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Everything posted by =KoG=Rouche

  1. Yes IP and Port are Correct ! You can check in MTA
  2. Hi all i'm =KoG=Rouche owner of Team =KoG= (http://www.teamkog.eu). I'm learning LUA scripting and i need your help for a script. I'm trying to create a panel which can redirect player if they want. Here is the screenshot of the panel : Problem - redirectPlayer don't work and return a nil value in test "returnVar", must be True or False. Debugging Report : Clientside -- Event when the ressource start addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() function createWindow() -- Press key F1 to open Server Changer Panel bindKey("F1","down",function() if(windowServChanger ~= nil) then guiSetVisible(windowServChanger,true) guiWindowSetMovable(windowServChanger,false) guiWindowSetSizable(windowServChanger,false) guiSetAlpha(windowServChanger,1.0) else outputChatBox("There is a bug with the Panel !") end -- Mouse Cursor ON showCursor(true) end ) function clientChangeServ(button,state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then outputChatBox("Test Avant Trigger") triggerServerEvent("onRedirect",localPlayer) outputChatBox("Test Après Trigger") end end function clientCancel(button,state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then guiSetVisible(windowServChanger,false) showCursor(false) end end windowServChanger = guiCreateWindow(0.43,0.40,0.14,0.10,"| =KoG= Server Changer v1.0 |",true) btnOldServ = guiCreateButton(0.25,0.30,0.50,0.40,"Old Maps Server",true,windowServChanger) btnCancel = guiCreateButton(0.85,0.70,0.10,0.25,"X",true,windowServChanger) guiSetVisible(windowServChanger,false) outputChatBox("Window OK") -- Add Event on Button Click addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",btnOldServ,clientChangeServ,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",btnCancel,clientCancel,false) outputChatBox("After addEventHandler") end -- GUI Creation createWindow() end ) Serverside function redirectHim() outputChatBox("Before Redirect OK"..tostring(source)) local returnVar = redirectPlayer(source,"",22010) -- It's for test outputChatBox("After Redirect OK"..tostring(source)) outputChatBox(tostring(returnVar)) -- Must be false / true outputChatBox(getPlayerName(source)) -- Nickname end addEvent("onRedirect",true) addEventHandler("onRedirect",root,redirectHim) meta
  3. Tested but ... (http://imageshack.us/a/img51/5601/zc9c.png) Thanks for your help.
  4. I got again the same problem with the last release with 1.3 Server ! Can u help me *Again* ?
  5. Here is a funny Harlem Shake mod for your Website ! http://goo.gl/tM0in Keep Playing,
  6. It works but players need the 1.4n version to play on it. Is this version available somewhere ?
  7. ok resolved. I used "ps aux | grep mta" Then "kill pid"
  8. Hi all, I have a problem with my server. When i start the ./mta_server it says I'm running on Debian 64Bits Squeeze. I desable the HTTP <0> in mtaserv.conf and i got this result ! Here is the /etc/init.d/firewall configuration about MTA I don't know what is the problem
  9. Hello, I've a problem with my server. It run on Debian 64bits Squeeze version. Since yesterday i can't start my server. It says "Segmentation fault" Here is the result of strace when i start mta_server : I checked the mempry usage (free -m) and there is 50% of used memory only. Can someone help me ? Thanks a lot,
  10. The server is in List Only one Error > From mapmanager
  11. Sorry for double post but here is the Firewall Configuration :
  12. Ok Thank you so much for all the help u give me. Last problem Problem with Game-Monitor ? And there is a strange error in manager "Boolean" ... It's default files from MTA linux sources.
  13. But ... i used a lot of server with Game Hosters before. And they all use these folders. (checked via FTP) Its like that since 2 or 3 versions. You ask me to move "ALL" in the same folder ? (Maps, Gamemodes, Scripts, ...) I think it must work with the folders like MTA use them now. It's easier to manage 0.o Lots of servers works like that. An moving all files in the /deatmatch/resources 'll take me so much time :-/
  14. MTA Server can read .zip file as i know ... Here is a screen from my deatmatch folder.
  15. Ok Thanks Servers is running but ... Does the ressources need a special chmod or what else ?
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