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Everything posted by myonlake

  1. I liked the tutorial though I didn't like those emoticons everywhere, doesn't belong in the tutorials at all.
  2. System for your scripts In this tutorial I will help you out with making a system for your scripts. I am not meaning a system, I am meaning more alike an order for everything, meaning easier to read the script. Local Local can be used in many ways, and I usually use it to make it easier to modify some little things such as radius', positions or messages. Notepad++ Notepad++ is an excellent editor for scripting and programming. I use this in Multi Theft Auto, because it has a plug-in for LUA code, making it easier to read your parts there. I am not sure if there's any official Multi Theft Auto LUA plug-in for Notepad++ yet, that it would show all function names and event handlers with color. However, I suggest this program. Get your own copy here. Tabulator button Tabulator (TAB -button) is a good way of organizing your codes in different 'dimensions'. It makes it easier for you to read specific lines. I am sure many other scripters use tabulator button while scripting. Parts We're going to start with the folder here. Create a folder at your 'resources' main folder at your server files. After you've successfully created the folder, click it open and create a new notebook file there with right clicking the interior, selecting 'New', and click 'Text Document'. Now black the whole name, including the .txt end. Make the name like: meta.xml. Now press enter and it's a new XML file. Meta.xml is your resource's main file, which includes stuff like exports, files, settings and resource info. Create a new file for 'server.lua' with the same tactic as I showed you above. Right click the 'meta.xml' file and select 'Edit with Notepad++'. Notepad++ will automaticly change the file code to XML, if it didn't do that (cannot see any colors when you do the below things), select 'Language' from the menu bar and select 'XML'. Now let's setup the meta.xml interior. Create the main meta-tags like below. <meta> </meta> We'll now put in the info meta-tag, it's not required to let the script work, but some scripts/gamemodes might bug without it to be inserted. <meta> <info author="" name="" description="" type="" version=""></info> </meta> You can set anything you want into those empty quotation marks, except the 'info type'. You can put in: gamemode, script, map, misc. Let's put in the 'script' one because it's a script, right? Now let's proceed to the script meta-tag. It's required if you want your script to work. <meta> <info author="" name="" description="" type="" version=""></info> <script src="" type=""></script> </meta> Now here's the tricky part. Which type should I put in, server or client? Well I told you before to create a file named server.lua, but it still doesn't say that why should you put it to server? Well, let me explain you the differences between client- and server-side. Client-Side Client-side lets the client (player) download the file(s) to their own computer. It can be read and even copied. However, don't panic. There is a possibility of two things. First we're able to change the script to server-side. Many functions that you'd use on client-side work aswell in the server-side. You can check out all the client- and server-side functions/events here: client-side functions, client-side events, server-side functions, server-side events. That's not the only way of surviving from the 'catastrofic stuff'. Only people who might want to copy your scripts are newbies like you (if you're a newbie..) who doesn't want to script themselves as they're lazy and cannot enjoy the fun of scripting and Multi Theft Auto in general. We're able to compile your scripts. Meaning that the code gets 'hashed' and being unable to be read and copied. It can be uncompiled, but there aren't many who can/want to do that. You see, uncompilators cannot read all functions. Meaning that they will fail with uncompiling it fully. However, always keep another copy of the scripts on your computer. You can keep them safely in the same folder with a different name as long as the meta.xml doesn't include those files like showed before. After 1.3.4 Multi Theft Auto released its own compilation system that you are forced to use. You can find this system here » Server-Side Instead of the client downloading the file, the server downloads it. Meaning that client is unable to read the file as it will not be uploaded into his computer. No need for compiling unless you share the code in community.multitheftauto.com. However, server-side can be more laggy than client-side in some things. That's why bigger scripts that use client a lot, should be left to the client-side, however it's not a must either... Back to the scripting part. <meta> <info author="MTA:SA" name="Testing Script" description="I am testing a tutorial!" type="script" version="1.0.0"></info> <script src="server.lua" type="server"></script> </meta> Good! Now we're ready for the scripting with LUA. Open up the 'server.lua' file. Now if the file doesn't highlight (set colors) on the script while scripting, then it haven't recognized the language. Do the same thing as I told you to do with the meta file. So, select 'Language' from the menu bar, then select 'L > Lua'. Now it's changed to Lua code. We're going to script something really simple, like a command to get full health script. Starting with the locals I told you about. local cooldown = 300 'cooldown' is the cool down in seconds when you're able to use the upcoming health command again. 