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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. So, you want when the player goes in the marker, freeze them? or when the timer start move them inside the marker?
  2. Is there anyway to make it better?
  3. wait, I'm looking back at the onBotSpawned, Are you trying to get the player's position? or the bots?
  4. Sorry, but I'm kinda confused about the other posts above, Can you post your full script for Client-side and Server-side please
  5. Sorry, but that's the only way
  6. Sorry, try this: racemarker = createMarker(192,182,13,"cylinder",20,0,255,0,100) function start(hitElement,cmd) if(cmd)then if not isPedInVehicle(hitElement) then return end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(hitElement) setElementFrozen(vehicle,true) triggerClientEvent(hitElement,"startcountdown",hitElement) setTimer(setElementFrozen,10000,1,vehicle,false) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",racemarker,start) addCommandHandler("cd",start)
  7. try this: local teamZombie = createTeam("Zombies") function onSpawnSlothBot() local x, y, z = getElementPosition (source) local rot = 0 local int = getElementInterior(source) local dim = getElementDimension(source) local weapon = 0 setTeamFriendlyFire(teamZombie,false) local skin = math.random(math.floor(21,23)) -- Entre 21 y 23 el skin for i = 1,10 do exports.slothbot:spawnBot(x+i, y+i, z, rot, skin, int, dim, teamZombie, weapon) end end addEvent("onBotSpawned",true) addEventHandler("onBotSpawned",getRootElement(),onSpawnSlothBot)--it's onBotSpawned not onSpawnBot function onBotWasted(attacker,weapon,bodypart) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(attacker) local rot = 0 local int = getElementInterior(attacker) local dim = getElementDimension(attacker) local weapon = 0 local skin = math.random(math.floor(21,23)) local dec = math.random(7,40) exports.slothbot:spawnBot(x+y, y+dec, z, rot, skin, int, dim, teamZombie, weapon) end addEvent("onBotWasted",true) addEventHandler("onBotWasted",getRootElement(),onBotWasted)
  8. you could use addCommandHandler("COMMAND",FUNCTION)
  9. try removing the triggerServerEvent or any event to those eventHandlers
  10. Jaysds1


    no, click on this url: http://localhost
  11. Sorry that you feel that way, but I don't think MTA is going to deal with the Animation anymore, as diegofkda said:
  12. if getPlayerMoney( localPlayer ) >= 1000 then if getElementHealth( localPlayer ) < 100 then outputChatBox ("You bought a MedKit $1000",225,225,0) takePlayerMoney(1000)--I advise you to do it serverside triggerServerEvent ("givehealth",getLocalPlayer(),givehealth) else outputChatBox('Your Health is 100% You Cant Buy MedKit',source,255,255,0) end end
  13. sorry, laughing at what this topic is about and the Category it's in got me, anyways, yes MTA doesn't support Anim's no more, but for some reason I see little codes in the Scripting Category about anims... anyways, if you get this to work(somehow) then I would say your one of the best MTA scripters, probably even better than me.
  14. Jaysds1

    [DKR] Server

    I wonder why these servers attach their servers with the web hosting? Unless it's a good deal but either way, the site would go down with the server and no one can't talk to them in the site, Plus the web hosting would bring down the servers Performance, all I could say is there's no point of putting them together
  15. ok, sorry, but this is very unorganized, you have more than 2 ends missing for either functions or if's. If you organize it using (notepad++) and press tab for each new if statements then you could fined your solution... Sorry, but tonight is for you to fix that
  16. Jaysds1


    um, your host is from your computer, so don't change that, I'm guessing you never configure your XAMP, am I rite? if yes, try following this topic: viewtopic.php?f=108&t=34686&p=360774&hilit=Cannonball#p360774
  17. Jaysds1


    sorry, um, ya, here's an example to connect through MySQL: dbConnect("MySQL ","dbname=DATABASENAME;host=;port=1234","username=USERNAME","password=PASSWORD")
  18. Jaysds1


    sorry, I posted the functions late. Using the functions on my other post... Are you connecting to XAMP through sql?
  19. Jaysds1


    well, your going to have to create one, using these MTA functions: dbExec dbConnect dbQuery dbPoll dbFree
  20. Jaysds1


    well, you should have a script for connecting to the SQL/MySQL
  21. Jaysds1


    ya, If you created a script for the server right, it should connect automatically
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