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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. Yes, but will anyone do such a thing?
  2. another stupid dickhead fucking girl SEXWITHARETARD
  3. To get the latest script click below, remember this is incomplete! c_core : http://pastebin.com/W46QjvR1 s_core : http://pastebin.com/5URwcGNa
  4. that i good. he deserves to die q. im happeh. are u?
  5. Aweessooome! Now please find the text translation service and tell me it, :3
  6. "ok , now from the whole post you just sow that word !" It's saw not sow. I saw not sow a monster. How can you sow a monster, it is too big to sown. Well, considering you are a beginner, g00d job. and yes, i saw that word only
  7. "Credit For [ JR10 ] For Helping Me in The 1nd Release" It's first (1st) not firsternd (1nd)
  8. I fixed it, what was the point of your post, what is sooo funny lol?
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