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Everything posted by GodFather

  1. I've been following this project for years already and any progress made was when Towncivilian was involved for a short period of time and nothing since then. And if my memory servres me well that was like 2011. Its been 3 years without any activity, the irc channel is dead along with the website. I know you want it finished but lets be realistic it won't be finished. There isn't even that big interest in the III & VC anymore. And even if there was any, there are VC:MP and LU(but I think that died also).
  2. GodFather

    Green Candy

    The activity on assembla is related to some export tool from PC to PS2. So don't get your hopes up. I have no idea why he isn't doing the green(eir) stuff.
  3. GodFather

    Green Candy

    Well I've seen some activity on assembla repo but nothing major. So don't get your hopes up.
  4. U server konzolu upiši 'openports' i pogledaj jesu ti svi portovi otvoreni.
  5. This is really amazing, well done man.
  6. Zar Zerb nije iz Poljske? Koliko ja znam rođen je u Srbiji a trenutno živi u Ujedinjenom Kraljestvu.
  7. Zerb nam je dovoljan jer ovo je neaktivan section ovak i onak.
  8. Textures: GhostRider Shaders: AngerMAN Map: GodFather The map itself isn't anything special like I said in the description but the work done on the texturing and shaders are amazing. Of course if someone doesn't like that it can be disabled.
  9. No, you need to create that content yourself with Lua scripting.
  10. Ma ja sam mappao race mape ali sada više ništa.
  11. Ja sam ti aktivan ovdje ali ne bavim se skriptanjem tako da ti nisam mogao pomoć.
  12. GodFather

    FPS Cap

    You can set your fps(local) limit by pressing f8 and typing "fps_limit = number" (without "") but you must know that if a server set a limit to 50 FPS you can't have higher than that but you can limit to have for an example 30FPS or lower.
  13. Just amazing. Btw are you using the map from Lost Alpha and the earlier builds of Shadow of Chernobly?
  14. GodFather


    Not totally sure but thoes mods probably eat your RAM and thus decrease your FPS over time(this could be totally wrong, so don't take my word on it!). Try playing non modded server and see if it will happen.
  15. I've seen something like this before, but cool anyway!
  16. GodFather

    Green Candy

    No there isn't any way to do that. Eir is a build of its own. You need Eir client and server to be able to play.
  17. No its not. Cleo is for SP but samp doesn't block them for some odd reason. I guess they like hackers.
  18. Primi se posla, kreni učit skriptat pa ti neće nitko trebat. Sada ovo je prepostavka da tražiš skriptera ali tko zna možda samo želiš znati tko sve skripta, hmm.
  19. Bonsai just stay at DDC if they ever finish it, lolololololo.
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