337) he said that he don't want to use a timer , so i gave him that ! , and don't say noob to someone you don't really know
without a timer ? addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,function() setTime(12,00) end )
Yes i tested..but..look in this lua local countryNames = { ["AD"] = "Andorra", ["AG"] = "Antigua - Barbuda", ["AI"] = "Anguilla Arabia", ["AL"] = "Albania", ["AM"] = "Armenia", ["AR"] = "Argentina", ["AT"] = "Austria", ["AU"] = "Australia", ["AW"] = "Aruba", ["BA"] = "Bosnia", ["BE"] = "Belgium", ["BG"] = "Bulgaria", ["BH"] = "Bahrain", ["BM"] = "Bermuda", ["BN"] = "Bronei ", ["BO"] = "Bolivia", ["BR"] = "Brazil", ["BS"] = "Bahamas", ["BW"] = "Botswana", ["BY"] = "Belarus", ["BZ"] = "Belize", ["CA"] = "Canada", ["CC"] = "Cocos", ["CH"] = "Switzerland", ["CI"] = "Ivory Coast", ["CL"] = "Chile", ["CN"] = "China", ["CO"] = "Colombia", ["CU"] = "Cuba", ["CY"] = "Cyprus", ["CZ"] = "Czech", ["DE"] = "Germany", ["DK"] = "Denmark", ["DM"] = "Dominica", ["DO"] = "Dominican", ["EC"] = "Ecuador", ["EE"] = "Estonia", ["EG"] = "Egypt", ["ES"] = "Spain", ["ET"] = "Ethiopia", ["FI"] = "Finland", ["FR"] = "France", ["GB"] = "Great-Britain", ["GL"] = "Greenland", ["GY"] = "Guyana", ["HR"] = "Croatia", ["HU"] = "Hungary", ["ID"] = "Indonesia", ["IE"] = "Ireland", ["IR"] = "Iran", ["IS"] = "Iceland", ["IT"] = "Italy", ["IN"] = "India", ["JO"] = "Jordan", ["JM"] = "Jamaica", ["jp"] = "Mexico", ["KW"] = "Kuwait", ["IT"] = "Italy", ["LU"] = "Luxembourg", ["LV"] = "Latvia", ["MA"] = "Morocco", ["MC"] = "Monaco", ["MT"] = "Malta", ["MX"] = "Mexico", ["NG"] = "Nigeria", ["NL"] = "Netherlands", ["NO"] = "Norway", ["PA"] = "Panama", ["PE"] = "Peru", ["PH"] = "Philipines", ["PK"] = "Pakistan", ["PL"] = "Poland", ["PT"] = "Portugal", ["QA"] = "Qatar", ["RO"] = "Romania", ["RU"] = "Russia", ["SA"] = "Saudi Arbia", ["SE"] = "Sweden", ["SI"] = "Slovania", ["TO"] = "Tonga", ["TR"] = "Turkey", ["UA"] = "Ukraine", ["UK"] = "United Kingdom", ["US"] = "United States", ["UY"] = "Uruguay", ["VN"] = "Vietnam", ["YE"] = "Yemen", ["YU"] = "Yugoslavia", ["ZA"] = "South Africa" } function onJoin( ) local country = exports['admin']:getPlayerCountry( source ) if not country then country = 'N/A' end setElementData( source,'Country', country ) outputChatBox( getPlayerName ( source ) .. " has joined the game from " .. country ~= 'N/A' and countryNames[ tostring( country ) ] or 'N/A', root, 255, 100, 100 ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, onJoin ) When player join,writing only: N/A and nothing else.. You cant test it in a local server , your ip will be and that is your localhost ip address .. you need to test it in another server
Are you testing it in a local server ?
aha .. is there any way to set the tag .. because when i use setplayernick i cant set it to Arabic nick . you can setElementData and then edit scoreboard and make the name come from the element data.. + using "onPlayerChat" event you can output the other name instead of the original one
https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Set ... ametagText This will change the text of a player's nickname in the world to something besides the nickname he chose. This will not change the player's actual nickname, it only changes the visible aspect inside the world (you will see his original nickname in the scoreboard and will refer to his original name in scripts).
