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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. also bad aligning of location
  2. Calm down... no need to get angry for something so trivial.
  3. the fact it still has dkr means its living from an old age. show it from the server browser.
  4. spawnPlayer addEventHandler dxDrawText bindKey unbindKey
  5. An update to DragMeter has been made! Integers now work and boundary snapping on overflow is added, for a detailed explanation check the commit description: https://code.google.com/p/hedit/source/detail?r=184
  6. Link: https://code.google.com/p/hedit/source/detail?r=183
  7. Yes it is continued. If you've got any requests feel free to post them and I'll consider adding them into the roadmap.
  8. So it's tig (or as wikipedia says, tag).
  9. My code applies to all vehicles as long as it has a gang set. My code should be independent to vehicle creation. But ignore this advice for now and follow it later.
  10. Okay. So first I'll explain the event. function limitVehiclesToGang(player) local userGang = getElementData(player, "gang") -- This needs to be set local vehicleOwner = getElementData(source, "gang") -- This needs to be set if vehicleOwner and (userGang ~= vehicleOwner) then outputChatBox("You don't own this vehicle.", player) cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleEnter", root, limitVehiclesToGang) You want to modify the message, and make sure that the element data is set. The GUI seems really simple.
  11. You need: onClientVehicleEnter to detect when someone enters the car, you then want to cancelEvent to prevent them from entering. Since car locks are synced (iirc) you can't use locking mechanisms to prevent certain players from entering. You might want to use outputChatBox to say why they can't enter. Create a function that detects if a player is in a gang. Something like "getPlayerGang". When creating vehicles set an element data saying which gang owns it. Then when entering compare getPlayerGang with that element data and only cancel if they aren't the same. Good luck. Well then you could've just explained it to him, like he said. He asked for "someone to explain how to create it for him, but to give him the script if possible".
  12. Sorry for the terrible bump, but what is this resource?
  13. Can't wait for the code, nice work!
  14. Please send messages like this through private messages, you're not contributing anything to the discussion by telling use to add you as a Skype contact.
  15. Markus I can't believe you said this seemed good. Addin colours, a couple buttons and a rules tab is stupid. Rules should be in the help window, colors are distracting and real admins should not use the admin revoking/providing button. If you have a feature to provide, don't rerelease admin, submit a patch. Finally that was the most pointless bump ever.
  16. memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=60500 No idea why I had that..
  17. Firstly, don't add it to Console. Secondly, your meta.xml should contain "aclrequest" nodes to make things simpler.. Finally, the console will throw an error if the acl rights aren't passed. It'll ask you to input a command to fix it. Or just add resource.login to the Admin acl.
  18. w3schools is terrible. Only fools use it. Read http://w3fools.com.
  19. You said something is wrong, but you haven't told us what is wrong. What is the issue? Is that your entire code?
  20. Can you give an example other expected generated queries? I don't quite understand your example.
  21. So just use one callback. First arg is the input value. If callback returns true then don't hide it. This allows flexible error management.
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