300 seconds is five minutes. If you want to know how did I know 5 minutes is 300 seconds, look at this thing: - Open up Google - Write in: 5 minutes in seconds - Cool isn't it? Try this: 5 minutes in milliseconds That's right, Google can be used as a calculator aswell! Let's continue with the script. Now I create the actual function, which is made with a name: giveFullHealth. local cooldown = 300 function giveFullHealth() end Now I have the function there.. but I still need the command handler there with it's arguments. Function arguments for commands: - player: executor of the command - cmd: command - optional arguments: you do not need any more arguments than player and cmd. Optional arguments are those arguments that are used within the command like: /kick . The player part there. If you want the command to have more than one argument, just add one argument more after the other one etc. It would be like this: (player, cmd, target). local cooldown = 300 function giveFullHealth(player, cmd) end addCommandHandler("fullhealth", giveFullHealth) Now I have all the arguments within the function. I also added the command handler (command name: fullhealth). Let's make more locals for the upcoming functions to make it easier to modify them without not much look into the script. Dataname: elementdata name. Commandname: name of the command. Note_restored: chatbox message about when health is restored successfully. Note_info: chatbox message about when cooldown ends. Note_active: chatbox message about that the cooldown is still active. local cooldown = 300 local dataname = "health.cooldown" local commandname = "fullhealth" local note_restored = "Health restored successfully." local note_info = "You need to wait 5 minutes before you can do this again." local note_active = "Cooldown is still active, please wait." function giveFullHealth(player, cmd) end addCommandHandler(commandname, giveFullHealth) I hope you understand what I mean with a system or organizing your scripts. It's easier to modify, right? Let's continue to the check-part. I created a check for if the cooldown is still active when the player tries to give full health to him/herself. local cooldown = 300 local dataname = "health.cooldown" local commandname = "fullhealth" local note_restored = "Health restored successfully." local note_info = "You need to wait 5 minutes before you can do this again." local note_active = "Cooldown is still active, please wait." function giveFullHealth(player, cmd) local timer = getElementData(player, dataname) if not timer then else end end addCommandHandler(commandname, giveFullHealth) Good, now the only thing we need is to make the timer and messages, plus the element data for the player when command is executed. setTimer is counted in milliseconds (ms), which is less than a second. It means that we need to count the real time. Well, we do not need to put in the actual time, we just put a star icon (*) after the 'cooldown', then put thousand after the star icon. It counts the actual milliseconds there. I am removing the element data (removeElementData) from the player after the cooldown is over, allowing them to do the command again. local cooldown = 300 local dataname = "health.cooldown" local commandname = "fullhealth" local note_restored = "Health restored successfully." local note_info = "You need to wait 5 minutes before you can do this again." local note_active = "Cooldown is still active, please wait." function giveFullHealth(player, cmd) local timer = getElementData(player, dataname) if not timer then outputChatBox(note_restored, player, 0, 255, 0, false) outputChatBox(note_info, player, 220, 220, 0, false) setElementData(player, dataname, true) setElementHealth(player, 100) setTimer(removeElementData, cooldown * 1000, 1, player, dataname) else outputChatBox(note_active, player, 255, 0, 0, false) end end addCommandHandler(commandname, giveFullHealth) Timer's arguments are the following: setTimer(function/function name/MTA function, milliseconds, times executed, [optional arguments]) Function: an actual function inside a timer like this the following. It shows a message in the chatbox after one second for all clients in the server. However this is not to be used in cases like these. More alike when you have a lot of functions in this. setTimer(function() outputChatBox("Hello world!", getRootElement()) end, 1000, 1) Function name: i.e. a function name like we did earlier the full health script. Function name was 'giveFullHealth'. MTA function: the previous timer I showed you should be made like this as it's just a one MTA function in there. setTimer(outputChatBox, 1000, 1, "Hello world!", getRootElement()) Times executed: 0 = repeatedly, 1+ = times ---- Thanks for reading my small tutorial, more tutorials coming up, and I am using this system in them aswell.
  3. No problem P.S: Copy the code again, fixed some things in it.
  4. As far as I know, you do not need a timer to destroy a colshape in a function as it destroys it -after- the 'check' is made.
  5. Fixed, solidsnake Feel free to modify it, going offline and coming online in the morning.
  6. Hello again, This script is server-side. Few things you should know: - localPlayer: built-in source after 1.1 for client-side only - client-side: clients download the Lua file on their own computer, meaning that they are able to read your code if it's not compiled. Not much lag. However you should -always- try to make your scripts server-side. - server-side: clients will not download the Lua file on their on computer, meaning that the server reads the code. This lags more than client-side. - bugs: happens if not considered about them because of hurry There is a small 'bug' in this code, it's about that warping. It might end rough if many cars in the colshape. And to fix that, go to the previous page and take a look at the first reply. It's one option, use your imagination and ask help if you're not sure. Just remember to tell us some details what you think'll work. addCommandHandler("warpvehicle", function(player, cmd) local element = "vehicle" local radius = 100 local warp_successful = "Nearest vehicles warped to you." local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player) local colshape = createColSphere(tonumber(x), tonumber(y), tonumber(z), tonumber(radius)) for index, value in ipairs(getElementsWithinColShape(colshape, element)) do setElementPosition(value, tonumber(x) - 2, tonumber(y), tonumber(z)) outputChatBox(tostring(warp_successful), player, 220, 220, 0) end destroyElement(colshape) end)
  7. @CapY: No! That will only give an error as it's not finished. local type = "object" -- Type: vehicle, ped, player, object ect. for key,value in ipairs(getElementsByType(type)) do -- Stuff here end He wants ALL ELEMENTS, not OBJECTS, meaning ALL TYPES that elements can be in MTA:SA. Create a colShape in your position and check all elements that are within the colShape. Now output everything like.. Objects: - ID: idhere Markers: - Type: typehere Players: - Name: namehere Vehicles: - Vehicle model and name: model, name Ecetera. It's easy if you'd know more scripting I am on my phone so can't do much but will help you tomorrow step by step.
