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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. Instead, go to admin panel > double click resource > settings (delay == 70000)
  2. qaisjp

    8192. Again.

    Yes, I suppose this would be nice, but really, the other things are more important.
  3. qaisjp

    Scripting help.

    What type of scripting help? Roleplay...freeroam etc...
  4. I usually store the coordinates as strings and use for i,v in pairs(hospitalsTable) do x = gettok(v, 1, string.byte(",") y = gettok(v, 2, string.byte(",") z = gettok(v, 3, string.byte(",") outputChatBox(x..", "..y..", "..z) end but the code solidsnake provided is better.
  5. qaisjp

    TXD Unloader?

    When I am talking about only the infernus, I have 50 other dff/col/txd. So I won't be reuploading 'em all. I don't care about the player warping out when replacing txd/dff/col but the problem is when I use destroyElement on the TXD element it returns false for some reason, I know the element exists 'cos getElementType(txdElement) == "txd"
  6. qaisjp

    TXD Unloader?

    I just tested it now, and it turns out it when i do destroyElement on the txd/dff/col element it always returns false/nil. anyhelp?
  7. Add this after creating the window: guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Window[1], false) Now add this: local misc = guiGetVisible(GUIEditor_Window[1]) guiShowCursor(not misc) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor_Window[1], not misc) to a command handler
  8. Maybe when you have kept it zipped it would show an error saying it needs to be unzipped. Probably create a dummy xml file and if it isn't created show the error :£
  9. Maybe first start GG then start gg-smallville
  10. Wojak, then how is it called getElementsWithinColShape when it doesn't support anything except peds/vehs. Then it should be called getPedsOrVehsWithinColShape or something like that. It should detect all types of elements.
  11. Use the resource autoteams > www.community.multitheftauto.com
  12. qaisjp

    NO! Handling

    I don't only need it for handling. I need it for something else too. (The downhill thing)
  13. qaisjp

    NO! Handling

    I have made a resource with a friend that detects and warns the player that he has handling modifications. I have a clean handling and I recently became aware that it also detects when going downhill. I need a bit of help in this, cos when people set their position to something high and go dropping down in a car this sometimes goes to 500kmph (Especially when I created a tram and warped my ped into it) Code: local playerVehicleTimer = { } local playerCaught = { } local maxSpeedList = { 160, -- Landstalker (and so on and on and on in a proper order) } function detectSpeedMod(thePlayer) if isElement(thePlayer) then if (playerCaught[thePlayer] == false) then local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) if (theVehicle == false) then playerCaught[thePlayer] = false if (playerVehicleTimer[source] ~= false and playerVehicleTimer[source] ~= nil) then killTimer(playerVehicleTimer[thePlayer]) end playerVehicleTimer[thePlayer] = nil return end local id = getElementModel(theVehicle) local speedX, speedY, speedZ = getElementVelocity(theVehicle) local actualSpeed = math.floor(((speedX ^ 2 + speedY ^ 2 + speedZ ^ 2) ^ (0.5)) * 100 * 1.61) local i = (id - 399) local percentage = math.floor(((actualSpeed * 100) / maxSpeedList[i]) - 100) if (percentage >= 21) then -- The player is using speedmod or has a modified handling.cfg. -- We report it. triggerEvent("reportToStaffLog", getRootElement(), thePlayer, "Speedmod / Modified handling", getVehicleName(theVehicle) .. " (+" .. tostring(percentage) .. "%)") playerCaught[thePlayer] = true return end playerVehicleTimer[thePlayer] = setTimer(detectSpeedMod, 5000, 1, thePlayer) end end end Don't worry about the calling of the function. So how to make it detect if the player is going downhill. Could you provide me a function like isPlayerVehicleGoingDownwards()
  14. qaisjp


    Gr,I hate command line - despite the fact i use it all the time - Okay Thanks again Antibird and proracer. EDIT: EPIC ^ [ size = 1 ] [/ size]
  15. pwnage - However the best login panel I have come across is the login panel made by NeXtreme.
  16. It's not exactly stealing unless you compile+license it.
  17. Here is what you need to do: Realise we are not here to help you steal
  18. qaisjp


    Aha, so is this also why I see local function jaja() end sometimes? So this function is only accessible and visible to the file ? So I can keep one function called changeText in multiple files (different) and they will only run the one in the file ? THANKS
  19. qaisjp


    What is the real difference between the following two things. This: helloText = "Hello World" and local helloText = "Hello World" Yes I am talking about "local" - What is it exactly? How does it change when you type/dont type it? Please help
  20. qaisjp

    Basic resource

    The Multi Theft Auto Community - Home of redistributable resources, get em' here, basic or not.
  21. I think it is possible, but you would have to make it detect where to find it. Anythingis possible in lua
  22. You mean: /close /close /close /close i resolved it but thanks for the help solidsnake14
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