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Everything posted by Charlie_Jefferson

  1. No bumps meant. I solved this by re-installing GTA SA, however I had to torrent it, because my CD was broken apparently. I downgraded to 1.00 and everything's working.
  2. 'Ay, I recently installed GTA SA and MTA 1.3.1, after re-installing Windows 7. I open it and after the GTA SA splash screen, it goes into the main menu and immediately closes itself after, without any error. It may have to do with me having Windows 7 64 bit, perhaps? I tried setting it to run on Windows XP SP3 compatibility and as admin, but it still happens. Is there anyone here, who could help me? Best regards, Chuck Edit: I check to see if GTA SA works on single player. It doesn't. It gets to main menu and crashes. Perhaps I have the wrong version of GTA SA? Edit: Here's a dxdiag of my system: http://www.fast-files.com/getfile.aspx?file=58918
  3. Uhhm? Maybe because after "down" in the bindkey, it must be the function's name, which is invisible? Why am I saying maybe... Well anyway, that's why it isn't working.
  4. Nope. They transfer the interiors server-sided, which is NOT saved on your PC. Only they're client sided scripts are saved.
  5. You could've just used upgrade in the console.
  6. Unnecessarily bump. I got this code: Server-side addEvent ( "objcrt", true ); addEventHandler ( "objcrt", root, function ( chk ) outputChatBox ( tostring ( chk ) ); -- check here what outputs toggleAllControls ( source, true ); showCursor ( source, false ); local nX, nY, nZ = getElementPosition ( source ); local nX2, nY2 = 0, 0 local nZ2 = getPedRotation( source ) if ( chk == 0 ) then rbobj0 = createObject(1459, nX, nY, nZ-0.5, nX2, nY2, nZ2); elseif ( chk == 1 ) then rbobj1 = createObject(1424, nX, nY, nZ-0.5, nX2, nY2, nZ2); elseif ( chk == 2 ) then rbobj2 = createObject(1425, nX, nY, nZ-0.5, nX2, nY2, nZ2); elseif ( chk == 3 ) then rbobj3 = createObject(1423, nX, nY, nZ-0.2, nX2, nY2, nZ2); elseif chk == 4 then rbobj3 = createObject(981, nX, nY, nZ-0.5, nX2, nY2, nZ2); elseif chk == 5 then rbobj4 = createObject(978, nX, nY, nZ-0.5, nX2, nY2, nZ2); end end ) Client-side local tRBNames = { [ 'roadright' ] = 'Small roadblock'; [ 'helix_barrier' ] = 'Big Street Roadblock'; [ 'roadworkbarrier1' ] = 'Sidewalk Roadblock'; [ 'roadbarrier4' ] = 'Barrier'; [ 'roadbarrier3' ] = 'Detour sign'; [ 'roadbarrier6' ] = 'Small barrier'; } function cGUI() showCursor(true) toggleAllControls(true) rbsWindow = guiCreateWindow(0.3391,0.2832,0.3125,0.4688,"Roadblock System",true) guiWindowSetSizable(rbsWindow,false) acceptButton = guiCreateButton(0.1075,0.8813,0.3225,0.0854,"Accept",true,rbsWindow) closeButton = guiCreateButton(0.57,0.8813,0.3225,0.0854,"Close",true,rbsWindow) rbsMenu = guiCreateGridList(0.11,0.1292,0.785,0.725,true,rbsWindow) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(rbsMenu,2) guiGridListAddColumn(rbsMenu,"Roadblocks",0.90) for _, sObject in pairs ( tRBNames ) do -- pairs, not ipairs if ( rbsMenu ) then local row = guiGridListAddRow ( rbsMenu ) guiGridListSetItemText ( rbsMenu, row, 1, tostring ( sObject ), false, false ) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function ( ) if ( source == acceptButton ) then local chk = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( rbsMenu ) if ( chk ) then triggerServerEvent("objcrt", localPlayer, chk) --localPlayer, not root guiSetVisible(rbsWindow, false) end elseif ( source == closeButton ) then guiSetVisible(rbsWindow, false) toggleAllControls(true) showCursor(false) end end ) end addCommandHandler ( 'rb', cGUI ) How do I make it so that every time I spawn an object, the ID to the object spawned is set? Like, the start ID will be 0, when I spawn an object it will be 1, the next object is 2, without taking the objects in order and so on.
  7. Oh yeah, I totally forgot >.>. Edit: Did some tweaks to it and it works. However, I still don't know how to give them a continuous ID, like make a roadblock and set it to ID 1, then make another one, ID 2 and so on. That would help me make a delete roadblock command.
  8. I wanted the object to be rotated, depending on my rotation. That's the thing that doesn't work. It doesn't do that.
  9. You did help, but the getElementRotation doesn't get the rotation, apparently, because the object isn't rotated how I want it to be.
  10. Works, but getElementRotation doesn't seem to work, it just spawns the object rotated normally, not depending on my rotation, using Jayz's code, fixed by absence. Edit: No errors.
  11. Se numeste factiune, si ba da au. Daca este gang oficial, poti cumpara ingrediente de droguri, sa faci droguri, sa cumperi arme, tot felul. Probabil ca asta e si la server. Oricum, furaciune, am fost pe el azi, e aceeasi chestia ca un valhalla vechi.
  12. Yeah, it kinda works. Still gives an error at getElementRotation and nothing happens after that.
  13. I didn't notice I changed it to ipairs. Thanks for explaining. I will change it now and see if it works.
  14. Still didn't figure how to fix and add those things.
  15. "Sistem the gang-uri, facut in intregime de mine." - vrei sa zici furat din valhalla gaming RP script?
  16. Gamemode de valhalla gaming, probabil furat, translatat, si probabil nici editat.
  17. Also, I couldn't figure to how to make the objects get a continuous ID, like start at 1 and go up to whatever number of objects I have.