  8. Read what solidsnake told you.
  9. My pedestrians are spawned by the .map file normally, if you didn't understand. However, I am not able to remove them (nodes or peds).
  10. Hello there, I am continuing my character kill script with a burying function, however, it doesn't output what I want. I wanted this to find the correct ped from the colShape and delete the ped and change the node's name from 'p' to 'buried'. But it doesn't actually output any errors either. Any help? function buryPeds(player, cmd, id) if hasObjectPermissionTo(player, "command.ban") then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player) local mark = createColSphere(x, y, z, 30) for i,v in ipairs(getElementsWithinColShape(mark, "ped")) do for i,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("p")) do local xml = xmlLoadFile("peds.map") local d = xmlFindChild(xml, "p", 0) if xmlNodeGetAttribute(d, "id") == id then xmlNodeSetName(d, "buried") xmlNodeSetAttribute(d, "buriedBy", getPlayerName(player)) xmlSaveFile(xml) xmlUnloadFile(xml) outputChatBox("Body with ID: " .. id .. " buried successfully.", player, 255, 255, 255, false) destroyElement(v) end end end setTimer(destroyElement, 2000, 1, mark) end end addCommandHandler("bury", buryPeds)
  11. Click that function that I displayed before.
  12. xmlCreateFile + all the other XML stuff
  13. Hello there, I am trying to make a script that kills the player, creates a pedestrian on it and deletes the database entry from the database (deletes character fully). SQL connection works fine, but debug says the problem is in the query, help? function characterkill(player, cmd, names) if hasObjectPermissionTo(player, "command.ban") then if names then local other, name = exports.players:getFromName(player, names) if other then connect = mysql_connect("host", "user", "pass", "db") if not connect then outputDebugString("Unable to connect to the MySQL server.") else if mysql_query(connect, "DELETE FROM characters WHERE characterName = " .. name) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(other) local skin = getElementModel(other) local ped = createPed(skin, x, y, z) setElementHealth(other, 0) killPed(ped) setElementFrozen(ped, true) setElementFrozen(other, true) setElementAlpha(other, 0) outputChatBox(name .. " has been character killed.", player, 220, 220, 0, false) outputChatBox(name .. " has been character killed - meaning that your character is now fully dead and removed.", other, 220, 220, 0, false) setTimer(redirectPlayer, 5000, 1, other, ip, "22004") else outputChatBox("SQL error happened, report at Mantis.", player, 255, 0, 0, false) end end else outputChatBox("No player found.", player, 255, 0, 0, false) end else outputChatBox("Syntax: /ck [player]", player, 255, 255, 255, false) end end end addCommandHandler("ck", characterkill)
  14. Check my reply on prev. page. It returns as +1 all times I guess but try to fix it, gonna sleep naw bai. Checking tomorrow.
  15. C++ is like Lua? It's -nothing- like Lua. More alike PHP. It's night and going to sleep, if you could try to work on this. function givePlayerID() local idtable = { } setElementData(source, "player.id", idtable[#idtable + 1]) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), givePlayerID) function takePlayerID() removeElementData(source, "player.id") end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), takePlayerID)
  16. myonlake


  17. Add this to the function where the GUI is created. guiSetVisible(WINDOWNAME, true) And use "onClientResourceStart" as an event.
  18. I have no idea but I hope it's gonna be on 1.2.1 (NOT) engineLoadIFP Follow Bugtracker: http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=4571
  19. As Solidsnake14 said, you can't do it in the GUI editor, you need to do it as a client-side script with eventHandlers, pretty easy when I first tried. @Solidsnake14: Congrtz for your new rank here on forums, Guru
  20. Thanks to both of you Works now.
  21. I removed the attachElements, didn't play the song. So, it's a problem with the table or so.
  22. Not going to give you my full code, it has too much details. I am not a newbie here, so why should you think that my source on the script is wrong? I know it's the right one.
  23. Doesn't work. triggerClientEvent("onPodClick", source, source)
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