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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. Yes, do what he said and you'll probably get a port that ISNT 22005 (or it might be, but you're using a shared IP because you paid for the server, so it's unlikely). So after you get the port number from getServerHttpPort or by looking in your server configuration you do this: http://ip:port For example: http://ffsgaming.net:22005
  2. qaisjp

    The last reply

    spoderman to the resuce
  3. Okay, forgive me for the triple bump. I tried deleting the last one but it wouldn't let me! Handling Editor 2.1 has released! Download it here New with 2.1: DragMeter! Drag the buttons in the editor to quickly modify the variable! ACL access control! Limit access to hedit by a simple ACL right: resource.hedit.access Revised GUI design Various bugfixes
  4. Ah! Sorry, wow! Yeah, I'll get one up right now! I'm going to move EVERYTHING to GitHub now. Especially since Gcode has removed the downloads feature. So, I'll post anothr message with all the details.
  5. Perhaps you could remove openFrame now, it's deprecated - and pretty useless since the release of MTA OOP
  6. To fix the issue, you should just do setElementInterior(player, 0) But to disable it altogether, you can do: toggleControl
  7. What do you think? lol There is no doubt that RP sucks in MTA. We've seen it all.
  8. Nobody will give you the script (unless they are stupid and incompetent or if its a community resource) in the forum. You need to learn.
  9. You need to use these: addEventHandler "onPlayerSpawn" setPlayerHudComponentVisible
  10. I learnt from the code of others, but there's no need to have to gain it illegitimately... there are great resources coded brilliantly that you can learn from.
  11. I love freeroam, freeroam brought me into the MTA scene. But is it dead?
  12. Here are the functions you could use: addEventHandler cancelEvent fileRead fileOpen fileClose fileGetSize xmlLoadFile xmlNodeGetValue xmlFindChildren string.find outputChatBox
  13. Physics cannot be applied to objects at the moment You could try and make a physics object (certain objects have physics inbuilt), make it invisible and attach your object to the physobject. moveObject is useless if you want to interact with it easily.
  14. You clearly do not know how to script so get out unless you're asking for help. Ignore him. His code is wrong.
  15. but seriously, what's new with this?
  16. "return". Below line 20 put "return" It stops the function.
  17. This isn't a tutorial, it's a "useful function".
  18. Great stuff. If you could move it to the Tutorials section and link to it in the forum post, it'd be great
  19. Hey, I've created a sweet introduction into using the object orientated features of MTA coming soon in MTA 1.4. I hope you enjoy it If you've contributed by editing and tweaking the wiki page, if you've benefited from this tutorial, or if you have anything to say; please give me feedback on here Enjoy.
  20. qaisjp

    Script Stolen

    There's a place for this. viewtopic.php?f=31&t=45807 If he stole one of your scripts, you probably can't take care of them probably. It's not our job to look after you if you can't look after yourself. For future reference: ONLY USE THIS SECTION TO SHOW OFF RESOURCES
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