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Posts posted by Arran

  1. As the title says, I would love to add my own ped models to have custom skins for the players. Also, will it fix vehicle custom collision?

    Haven't you seen zombie mod? That has loads of ped model replacements for the charachters and zombies, this was introduced almost 2 years ago in MTA SA 1.0

    Ignore me, I don't appear to know what I'm talking about.

  2. The most recently nightly works for me (mtasa-1.1-unstable-2606-20110425-net41A5.exe) try that, incase the one you tried wasn't working.

    Make sure the data files are being installed to the same location as to where you're installing the nightly.

  3. I play the nightlies a lot and happen to have noticed some new bugs be introduced into the game, some of which may cause big problems if they're not fixed before the release so I will list the ones I have found here, and anyone else can list theirs found too.

    #6225 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6225 setControlState with controls disabled doesn't work any more.

    #5728 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=5728 Creating "Brown Streak Carriage" (model 570) crashes the client

    #5988 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=5988 If a pickup is created inside the player they will improperly take the pickup

    #6183 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6183 Often sky mess up in r2797

    #6049 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6049 GUI tab panel tabs won't get added if GUI not visible

    #6115 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6115 Network trouble after jacking a passenger

    #6166 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6166 Moving doors don't move

    #6179 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6179 dxCreateScreenSource causes crash with maximize

    #6053 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6053 Dodgy charachters in outputDebugString

    #6039 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6039 Exported functions being called seem to love crashing the client in the 1.1 nightlies

    #6059 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6059 A problem with calls to exports breaking when the resource with the export is restarted.

    #6164 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6164 postGUI in dxDrawText may not work.

    #6142 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6142 Pressing G while climbing or jumping results in crash

    #6141 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6141 Label alignment "center" "right" "bottom" are mixed up

    #6082 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6082 performancebrowser: stats for clients does not load

    #6029 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6029 An empty lua file will crash the server

    #6039 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=6039 Crash when restarting a resource and crashes when joining from then on

    #5987 http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=5987 takeWeapon / takeWeaponAmmo can result in having negative ammo

    Apart from the above problems I haven't noticed much more and have been using the nightlies almost every single day and am looking forward to MTA SA 1.1 and if there is anything I can do to help let me know.

  4. Server owners will find out about the release of MTA SA 1.1 when either they or somebody who plays their server and tells them that the new version is out either from the auto client updater (assuming it will auto update from 1.0.5 to 1.1) or because they read it some where.

    Everyone will upgrade their clients and servers and then we will enjoy playing MTA SA 1.1 only fools would not upgrade their server or client, why would you not want to enjoy all the new features that MTA SA 1.1 will bring?

    MTA SA 1.1 clients are also capable of viewing and connecting to 1.0.x servers because ccw added a feature which will automatically restart the client using 1.0.x and connect to that server allowing 1.1 clients to access all MTA SA servers regardless of the server version.

    I imagine that few servers will remain using 1.0.x and eventually that would reach zero as it must have done when dp3 was succeeded by 1.0 some years ago. To answer your question about upgrading a server, well if they're capable of downloading and installing MTA SA 1.0.x then they're capable of doing it again but this time with 1.1, its not hard.

    The only thing that people may have a problem with is the ANSI to UTF-8 it can take quite a while to go through all the scripts changing the encoding to UTF-8. This is something I've already done and have been working with all the new features of MTA SA 1.1 in the nightly versions, adding support for RGB vehicle colors to vehicle system and mod shop for example. That way the day MTA SA 1.1 is released my players can enjoy these new features.

  5. I don't think a calculated result would be accurate because it was kind of frozen at around 67% for a month and also it was once 75% which means the percentage complete is very volatile and we are unable to estimate when it will be 100% the developers themselves probably don't even know.

    Recently Talidan did a fix rush and fixed 8 thinks in 3 days (6 of those being done in just 2 hours!) now if that speed was kept up and if some others helped out it could be 100% within a month though I'd count more on 2-4 months.

  6. this is our Forums : http://www.SARLRPG.net

    Notice the little "Nulled By CGT" at bottom of your forum, kind of obvious you're using a pirated copy of IPBoard. You'd pay for a scripter, but you wouldn't pay for your forum, you wouldn't pay for either in other words.

    I wonder how long it'll take ipboard to send out their warning email. One could argue this post is off-topic but actually no as the topic is "needing of a scripter" and I just pointed out that you probably wouldn't pay anyone for a scripter, you didn't even pay for a whois guard on your domain by the looks of it either.

  7. It may not be so much an issue of MTA being dead, but San Andreas being dead. There really needs to be a push to release MTAIV. Maybe after 1.1 is released the team can shift more of it's resources over to developing MTAIV, beacuse that is the new frontier.

    The most used resolution by MTA players is 800x600 because they all have old/cheap computers, you really think loads of people would be able to even play GTA IV? SA might not have amazing graphics but it has more features than IV, driving trains, flying aircraft, country, desert, etc etc and at least SA has anti-aliasing unlike IV does. But better than all that it already has a great multiplayer component.

  8. The latest release of 1.0.5 has incredible performance updates.

    I get 50FPS in a race server, where I usually get ~ 30 - 35.

    With this addition, 1.0.5 is the far best release in the 1.0.x series for me, both feature and performance wise.

    Seconded. ccw has done some outstanding (as always) improvements to FPS just recently.

    Then MTA SA 1.1 is going to be a revolution. "MTA died" No no no, MTA lives!

  9. getElementRotation would be able to tell you if a vehicle is going down a hill just play around with it and see which of the X Y Z will be what when its going down hill.

  10. The easiest way to do it (but least easy to add to) would be like this:

    serToAcc = { 
        ["Put their serial here"] = "Put their account name here", 
        ["Put their serial here"] = "Put their account name here", 
        ["Put their serial here"] = "Put their account name here", 
    function checkJoiners() 
        local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) 
        if (serToAcc[serial]) then 
            logIn(source, getAccount(serToAcc[serial])) 
    addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, checkJoiners) 

    I wouldn't recommend using auto login based on serials, just incase somebody had or got the same serial but if you're not concerned about security much then go for it!

  11. Its not a "graphics pack", its make MTA a modern game, with better graphics, anims...

    I would consider this modernization you speak of a "graphic pack" because it would be a collection of improvements to the GTA world and there are mods that do that already like this one for example:

    And, how do you make anims better?

  12. There's nothing stopping you from starting this graphics update pack if you are an experienced GTA modder as you say you are. You need to take the first steps for anybody to follow you can make it happen.

    A better looking SA sure would give MTA SA a few more years of a fun.

  13. Sorry for the bump, again, but can any hq skin's(weapons, character's) make lag on the game?

    Any mods can make lag yes, I've heard it so many times. People add a few model changes and their FPS drops dramatically.

  14. No one stole it i found the login panel but it came from the script so STFU and dont post if you cant help..

    I really doubt whoever is the author of the login panel would want you to use their login panel so yes, it is stealing in the sense that it is copyright infringement.

    Somebody might help you make your own login panel, but not help you use somebody elses login panel.

  15. They're too lame to stand in MOTY.

    Why would MTA want to "combine" with something so inferior? People have a choice to play either one or the other and its up to the players to decide, its their loss if they choose to play on that inferior mod.

    This whole topic started because somebody posted some screenshots showing something (one thing) that MTA doesn't have. Well we could start listing everything MTA has that SAMP doesn't but the list would go on and on and since MTA has active development the list would keep getting added to.

    We're playing MTA and its incredible, what more can be said here?

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