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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Can you download and run this Speccy, after it's finish downloading and you start the program, click on "File" at the top-left corner, then click on "Publish Snapshot", it's not available then wait until the program finish loading, then try again in 10-30 seconds, After you finish clicking the button then there should be a new webpage, when it comes up copy and paste the url here. (Sorry for the long explanation)
  2. please don't make another topic... Try this: viewtopic.php?f=114&t=33722&hilit=+Port+Problems
  3. Can you post your mtaserver.conf file please? Server_Manual Server_mtaserver.conf
  4. Jaysds1

    Set up vG script

    and the other codes might be out-dated... I suggest making your own
  5. I don't think it's your internet connects... hmm, well, when you're downloading anything, sometimes a new page comes up, Does anything happen when the new page comes up?
  6. hmmm, Where did I mention me being an MTA Dev in there?
  7. hmmm, When your finish creating a map and you save it, the name you've chose for that map is the name of the resource... and I really suggest adding names for your map through the meta.xml or the map settings in MTA Map Editor, anyways, after doing all that, and you move the map to the [maps] folder, you should type in the console upgrade or refreshall and the map would be loaded in to the server, if you get an error post it here, but if you don't and it says "YOUR MAP NAME loaded" then you could start it... BTW, you could download maps from the community site: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ or try searching it up on Google,Bing, and/or Yahoo.
  8. For sure, each day MTA is becoming more and more popular and is still being developed... as you can see, the devs are testing GTA's limit's each day, like the sun, birds, clouds, etc... if they pass those then they could go beyond GTA's limit... Jaysds1 everyone but seriously, Rock* is trying to make them selves more powerful than us, and they're try thing's to keep everything compiled as possible so we can't do anything but watch them make Multiplayer them selves, but there's no such thing of a perfect game, so every game could be hacked and modded... Don't forget that BTW, I just wanted to get that out of me
  9. oh, ok, thanks for telling me
  10. it's ok, I thought it was an actual project that you were starting... foolish me
  11. oh,lol, never knew, I've seen Aibo's link but not Stan's link but thanks for telling me that
  12. lol, sorry, but I couldn't see the link you provided Stan, can you post another one?
  13. Jaysds1


    ummm, I don't think there's a resource called RACE for individual players, but the normal resource Race is for everyone to face each other in...
  14. Jaysds1

    am i the first?

    nice, I will PM a MTA Dev
  15. if this doesn't work then I'm going to need you to post or PM me your whole script, try this: local Skinmarker = createMarker(1281, -1664.0999755859, 12.5, "cylinder", 1.0, 0, 0, 651, 255) -- umkleide local theTeam = createTeam( "SWAT Team", 0, 0, 651 ) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", Skinmarker,function(hitElement) if(not isPedInVehicle(hitElement)) then if(isSWAT(hitElement)) then setElementModel(hitElement, 285) setPlayerTeam(hitElement, theTeam) end end end) function isSWAT(thePlayer) local accName = if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ), aclGetGroup ( "SWAT" ) ) then return true; else return false; end end
  16. try this, Server1: function togglestaffMode(thePlayer) local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if(not isGuestAccount(account)) then if(isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) ) then if getElementData(thePlayer,"invincible") then setElementData(thePlayer,"invincible",false) outputChatBox("Staff Mode is now off.",thePlayer,255,255,255) else setElementData(thePlayer,"invincible",true) outputChatBox("Staff Mode is now on.",thePlayer,255,255,255) end end end end addCommandHandler("gostaff",togglestaffMode)
  17. I don't think the file functions check/create lua files...
  18. Don't forget to send me one
  19. Jaysds1

    stop Car Damage

    try this: addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit" , LSPDColShape ,function ( hElement ) if getElementType ( hElement ) ~= "player" then --returns a string return end if getPlayerWantedLevel ( hElement ) < 1 then return end if not getElementData ( hElement , "Cuffed" ) then return end if not getElementData ( hElement , "Handcuffer" ) then return end local wantedLevel = getPlayerWantedLevel ( hElement ) fadeCamera(hElement, false) setTimer(setElementInterior, 1000, 1, hElement, 6) setTimer(setElementPosition, 1000, 1, hElement, 265.21185302734, 77.63591003418, 1001.0390625 ) setTimer(fadeCamera, 1000, 1, hElement, true) setElementData(hElement, "Arrested", true) setElementData(hElement, "Cuffed", false) setElementData(hElement, "Handcuffer", "") if wantedLevel == 1 then givePlayerMoney(hElement, 1000) takePlayerMoney(hElement, 5000) setElementData(hElement, "Timeleft", 30) setTimer ( releasePlayer , 30000 , 1 , hElement ) elseif wantedLevel == 2 then givePlayerMoney(hElement, 2000) takePlayerMoney(hElement, 8000) setElementData(hElement, "Timeleft", 60) setTimer ( releasePlayer , 60000 , 1 , hElement ) elseif wantedLevel == 3 then givePlayerMoney(hElement, 3000) takePlayerMoney(hElement, 10000) setElementData(hElement, "Timeleft", 120) setTimer ( releasePlayer , 120000 , 1 , hElement ) elseif wantedLevel == 4 then givePlayerMoney(hElement, 4000) takePlayerMoney(hElement, 12000) setElementData(hElement, "Timeleft", 180) setTimer ( releasePlayer , 180000 , 1 , hElement ) elseif wantedLevel == 5 then givePlayerMoney(hElement, 5000) takePlayerMoney(hElement, 15000) setElementData(hElement, "Timeleft", 200) setTimer ( releasePlayer , 200000 , 1 , hElement ) elseif wantedLevel == 6 then givePlayerMoney(hElement, 8000) takePlayerMoney(hElement, 20000) setElementData(hElement, "Timeleft", 240) setTimer ( releasePlayer , 240000 , 1 , hElement ) end setPlayerWantedLevel(hElement, 0) end )
  20. It's ok if you have the program, but close it when you start MTA, because MTA thinks it's a hacking program that might cheat in the game. Download and run this MTADiag then post the PasteBin URL, maybe the program might help you with the MTA Program.
  21. Jaysds1

    stop Car Damage

    try this: function disableBlowVehicle() --source isn't needed local health = getElementHealth( source) if(health<=350) then setElementHealth(source, 300) setVehicleDamageProof(source, true) setVehicleEngineState(source, false) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage",root, disableBlowVehicle) @Montiz, the variable source is the vehicle, so the variable source doesn't need to be in the function brackets
  22. try this, Client: addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick",guiRoot,function() --if your attaching a function to an event, don't name it if ( source == GUIEditor_Button[1] ) then triggerServerEvent ("give45",localPlayer) --don't add the title again end end) -- forgot this Server: function give45 () --the player that's selling is the client/source of this, so there's no need for seller giveWeapon ( client, 22, 15, true) takePlayerMoney ( client, 100 ) if ( getElementModel( client ) == 103 ) then givePlayerMoney ( client, 200 ) end end addEvent("give45",true) addEventHandler("give45",root,give45) and please read the comments
  23. You might have another GTA program open or something, Do you have any GTA hack programs or GTA programs in general?
  24. Jaysds1

    am i the first?

    Well, if he would explain step by step of how did he achieve this, then yes. that's true, anythinga, can you post step-by-step how you got MTA to work on your Mac/Apple device?
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