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Everything posted by Jaysds1
calm down, there's only 7 MTA Devs, it's not like there's 20-30 Devs on this, anyways, I'm not sure if they know what the issue is, and I bet you can't find the solution to this, if no one can't find the solution to this and you and J.S. is the only ones having this issue, then it might be your server and/or your host/computer. Try different was to fix this, think about networking or internet stuff, if your hosting your server from home, try shutting it down and restart your modem/router, then try starting the server again, the MTA devs don't look at this as a Major issue because you 2 are the only one having this issue.
Well I downloaded it and i don't know what you mean by post the generated url here meant. anyway what did this do? It would check if your DirectX is up to Date, and download the latest Nightly MTA for your current version. If any of that works then you wont get a PasteBin url. If not, then you should get a PasteBin URL.
You could go in Map Editor and get the interior ID or the object ID, then send it back into Grove Street using the bookmark thing, and click on the current elements button then find the Object which you got from the Interior, after you could move it towards the Shamal and try to fit it in the shamal, if it can't fit, then your out of luck, else you could press test and see if there is any glitch with the object in the shamal. If everything's ok, then save and find the x,y,z coordinate for the attachElement function. if you find it, then you could use onClientPreRender for when the Shamal moves.
Can you download and run this MTADiag, then post the generated PasteBin url here.
oh, wow, I was rushing it, but thanks
BTW, who won that game? I wasn't around any tv at that time.
I watched it the second time just for the fun of it
This sentence: When a player dies, give the attacker 3 exp points; When a player gets 100 exp points then level him up 1 level; When a player dies, give the attacker 100 money; When a player joins, give them a random team between( "blue" , "red" ); When a player dies, show the attacker for 5 seconds; When a player dies. display on screen in small text on the right hand side the attacker name and weapon he used; in Script: --Server-side addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted",root,function(_,attacker) --When a player dies if(attacker~=source)then setElementData(attacker,"Points",getElementData(attacker,"Points")+3) --give the attacker +3 exp points givePlayerMoney(attacker,100) --give the attacker 100 money setCameraTarget(source,attacker) --show the attacker for 5 seconds setTimer(setCameraTarget,5000,1,source,source) if(attackerPnts==100)then --When a player gets 100 exp points then setElementData(attacker,"Level",getElementData(attacker,"Level")+1) --level them up +1 level end end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,function() --When a player joins local teams = {"blue","red"} setPlayerTeam(source,getTeamFromName(unpack(teams))) --give them a random team between( "blue" , "red" ) end) --Client-side addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted",root,function(killer,wep) --When a player dies if(killer~=source)then local wepName = getWeaponNameFromID(wep) if(isElement(killLbl) and isElement(wepLbl))then guiSetText(killLbl,"Killer: "..killer) guiSetText(wepLbl,"Killer: "..wepName) else local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local windowWidth, windowHeight = 300, 100 killLbl=guiCreateLabel((screenHeight/3 - windowHeight/3),(screenWidth/3 - windowWidth/3),windowWidth,windowHeight,"Killer: "..killer,false) --display on screen in small text on the right hand side the attacker name wepLbl=guiCreateLabel((screenHeight/4 - windowHeight/4),(screenWidth/3 - windowWidth/3),windowWidth,windowHeight,"Weapon: "..wepName,false) --and weapon he used end end end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerSpawn",root,function() if(isElement(killLbl) and isElement(wepLbl))then destroyElement(killLbl) destroyElement(wepLbl) end end)
ok, here: viewtopic.php?f=148&t=40809
LUA If you learn lua, you could do more stuff with lua, and have the capability to script anything you want.
He means scripting in sentences...
ok, That folder holds the last map you've edited, so if it's a large map, then it takes long to load, so remember, if you make a large map, save it, because if you open map editor again, then this same issue is going to appear.
Can you post me a screenshot of your resources folder?
type "/debugscript 3" and tell me what it says after you start the script
Try Deleting your "editor_dumps" folder
ok, np, here: http://www.mediafire.com/?6vcbhddv2gdkwa9
Ya, BTW, it's not my topic, it's another persons topic.
The topic I posted has a script.
Do you have a hacking program? More info on Anti-Cheats: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Anti-cheat_guide
Sorry, but you can't remove it in Map Editor, unless you have a script, then you could start it while in Map editor. Plus, if you remove the building, your going to have to remove the light object. Here's another topic for that: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=43642&hilit=+light
What did you replace for this object?
Replace vehicle ide line in MTA. Is it possible?
Jaysds1 replied to Linux_Shines's question in Client
Sorry, but I didn't get what you meant on this line: "When I've an this line to replace:", try this: addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter",root,function() if(getElementModel(source) == 480)then setVehicleHandling(source, "mass", 1440.0) setVehicleHandling(source, "turnMass", 3513.6) setVehicleHandling(source, "dragCoeff", 0.77) setVehicleHandling(source, "centerOfMass", {0.0, 0.0, 0.004}) setVehicleHandling(source, "percentSubmerged", 75) setVehicleHandling(source, "tractionMultiplier", 0.74) setVehicleHandling(source, "tractionLoss", 0.787) setVehicleHandling(source, "tractionBias", 0.5) setVehicleHandling(source, "numberOfGears", 5) setVehicleHandling(source, "maxVelocity", 343.3) setVehicleHandling(source, "engineAcceleration", 22.27) setVehicleHandling(source, "engineInertia", 49.0) setVehicleHandling(source, "driveType", "rwd") setVehicleHandling(source, "engineType", "petrol") setVehicleHandling(source, "brakeDeceleration", 4.2) setVehicleHandling(source, "brakeBias", 0.57) setVehicleHandling(source, "ABS", false) setVehicleHandling(source, "steeringLock", 25.54) setVehicleHandling(source, "suspensionForceLevel", 0.6) setVehicleHandling(source, "suspensionDamping", 0.14) setVehicleHandling(source, "suspensionHighSpeedDamping", 3.3) setVehicleHandling(source, "suspensionUpperLimit", 0.05) setVehicleHandling(source, "suspensionLowerLimit", -0.08) setVehicleHandling(source, "suspensionFrontRearBias", 0.45) setVehicleHandling(source, "suspensionAntiDiveMultiplier", 0.4) setVehicleHandling(source, "seatOffsetDistance", 0.1) setVehicleHandling(source, "collisionDamageMultiplier", 0.69) setVehicleHandling(source, "monetary", 192500) setVehicleHandling(source, "modelFlags", 65A624) setVehicleHandling(source, "handlingFlags", 348803) setVehicleHandling(source, "headLight", 1) setVehicleHandling(source, "tailLight", 1) setVehicleHandling(source, "animGroup", 19) end end) -
You could search for a solution: search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&keywords=Ubuntu
hmmm, when it disappears, can you still walk/stand on it?