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Everything posted by JR10

  1. server: addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root, function(_,account) setElementData(source,"accountName",getAccountName(account)) end) client: function onClientGUIChanged() local name = guiGetText(source) for index, player in pairs">pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local accountName = getElementData(player,"accountName") or "" if string.find(accountName:lower(), name:lower()) then --CODE end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", guiEdit, onClientGUIChanged)
  2. Clientside: function faisl() local playerName = getPlayerName ( localPlayer ) local playerping = getPlayerPing(localPlayer) outputChatBox(" #000000[ #ffffff"..playerName.."#000000 ] [ #ffffff"..playerping.."#000000 ]",255,255,255,true) end addCommandHandler("ping",faisl)
  3. JR10

    Friendly fire

    Post the script.
  4. JR10

    Friendly fire

    Then learn: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/
  5. JR10

    homes xml

    Draken, I think you misunderstood him, he wants to get already mapped/created houses, so he don't go creating each house himself.
  6. Search for it yourself.
  7. JR10

    lol 3000 posts

    Did I make my point clear?
  8. Add AlertPay, Google Checkout, MoneyBookers as payment methods.
  9. JR10

    [TRADE] Panel

    Hard anyone will replace a script for a map, you can always pay someone to make it for you.
  10. No, there isn't. Any thing in /debugscript 3 ?
  11. The database should be created when you start the resource, did you start it?
  12. Tried it out, good job. However, few things I would like to suggest, Info tag, when you leave a field empty, it shouldn't add it to the info tag. All server/client fields should be a combobox, or whatever it's called. Also when you leave a path field empty, shouldn't work, instead output an error message or something.
  13. A server doesn't want, its owner does, also, what kind of owner wouldn't like real skins/weapons? The reason this isn't done it's because the GTA:SA modification isn't intended to replace textures, and the server shouldn't force you to use them, and because, ass well as JR10 said, you can make a script or download Remi-X's modloader. That's what I meant, and yes I do want GTA:SA's vehicles and skins.
  14. It was deleted, it was posted by some guy named Zhuo or something.
  15. That's really cool, gonna try it out asap.
  16. المفرود يعطيك موقع الاستضافة كونترول بانل للتحكم فى السيرفر
  17. Hell no, you can make that for your server with a script. What if a server wants the normal skins/weapons?
  18. function setAdminSkin ( thePlayer ) if exports.global:isPlayerFullAdmin( thePlayer ) then local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer) setElementModel ( thePlayer, 29 ) setPlayerNametagText ( thePlayer, playerName .. " (ADMIN)" ) end end addCommandHandler ( 'askin', setAdminSkin )
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