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Everything posted by Cadu12

  1. Cadu12


    You're welcome.
  2. Cadu12


    Write full error, saying "error on line 318" is not useful. Edited: Ok you edited it, here is: function RaceMode:onPlayerWasted(player) if not self.checkpointBackups[player] then return end TimerManager.destroyTimersFor("checkpointBackup",player) if RaceMode.getMapOption('respawn') == 'timelimit' and not RaceMode.isPlayerFinished(source) then -- See if its worth doing a respawn local respawnTime = RaceMode.getMapOption('respawntime') or 10000 if (type(respawnTime) ~= "number") then respawnTime = 10000 end if self:getTimeRemaining() - respawnTime > 3000 then -------line 317 error Countdown.create(respawnTime/1000, restorePlayer, 'You will respawn in:', 255, 255, 255, 0.25, 2.5, true, self.id, player):start(player) end if RaceMode.getMapOption('respawntime') >= 5000 then TimerManager.createTimerFor("map",player):setTimer(clientCall, 2000, 1, player, 'Spectate.start', 'auto') end end if g_MapOptions.respawn == 'none' then removeActivePlayer( player ) if getActivePlayerCount() < 1 and g_CurrentRaceMode.running then RaceMode.endMap() end end end
  3. Cadu12


    iMr.3a[Z]eF, don't post when you don't have any idea to fix. Ontopic: Sorry, i don't know whats time default. if self:getTimeRemaining() - (respawnTime or 10000) > 3000 then
  4. Cadu12

    /me problem

    function meChat(message, messageType) if (messageType == 1) then cancelEvent() getCSD() local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(source) for _, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if isPlayerInRangeOfPoint(v,px,py,pz,shoutRadius) then outputChatBox(csd[getElementData(source,"player_ID")].name .. "#cf4ca1 *" .. message .. "*", v, 255, 150, 150, true) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), meChat)
  5. No, show your code if you want use that function.
  6. function removeColorCoding ( name ) return not type(name)=='string' and string.gsub ( name, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ) or name end _getPlayerName = getPlayerName function getPlayerName(player) return removeColorCoding(_getPlayerName (player)) end On your code, I don't see there is problem. Show your code how are using that function.
  7. carhouses = 5 for i=1, carhouses, 1 do _G["carhousetable"..i.."k"] = "blabla" end outputChatBox(carhousetable1k) Not tested yet.
  8. Report to owner script, we don't know about your script. You shouldn't create topic again.
  9. You can make own custom pickup, its not hard to do.
  10. Why should we fix your script with 2800+ lines? That topic is NOT helpful. And i'm sure you didn't made of them.
  11. localPlayer is same as getLocalPlayer(), only in client-side.
  12. Cadu12


    If you can't understand MySQL, its time to learn MySQL/SQL.
  13. They're all real. Playerlist is bugged, and should be fixed.
  14. Cadu12


    get/setAccountData: You can sell 1 only. Move to SQL/MySQL.
  15. Change "onPlayerJoin" to "onPlayerLogin".
  16. Try change line 53-57 to: for i,v in ipairs(burjObjects) do local newObject = createObject(unpack(v)) setElementParent(newObject, burjKhalifa) end
  17. If chatbox has limit, then you can make new own chatbox.
  18. Cadu12

    help blip

    Well, can you read what 50p said? Also, I found answer for your problem: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtop ... 87#p515469 Your script should be server-side.
  19. Missing "end" at 14(or 16) line.
  20. Cadu12

    MTA:SA 1.4

    function isServer() return triggerClientEvent ~= nil end function isClient() return triggerServerEvent ~= nil end function getScriptLocation() return isServer() and "Server" or "Client" end if getScriptLocation() == "Client" then -- here client else -- here server end I got it from Race resource.
  21. You can make your own map-manager to disable TXD, DFF and outputChatBox.
  22. Oh, yes, I forget write "Vehicle" that global. You're welcome.
  23. function generateZufallCarID() vehicleID = math.random(399, 609) while disallowed[vehicleID] do vehicleID = math.random(399, 609) end return vehicleID end
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