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Posts posted by Arran

  1. Heard of luadec (lua decompiler)? The opposite of luac (lua compliler) though what is decompiled varies to what is compiled, it is still useable.

    Also nobody would want to buy a compiled script, you could have hidden bad things inside it and also they will want to modify parts of it at some time.

    In answer to the original question, there is no way you can safely sell anything on the internet. Say for example if they send you X amount over paypal, you give them the scripts, then they sumbit a paypal dispute and get their money back. Even if they couldn't create a dispute and get money back, how would they trust that you will actually give them what they are buying?

    It's a difficult situation.

  2. Do any other games/mods do this? No, because it is not the responsibility of anybody but the people who run the server. Something like this would just be another thing open to abuse, don't you think? This "team" would never work because they would have conflict of interests and open to persuasison/pressure.

    I think the only responsibility anybody not the owner of a server should have is if people used abusive/misleading server names beause server names are seen by everyone and not just the people who join the server. If something is bad on that server then its up to players to choose not to play there.

  3. "the resource pool isn't running"


    Do you not understand what that means? It means the script you're calling (pool) is turned off, turn it on (start pool)

  4. lol lier you are just a owner of a small mm server with 25 average player. GTA multi is a big hosting company, they don't even have time for your server. If you gave some ideas that does not make your contribution 80%.

    And you're a liar because who ever you are, you're not in CIT (as your "Gang") says. Why did you even make such a comment anyway? I doubt you know what you're talking about.

  5. Something is already using port 22005 then I suppose. You can only have one server running at a time on that port, so stop anything else (MTA server) that is using port 22005.

    If that doesn't work, remove your IP address from mtaserver.conf ( should look like: ) unless you have multiple IP addresses which I really doubt.

  6. is your internal (LAN) IP incase you didn't know. You need to specify your external (WAN) IP.

    Get that here: http://whatismyipaddress.com/

    You'll also need to do port forwarding as I doubt that he been done already, there are various topics on this forum and things on the internet that you can google for help on port forwarding, its quite a simple process.

    If ports are forwards correctly then game-monitor will add your server automatically after some hours.

  7. Yes its normal. Throughout the history of man kind people have been stealing off other people, so to stop them people protect their resources. From castle walls to passwords. Maps aren't exactly that valuable anyway because anyone can open map editor and make maps.

    There isn't anything anybody can do about your problem, as they already have access to maps. The best help you can get about this problem is some advice: don't give people access to something unless you trust that they will not abuse that access.

  8. Yes, projectiles are synced. But it syncs sometimes badly :? as in my examples . Just improve this . I know, its very hard :!:

    I will be glad,(and other players too ,of course) if it will be fixed in 1.1.

    There are much more important things than fixing the odd grenade or tear gas grenade that gets desynchorized because it was shot in its short life time.

  9. Gamesnert:

    Apparently the problem lies with EAX. Fortunately, BASS doesn't use EAX if hardware acceleration is not set to full. Here's what you should do:

    Go to start -> run -> dxdiag -> Audio

    There, move "Hardware Acceleration" to "Basic".

    Now you should be able to hear sounds in San Andreas again. However, this should really be looked into. To force every player to go to dxdiag and set this setting is hacky. And besides, there has to be a way to disable EAX in BASS itself.

    Source: http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=5563

    So give the above a try and let us know if it worked.

  10. If it is "very often" then I recommend disabling the dx draw functions to see if it is that and then if it is disable only some until eventually the cause is found.

  11. Just keep checking that bug report every few days then you'd need to get an updated version, depends whether the problem is in MTA or the performancebrowser itself. If its in MTA then you'd need a new nightly if the problem was in performancebrowser you'd need to get an updated version of resources.

  12. Though its a good idea and something that anybody could work on, individuals should just have stronger access control system to prevent the theft.

    I would prefer a cheater blacklist, a globally available and use able database, with all detected cheaters but problem with this is that the servers running the cheater detection stuff would be able to modify the script so they could make false positives and get people wrongfully banned from servers that use the system, and thus my idea wouldn't work.

  13. I forced 170 players to enter the alhambra, I didn't notice any frame rate drop and didn't hear anyone report a frame rate drop which is quite a suprise because I warped them all at the same time, I was expecting either a crash or frame rate drop but got neither:


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