addEventHandler("onPlayerWeaponSwitch",root, function() --- here comes your code end )
your code had some mess fixmarker = createMarker(-2053.4602050781, 170.26126098633, 29.102718353271, 'cylinder', 4.0, 255, 255, 0, 75) fixmarker2 = createMarker(-2053.4973144531, 178.64505004883, 29.102718353271, 'cylinder', 4.0, 255, 255, 0, 75) if fixmarker and fixmarker2 then setElementAlpha ( fixmarker, 0 ) setElementAlpha ( fixmarker2, 0 ) end function fix ( player ) local redteam = getTeamFromName ( "Sierra Towing Inc." ) ---- get the sierra team local playerteam = getPlayerTeam( player ) -- get the player who wrote the command team --- local playercar = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ) -- get the player who wrote the command car if redteam and redteam == playerteam then -- if got the sierra team and its the player who wrote the command team then if isElementWithinMarker( player, fixmarker) or isElementWithinMarker( player, fixmarker2) then -- if the player inside the marker then for _,playercar in ipairs ( getElementsByType("vehicle") ) do fixVehicle ( playercar ) -- fix it end else -- else if he is not in the marker outputChatBox("You are not withing a sierra workshop !", player, 255, 0, 0) end else -- else if he is not in the sierra team or it is not exsisted outputChatBox("You are not in the sierra team !", player, 255, 0, 0) end end addCommandHandler("fix", fix) * there is bug in lua tag
In what way? I mean i have a folder inside my resource , like the one in the image "Main" if i want to add a new file in the folder so it will be "resource/Main/newfile.lua" , but i cant with script editor the file will be created in "resource/newfile.lua" , so i have to add it from meta and that's a waste of time
maybe .. addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",root,function(ammo,killer) if killer and getElementType(killer) == "vehicle" then vehOwner = getVehicleOccupant(killer,0) if vehOwner then outputChatBox(getPlayerName(vehOwner).." has killed you .",source,255,100,100,true) end end end ) or .. -- Client addEventHandler("onClientProjectileCreation",root,function(creator) if creator then setElementData(source,"creator",creator) end end ) end ) -- Server addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",root,function(ammo,killer) if killer and getElementType(killer) == "projectile" then proCar = getElementData(killer,"creator") if proCar then vehOwner = getVehicleOccupant(proCar ,0) if vehOwner then outputChatBox(getPlayerName(vehOwner).." has killed you .",source,255,100,100,true) end end end end )
"onClientPlayerWasted" guiCreateStaticImage --or "onClientRender" dxDrawImage
cancelevent() should be cancelEvent()
you can take datas from server to client using [ triggerServerEvent ] and from client to server using [ triggerClientEvent ] example : -- Client Side GUIEditor_Label[1] = guiCreateLabel(20,31,196,26,"Your Stats:",false,GUIEditor_Window[1]) -- example label if GUIEditor_Label[1] then triggerServerEvent("getStatsToGUI",getLocalPlayer()) -- trigger server event to ask for data end addEvent("sendStatsToGUI",true) --- added event to retrive data from server addEventHandler("sendStatsToGUI",root,function(stats) if stats then guiSetText(GUIEditor_Label[1] ,"Your Stats"..stats)-- set label text to the stats end end ) -- Server Side addEvent("getStatsToGUI",true) addEventHandler("getStatsToGUI",root,function() stats = getElementData(source,"Stats") -- source here is local player @ client side, and "Stats" is just for example if stats then triggerClientEvent(source,"sendStatsToGUI",source,stats) --- send the stats back to client side end end )
Here is a mediafire link re-uploaded by me : http://www.mediafire.com/?40jwaatu44a2469 @50p : there is problem in adding files into folders .. i have to create new folder/file and then add it to meta
are you testing it on your local server ?
just an example how this could be work , this should fade the player camera to white when he is damaged by grenade addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage",root,function(attacker,weapon) if attacker and attacker ~= source then if weapon and weapon == 16 then fadeCamera(source,false,1,255,255,255) setTimer(fadeCamera,1000,1,source,true,1) end end end
Maybe a stupid password? It's not that hard to write /login al3grab al3grabftw12212 , well many servers on the same host i am using have been hacked ( Germany @ "d..-host" ) it's not about my password .. i think they hacked the main server