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Everything posted by e-Hate

  1. Any other comments or suggestions? Because I'm currently working on my -Vol 3-
  2. Thanks, I've got puma, the most updated version... only problem is... when you drive through the puma marker, it outputs in chat certain numbers on each of 3 lines. I've gathered that it's the RGB color of the corona. so if u drive through a corona... and it's puma script lifts u up.. then in chat it would say" "Now starting map.... [DM]eHate - Vol 3- Blha blah blah 0 0 128"
  3. Which do you think is better?
  4. Hey Everyone! So in the alternative to using the ramp in my newest race map.. I've decided I'll make it so the player is driving and then hits a corona, and jumps into the air, and then lands... So I have a question.. where can I get the most recent version of Puma Markers? I've tried googling this sh!t already and came up with nothing... Also, do you think I should use something other than Puma? I'm using version 1.5 which I got from someone elses map.. and when I enter the corona it outputs "0 0 255" into the chatbox... which I don't want.. D: Help? -eHate
  5. wow.. that sounds cool. ETA? lol
  6. fantastic job. Do you give download links? (For private practice)
  7. Rofl.. no.. like .. look below, here are some screenshots from the map I'm working on now.. eHate - Vol 3 - Space Bound: http://imgur.com/a/tMZ44#0 As you can see I have a large jump... then there's a landing strip. I was wondering how the pro mappers determine where the car will land once it goes off the jump. So that the car lands on the strip rather than in the water.. or hitting a rock or something.
  8. Hey everyone, My name is e-Hate... And.. I've got a rather noob question for ya.. lol When I'm making my maps most of the time if I want a jump done.. for instance if I'm having my track go straight and narrow, then jump off of a water jump... I want to be able to tell where the player will land.. so what I do is I stop editor.. start race.. start my map.. and drive. This is a VERY in-effective means of telling where the player will land since I then have to try and remember the landing spot D: I know this sounds rediculous, but how do you more experienced mappers tell where the player will land? Thanks, e-Hate
  9. lol, is there anyone out here that would be able to help me film my future maps? Also @ Benox, lol I was trying to do like in some of Tulio's videos. PS - I edited the main post to include the download link.
  10. Lol this is by far the BEST recording I've ever gotten When I run fraps and play my game.. it's just... EPIC lag. D: this is my friend recording me... lol via Hamachi!
  11. Hey everyone! Here is my second race map, which I made with Hoffman0070. Watch it in HD! And I hope you like it! Please Comment: http://www.mediafire.com/?7sab2fqd3vqahw4
  12. Check your PM's. and thank you
  13. Thats what i was just thinking... there must be something in the .map.... what kind of program should I use to find out about my .map error? I'll start looking around, but if you find something before I do please post here. Or if you know the solution.
  14. map made in 1.1 but I tested it in both versions.. I also tried opening mta_server.exe in both versions, problem persists.