  18. Got server-side errors which I never knew how to fix. It says bad argument at getElementPosition and such. It means that the argument thePlayer ain't right, which I never knew how to fix, mind helping me on that? Also, yes, I know I must end the if, I just didn't pay attention to it .
  19. Nothing was showing up IG, because I didn't have debugscript open. >.> Edit: All it says is that ")" is at an unexpected place, at line 31, which is where the function's end is and the event handler's bracket ends, so I don't know what's wrong there. Nvm, got it.
  20. Got another problem. I changed it so that it used server-side aswell. The GUI won't pop up. I can't seem to find any problems. Again, don't go around editing the script like crazy, just tell me how to fix it. Server-side function cobjs(chk) outputChatBox(chk) toggleAllControls(thePlayer, false) showCursor(thePlayer, false) x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(thePlayer) if chk == 0 then rbobj = createObject(1459, x, y, z-0.5, rx, ry, rz) elseif chk == 1 then rbobj = createObject(1424, x, y, z-0.5, rx, ry, rz) elseif chk == 2 then rbobj = createObject(1425, x, y, z-0.5, rx, ry, rz) elseif chk == 3 then rbobj = createObject(1423, x, y, z-0.2, rx, ry, rz) elseif chk == 4 then rbobj = createObject(981, x, y, z-0.5, rx, ry, rz) elseif chk == 5 then rbobj = createObject(978, x, y, z-0.5, rx, ry, rz) end end addEvent("objcrt", true) addEventHandler("objcrt", root, cobjs) Client-side rbnames = { ["roadright"] = "Small roadblock", ["helix_barrier"] = "Big Street Roadblock", ["roadworkbarrier1"] = "Sidewalk Roadblock", ["roadbarrier4"] = "Barrier", ["roadbarrier3"] = "Detour sign", ["roadbarrier6"] = "Small barrier" } function cGUI() showCursor(true) toggleAllControls(true) rbsWindow = guiCreateWindow(0.3391,0.2832,0.3125,0.4688,"Roadblock System",true) guiWindowSetSizable(rbsWindow,false) acceptButton = guiCreateButton(0.1075,0.8813,0.3225,0.0854,"Accept",true,rbsWindow) closeButton = guiCreateButton(0.57,0.8813,0.3225,0.0854,"Close",true,rbsWindow) rbsMenu = guiCreateGridList(0.11,0.1292,0.785,0.725,true,rbsWindow) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(rbsMenu,2) guiGridListAddColumn(rbsMenu,"Roadblocks",0.90) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", acceptButton, function () chk = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( rbsMenu ) if chk then triggerServerEvent("objcrt", root, chk) guiSetVisible(rbsWindow, false) end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", closeButton, function () guiSetVisible(rbsWindow, false) toggleAllControls(true) showCursor(false) end) guiGridListAddColumn(rbsMenu,"Roadblocks",0.90) for key,rbnames in pairs(rbnames) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( rbsMenu ) guiGridListSetItemText ( rbsMenu, row, 1, rbnames, false, false ) end for i = 1, 6 do guiGridListAddRow(rbsMenu) end end addCommandHandler("rb", cGUI)
  21. If that's why it doesn't work, your a fucking genius. Edit: That was it, I love you!
  22. I gave up on that idea, when I saw that the GUI doesn't open anymore. What's wrong in this? Also, don't go around editing everything in the script, just help me find what's wrong, please. rbnames = { ["roadright"] = "Small roadblock", ["helix_barrier"] = "Big Street Roadblock", ["roadworkbarrier1"] = "Sidewalk Roadblock", ["roadbarrier4"] = "Barrier", ["roadbarrier3"] = "Detour sign", ["roadbarrier6"] = "Small barrier" } function cGUI() showCursor(true) toggleAllControls(true) rbsWindow = guiCreateWindow(0.3391,0.2832,0.3125,0.4688,"Roadblock System",true) guiWindowSetSizable(rbsWindow,false) acceptButton = guiCreateButton(0.1075,0.8813,0.3225,0.0854,"Accept",true,rbsWindow) closeButton = guiCreateButton(0.57,0.8813,0.3225,0.0854,"Close",true,rbsWindow) rbsMenu = guiCreateGridList(0.11,0.1292,0.785,0.725,true,rbsWindow) guiGridListSetSelectionMode(rbsMenu,2) guiGridListAddColumn(rbsMenu,"Roadblocks",0.90) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", acceptButton, function () chk = guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( rbsMenu ) if chk then outputChatBox(chk) toggleAllControls(false) showCursor(false) x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(localPlayer) if chk == 0 then rbobj = createObject(1459, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz) elseif chk == 1 then rbobj = createObject(1424 x, y, z, rx, ry, rz) elseif chk == 2 then rbobj = createObject(1425, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz) elseif chk == 3 then rbobj = createObject(1423, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz) elseif chk == 4 then rbobj = createObject(981, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz) elseif chk == 5 then rbobj = createObject(978, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz) end showCursor(false) toggleAllControls(true) guiSetVisible(rbsWindow, false) end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", closeButton, function () guiSetVisible(rbsWindow, false) toggleAllControls(true) showCursor(false) end) guiGridListAddColumn(rbsMenu,"Roadblocks",0.90) for key,rbnames in pairs(rbnames) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( rbsMenu ) guiGridListSetItemText ( rbsMenu, row, 1, rbnames, false, false ) end for i = 1, 6 do guiGridListAddRow(rbsMenu) end end addCommandHandler("rb", cGUI)
  23. How can you destroy an object that you gave an ID with setElementID? I thought of destroyElement, but that uses a name.
  24. Oh, right. I didn't notice it's capitalized. It works now, thank you.
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