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Posts posted by Arran

  1. Server is back up again. We had bad luck yesterday as our operating system failed to boot on the same day we get DDOS'd lol we have to reinstall everything. Now to hope that whoever ordered the botnet attacks on us and the other servers doesn't bother continuing.

  2. CIT has not shutdown.

    We are getting DDOS'd so OVH blocked all traffic for at least 8 hours so it may or may not be back on tommorow.

    What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. We're investing in a cheap second server so if they want to stop us they'll have to flood two 100 mbps servers.

  3. Yeah we did. No, we have more important things to worry about than "pissing you off" (like making our server even better and defending against the joker(s) who connection flooded our forum today (hmm I wonder who'd want to do that...)) I already said he has been banned from our server he is NOT part of CIT and I wish he was banned here too because he is a troll, a troll which you're just feeding but of course you post anything.

    I kindly request to an MTA forum administrator to ban "Peacemaker" (what a sad name for a troll) for trolling/going off topic. Its quite annoying to see somebody use "Gang: CIT" and make us look bad. If there was a blacklist of gang names that'd be even better but improbable.

  4. Game-Monitor owner(s) have been inactive for almost a year now (GRanks have been broken all this time and I tried reporting it to their IRC months ago and forum but if you go on their forum its just major spam bot fest)

  5. The port open checker confirms that they are open, but connection timed out occurs?

    You will need to try adding a firewall exception for the MTA server.exe process and make sure nothing else on your computer is blocking it.

    Also, don't try and connect to your own server with your WAN IP you have to use either your LAN IP or localhost.

  6. I really don't imagine it gets them many, if any players. At the time of posting the server you're complaing of has 3 players and your real one has 89. So even if those 3 joined because of the similar name which is very unlikely the total loss of players amounts to a maximum of 3.

  7. Get performancebrowser (it is a resource which comes with MTA SA installation or get it here http://code.google.com/p/mtasa-resources/downloads/list )

    Add it, refresh command, start it, then go to like http://serverIPOrHostNameHere:22003/performancebrowser/

    Go to lua memory tab and see if its a resource which is causing the memory leak, don't just check the memory usage but the element count. performancebrowser has saved me before, I was not destroying colshapes in certain circumstances and was ending up with 1000 colshapes doing nothing on the map, but thanks to performancebrowser I saw it.

  8. diegofkda if its "superminor" then its obviously going to take a fraction of the time to fix than a "dxVideo function"

    Its also a bug which was introduced into 1.1 and fixing bugs especailly new bugs is always more important than adding new features and new features result in more bugs so its important to stay on top of bugs.

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