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Everything posted by qaisjp

  1. As shown in API, what's the 'debug' param for? (I did ask on IRC a few times, but I didn't get a response)
  2. i sincerely doubt that any ssd's have incompatibilities with any RAM
  3. go here bro: http://reddit.com/r/buildapcforme i did this about three weeks ago, http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcforme/c ... ing_build/ - one week later, I have a PC To build it, just watch a video on youtube and ask someone who knows what they're doing on the internet in IRC (i.e, buildapcforme IRC)
  4. Yeah that was one of my first ideas, but I don't want to cause any possible performance issues with the client. Still I can agree with you on this one, but I will avoid it until I know there is no other answer. I would prefer to download the 5kb also over this idea, but gj anyway. Look below: This gave me an idea. Since You need shaders to apply the texture to the entity anyway, how about changing texture filtering modes as well. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library ... 85%29.aspx // // Example shader - filter_simple.fx // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// texture gCustomTex0 : CUSTOMTEX0; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Techniques /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// technique hello { pass P0 { // Set the texture Texture[0] = gCustomTex0; MinFilter[0] = Point; MagFilter[0] = Point; } } Brilliant
  5. rain, this is because unpack is defined for indexed tables, not dictionary tables. You're essentially writing a "tutorial" to make unpack support the wrong syntax You're also using tables wrong. Tables don't have nil values. It might sound like it does. But it doesn't. When t[key] == nil, it denotes the absence of a value. t[key] = nil removes the value.
  6. This is useless as a means of backdoor prevention. Command arguments and any other method of input can be used. Think konami code.
  7. not really everything but almost everything tell us what you can't do.
  8. Or how about virtual ram disk: Creating files to a virtual ram disk: local f = File("$magic_fix.ext"); --$ symbol is for the ram disk f:write("magic contents"); f:close(); engineLoadTXD("$magic_fix.ext"); createShader("$magic_fix.ext"); This could open up many possibilities and allows faster temporary file manipulation.
  9. function getServerName() return "LOOL antisteal server name" end
  10. Javascript is a clusterfck of fck. Just saying. Garry is wrong.
  11. Writing wrapper functions make this method useless.
  12. LinKin, use https://github.com/sbx320/lua_utils If you want something less powerful, try http://github.com/kikito/middleclass
  13. I still remember 1.0.3. This is AWESOME
  14. Awesome work, but you really should use the package control instead of a manual install. https://sublime.wbond.net/
  15. Thanks guys! I'm not quite sure what to put on the page, but I'll link some extra useful links on there. You may want to try this, but I'm going to try to convince the devs to make this possible. However, it wouldn't be applied to element data - something like player.data["myvar"]=value may be done instead. Ah! Thanks. The procedural code was wrong too (I missed out the boolean values for the functions, so this is probably why the OOP counterpart was incorrect too!)
  16. qaisjp

    1.4 Beta Release

    Yay MTA OOP! Thank you to all the people that brought OOP to MTA! I love you guys
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