  15. -.-' yes of coarse. lol, The map is 50% made, so there are a lot of objects, spawns, car changes etc, everything works fine until now.. D: I can post the meta.xml if you need... <meta> <file src="song.mp3"></file> <script src="music.lua" type="client"></script> <script src="client.lua" type="client"></script> <info gamemodes="race" type="map" name="[DM]eHate_Vol2_We_Found_Love_Ft_Hoffman0070" author="eHate" version="1.0.5" description="map"></info> <map src="[DM]eHate_Vol2_We_Found_Love_Ft_Hoffman0070.map" dimension="0"></map> <settings> <setting name="#minplayers" value="[ 0 ]"></setting> <setting name="#maxplayers" value="[ 32 ]"></setting> <setting name="#gravity" value="[ 0.008000 ]"></setting> <setting name="#weather" value="[ 0 ]"></setting> <setting name="#time" value="2:0"></setting> <setting name="#locked_time" value="[ false ]"></setting> <setting name="#waveheight" value="[ 0 ]"></setting> <setting name="#gamespeed" value="[ 1 ]"></setting> <setting name="#ghostmode" value='[ "true" ]' /> <setting name="#vehicleweapons" value='[ "true" ]' /> <setting name="#duration" value="[ 600 ]" /> </settings> </meta>
  16. Thanks for moving and sorry for posting in the wrong place. Also if it's any help, some objects in the .map file have this instead of the normal object:
  17. Hello MTA community, First off I want to thank you for taking the time to read this and respond promptly. You see me and my race mapping partner are currently making a race map, however we have a deadline to catch, so we would appreciate all the help possible. When testing out our map, we get the following error: [11:43:30] Starting [DM]-eHate--Vol-2--We_Found_Love--Ft-Hoffman0070 [11:43:33] INFO: onGamemodeMapStart([DM]-eHate--Vol-2--We_Found_Love--Ft-Hoffman0070) [11:43:33] Map '[DM]-eHate--Vol-2--We_Found_Love--Ft-Hoffman0070' started. Map '[DM]-eHate--Vol-2--We_Found_Love--Ft-Hoffman0070' started. Error loading map [DM]-eHate--Vol-2--We_Found_Love--Ft-Hoffman0070 Changing to random map in 5 seconds [11:43:33] start: Resource '[DM]-eHate--Vol-2--We_Found_Love--Ft-Hoffman0070' started [11:43:33] WARNING: race\racemap.lua:70: Error while loading [DM]-eHate--Vol-2--We_Found_Love--Ft-Hoffman0070: no <race /> node in meta.xml [11:43:33] INFO: Error loading map [DM]-eHate--Vol-2--We_Found_Love--Ft-Hoffman0070 I've already tried google'ing it, and searching the forums, I've found no good answers. I've already tried deleting editor_test and editor_dump and the problem persists.
  18. Not to open an old topic.. but I'm having this error now, any help?
  19. I already had the most recent resources.... But now I can't even open my map thanks to this issue: viewtopic.php?f=104&t=37344
  20. Hey Everyone! First off, I have a feeling this is in the wrong place, and I apologize. Secondly, I enjoy making maps for racing servers... however, lately Map Editor has been EXTREMELY buggy (Mta 1.1 most recent version) and I made it pretty far in the map, I have several vehicle change pickups too. They work. After I have the racers go up a angel winged wallride, I have them go down a large tunnel, where they pick up a Infernus from a Sandking... for some reason it's not changing the vehicle to an Infernus... I tested the map numerous times with mtaserver.exe but it just doesn't change the vehicle... Please help, eHate
  21. Yes, It's been really REALLY buggy these past 2 weeks. And yes, I'm trying to open race maps. Lol
  22. I think we have similar problems... You're url doesn't work btw... but I will have saved my maps and then when I go to re-open them it just sits at the open map screen and never opens them... Also, The latest patch of MTA SA doesn't help the problem.. D: Hope we get a solution! eHate
  23. Just a quick thought, what if in the next major update, we included the ability to do the following things in map editor (if they are even possible ) 1: The ability to select multiple objects, and move/edit them as one. 2: The ability to make objects bigger or smaller. I don't know if this is even possible.... but That would be absolutly amazing. Thoughts? e-Hate
  24. Okay.. So i've searched far and wide and can't find a real answer to this problem... I have a race map that I'd like to play myself... what I want to do is play it a few times, edit things as needed, and proceed. When I open the map in map editor and click on Test -> Race, I get the following: [03:13:28] Map '[DM]e-Hate ft.Haterz - Infernus Rollas' started. Map '[DM]e-Hate ft.Haterz - Infernus Rollas' started. [MAP]: [DM] e-Hate ft.Haterz - Infernus Rollas' [Music] - Britney spears - I wanna go [Music] - Press 'M' onoff music [b][03:13:28] start: Resource 'editor_test' started [03:13:28] WARNING: race\racemap.lua:70: Error while loading editor_test: no <race /> node in meta.xml [/b][03:13:28] INFO: Error loading map editor_test Error loading map editor_test Changing to random map in 5 seconds ' Please help me! I've looked all over! lol Thanks e-Hate
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