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Everything posted by HunT

  1. Models from Valve Games like : Half Life 2 - Portal 2 - Counter Strike (open the spoiler) Programs: Steam Games GCFScape Object Viewer (crafty) VTFEdit Spark TxdWorkShop 3DS Max + Scripts PhotoShop CollEditor2 -------------------------------------------------- Models from Dayz Standalone Programs: Steam Dayz Standalone BinPbo P3D Analyzed Oxygen 2 TexView 2 3DS max + scripts Photoshop TxdWorkShop Spark CollEditor2
  2. 1: Go to scoreboard resource 2: Open with NotePad dxscoreboard_client.lua 3: Add this + or - on 700 line ( check the image ) elseif column.name == "Level" then dxDrawImage( topX+theX, y-s(0.5), 30, 30, content, 0, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) 4: Example from my old scoreboard Full image : http://i.imgur.com/28dziCE.png
  3. Yes u can but you need : 3DSmax + Scripts + Experience. If you have .obj and texture is really easy to convert ( after training ). I have make a bit tutorial how convert .obj .tga to .dff .txd If u need help i can.
  4. Edit : I have fix the problem with RWAnalyze http://www.mediafire.com/download/73e8w ... ra_fix.zip
  5. Give me the files .dff .txd
  6. Sure. U want play the video in screen or other?
  7. Go here : http://tf3dm.com/3d-models/electronics Select the object and convert , if u cant i can convert easy.
  8. HunT

    [WIP] Mask Shop

    I have abbandoned the project Anyway i have convert 12 masks (Power Ranger and similar) http://www.mediafire.com/download/a77b9 ... /Masks.zip Easy with attachElementToBone because i have edit the X Y Z 0 0 0 in 3DS max. Have fun
  9. Prima hai parlato di video poi di visualizzazione pagina. Spiegami precisamente cosa intendi fare. Per quanto riguarda l ultimo argomento e quasi logico perché lo script è client, quindi succede solo a chi va ad effettuare il comando. Per risolvere devi fare server e client. Purtroppo solo la sera sto al pc, stasera ti faccio un esempio.
  10. HunT

    Custom objects

    http://tf3dm.com Probably is the best site web because 90% of model are .obj or .3ds with complete texture, easy convert for MTAsa. If u need help i can.
  11. Probabilmente manca qualche parametro nella funzione createZombie, non credo basti solo X Y Z
  12. Ecco la funzione per fare in restore. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Re ... orldModels Quando vai ad eliminare un oggetto devi usare tutto il materiale presente nella cartella, ora non ricordo bene perche rispondo con l iphone.
  13. Info Here : viewtopic.php?f=134&t=88900
  14. Ecco il mio primo tutorial su come convertire qualsiasi oggetto 3D per MTAsa. Per questo tutorial ho scelto la USP-S Orion di CS:GO (che ho anche nell' inventario di steam ) Per prima cosa la lista dei tools che ci vogliono : 1: 3Ds MAX + Scripts 2: PhotoShop 3: TXD WorkShop (Questo programma serve per editare un file .txd) 4: Spark (Questo programma serve per fare l' export del materiale .dff .txd) 5: VTFEdit (Questo programma serve per convertire la texture di csgo in .png o .tga, per altri modelli non servirà questo) Modello 3D .obj di CSGO Scaricabile da qui : http://blog.counter-strike.net/workshop/resources.html Texture della USP-S Orion che ho trovato qui : http://csgo.gamebanana.com/skins/139397 Ecco il video : Resource : http://www.mediafire.com/download/fcfx6 ... x/usps.zip Per qualsiasi chiarimento o altro puoi postare qui.
  15. HunT


    You are welcome.
  16. Nice Job I tried to use createBrowser with engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture and work fine.
  17. Why you no reply my old question? Anyway is a executeCommandHandler. Add this function down on racevoting_server.lua addCommandHandler('buymap', function( player, command, ... ) local query = #{...}>0 and table.concat({...},' ') or nil if not query then if g_ForcedNextMap then outputRace( 'Next map is ' .. getMapName( g_ForcedNextMap ), player ) else outputRace( 'Next map is not set', player ) end return end local map, errormsg = findMap( query ) if not map then outputRace( errormsg, player ) return end if g_ForcedNextMap == map then outputRace( 'Next map is already set to ' .. getMapName( g_ForcedNextMap ), player ) return end g_ForcedNextMap = map outputChatBox('' .. getPlayerName( player )..' Buy Next map ' .. getMapName( g_ForcedNextMap ) .. '', g_Root, 255, 200, 0) end )
  18. HunT

    Cursor enter/leave

    All what you need is local Target = false function YourFunction() if (not Target) then return end local sX, sY, wX, wY, wZ = getCursorPosition() local oX, oY, oZ = getCameraMatrix() local hit, hitX, hitY, hitZ, hitEl = processLineOfSight(oX, oY, oZ, wX, wY, wZ) if (hit and hitEl and isElement(hitEl)) then if (getElementType(hitEl) == "object") then -- You code here elseif (getElementType(hitEl) == "ped") then -- You code here end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, YourFunction) Mhh now i cant try Tnx
  19. HunT

    Cursor enter/leave

    i have find that in the editor_gui/client/guiGetMouseOverElement.lua --GUI's onClientMouseMove is flawed in the fact that it does not trigger when you move your mouse without a gui element on top --this script works around that for the highlighter when the mouse is not on top of gui --it also provides a guiGetMouseOverElement to retrieve the current mouse over element. local worldDetector function createWorldDetector() worldDetector = guiCreateProgressBar ( 0,0,1,1,true ) guiSetAlpha ( worldDetector, 0 ) guiMoveToBack( worldDetector ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIWorldClick",worldDetector,function() if source == worldDetector or source == getRootElement() then guiMoveToBack(worldDetector) end end ) end local mouseOverElement = false addEventHandler ( "onClientMouseMove", getRootElement(), function ( cursorX, cursorY ) if not isGUICreated then return end if source == worldDetector then hideHighlighter() mouseOverElement = false else showHighlighter(source) mouseOverElement = source end end ) function guiGetMouseOverElement() return mouseOverElement end Only the PRO scripter can make the useful function mouse enter/leave like in map editor.
  20. HunT

    Cursor enter/leave

    Again here about that MTAsa really need the events onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave like onClientClick. I need start the function if the cursor enter in the world objects. Any solution? Tnx
  21. HunT

    [WIP] Mask Shop

    Upgrade Power Rangers ( Threule help)
  22. HunT

    [WIP] Mask Shop

    Nice Before start the project i have find in the community similar project but with 0 found, this is the motive. If you want i can stop the project because i release open source. This is not "stolen" idea because i dont know you mask system in you server. Edit: anyway you project replace the cj clothes maybe. My project dont replace the clothes.
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