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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. I'm not sure what to call my computer but it's decent to me: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/Jd6j ... Zta5NHnT7s
  2. Jaysds1

    [DKR] Server

    Sorry for the late reply, but we don't really watch servers that much.
  3. There's already 3 topics about this: viewtopic.php?f=101&t=43713 viewtopic.php?f=15&t=43706 viewtopic.php?f=101&t=43708 Come on Lloyd, Since your getting help here, request for the other topics to be closed or trashed...
  4. Can you post a screenshot of this please?
  5. onClientPlayerWeaponFire
  6. Jaysds1


    Sorry, but we are very secured about resources, even if we knew how to decompile lua files, we don't like it when people go on other servers especially ours and decompile the script, that's why we have tutorials based on deleting our client-sided files and etc... Sorry if you never got what you wanted today...
  7. ok, It seems like I'm getting old here, Why didn't anyone tell me about that?
  8. try this: local teamZombie = createTeam("Zombies") function onSpawnSlothBot() local x, y, z = getElementPosition (source) local rot = 0 local int = getElementInterior(source) local dim = getElementDimension(source) local weapon = 0 setTeamFriendlyFire(teamZombie,false) local skin = math.random(math.floor(21,23)) -- Entre 21 y 23 el skin for i = 1,10 do exports.slothbot:spawnBot(x+i, y+i, z, rot, skin, int, dim, teamZombie, weapon) end end addEvent("onSpawnSlothBot",true) addEventHandler("onSpawnSlothBot",getRootElement(),onSpawnSlothBot) function onBotWasted(attacker,weapon,bodypart) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(attacker) local rot = 0 local int = getElementInterior(attacker) local dim = getElementDimension(attacker) local weapon = 0 local skin = math.random(math.floor(21,23)) local dec = math.random(7,40) exports.slothbot:spawnBot(x+y, y+dec, z, rot, skin, int, dim, teamZombie, weapon) end addEvent("onBotWasted",true) addEventHandler("onBotWasted",getRootElement(),onBotWasted)
  9. Yes this is part of GTA, for some reason... I've noticed it in every server I go to, but for some reason it can't be changed...
  10. Well, that's true, a lot of RP servers try to create servers based on other servers, like vG. People don't know how to create a proper RP server, even though it's really based on the people who owns the server... anyways, Lloyd Logan, I kinda suggest trying to make a different type of server, like Death Matching or something, RP servers are invading MTA Server Browser, and yes the only way your server could be noticed, is if there's a lot of players on it or something... well, Good Luck BTW, the only way to login/register is if you configure your connection settings...
  11. Sorry, but you already have another topic about this: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=43699
  12. Sorry about this error, try downloading these drivers: http://www.acer.ca/ac/en/CA/content/drivers and reinstall MTA, in-case one of the drivers might be the problem
  13. lol, sorry, Just making sure... hmmm, PM me your server ip and if there's a pass on it, PM me it to, I wont do anything but see this for my self
  14. I know, Is the cursor on when your clicking on the ATM?
  15. ok, if you need any help with this script, remember to post it here instead of making another topic
  16. Sorry, I don't think you could handle how the planes sounds are and if you want hydra's features, you could script it with: bindKey attachElements --if you want to attach a weapon to the plane createProjectile --this is when you want to fire at people in the sky and for the stuntplane thing, I don't think you could fix that
  17. oh, ok EDIT: Genuis, put this Server Sided: carjacker = createMarker( 2055.6, -1769.3, 13.5,"cylinder",1.5,0,0,0,0 ) local carjackerTable = { {826,858.9,12}, {579.9,1220.2,11.7}, {65,-275,1.5}, {1673.6, -37.6,3.5}, {-540.6,-497.7,25.5}, {2783.8,-2418.2,13.6}; } function createCarrou (hitPlayer) if (getElementType(hitPlayer)=="player") then local x, y, z = unpack ( carjackerTable [ math.random ( #carjackerTable ) ] ) vehicle = createVehicle ( 541,x, y, z ) carBlip = createBlipAttachedTo ( vehicle, 32 ) --create blip after the vehicle is created addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", vehicle, carHit ) end end addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", carjacker, createCarrou ) function carHit(enterer) carmarker = createMarker( 0,0,0, "cylinder", 3, 250, 250, 90 ) addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", carmarker, functio ) end function functio ( hitElement ) if ( getElementType(hitElement) == "player" ) then triggerEvent ( "carmoney", source ) destroyElement ( vehicle ) destroyElement ( carBlip ) destroyElement ( marker ) createRoute() --not sure what your going to do with this end end addEventHandler ( "onPedDamage", root, cancelEvent )
  18. Where did this info came from?
  19. Post your Meta.xml and if you have any other scripts with this resource, I suggest posting it now, and for sure I know this isn't the full script
  20. I've edited it again, try it
  21. ok, try this: carjacker = createMarker( 2055.6, -1769.3, 13.5,"cylinder",1.5,0,0,0,0 ) local carjackerTable = { {826,858.9,12}, --if your making another line of table, use a comma , if your ending the table, then use that semicolon {579.9,1220.2,11.7}, {65,-275,1.5}, {1673.6, -37.6,3.5}, {-540.6,-497.7,25.5}, {2783.8,-2418.2,13.6}; } function createCarrou (hitPlayer) if(getElementType(hitPlayer)=="player")and(hitPlayer==localPlayer)then local x, y, z = unpack ( carjackerTable [ math.random ( #carjackerTable ) ] ) vehicle = createVehicle ( 541,x, y, z ) carBlip = createBlipAttachedTo ( vehicle, 32 ) --create a blip after the car is created setElementData(hitPlayer,"Car",vehicle) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", carjacker, createCarrou ) function carHit (player) if(getElementData(player,"Car")==source)then carmarker = createMarker( 0,0,0, "cylinder", 3, 250, 250, 90 ) addEventHandler ("onClientMarkerHit", carmarker, functio ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientVehicleEnter",root, carHit ) function functio ( hitElement ) if ( hitElement == localPlayer ) then triggerServerEvent ( "carmoney", localPlayer ) destroyElement ( vehicle ) destroyElement ( carBlip ) destroyElement ( marker ) createRoute() end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPedDamage",root, cancelEvent) --it's root not resource root
  22. Did you restart the resource with the current script I gave you?
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